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" Sometimes with secure delight The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecks sound To many a youth and many a maid, Dancing in the chequered shade, And young and old come forth to play On a sunshine holiday, Till... "
Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry, Selected for ... - Seite 714
von Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 1008 Seiten
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The Gem book of poesie, by the author of 'The ancient poets and poetry of ...

Gem book - 1846 - 398 Seiten
...sheaves ; Or, if the earlier season lead, To the tann'd haycock in the mead. Sometimes, with secure delight, The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecks sound To many a youth, and many a maid, Dancing in the chequer'd shade ; And young and old...
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Poetry for Home and School ...

1846 - 438 Seiten
...sheaves ; Or, if the earlier season lead, To the tanned haycock in the mead, Sometimes with secure delight The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecks sound To many a youth and many a maid, Dancing in the checkered shade ; And young and old come...
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Introduction to American Literature: Or, The Origin and Development of the ...

Eliphalet L. Rice - 1846 - 432 Seiten
...sheaves ; Or, if the earlier season lead, To the tann'd haycock in the mead, Sometimes with secure delight, The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecks sound To many a youth and many a maid Dancing in the chequered shade ; And young and old come...
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Half-hours with the best authors, selected by C. Knight, Band 2

Half hours - 1847 - 560 Seiten
...the sheaves, Or, if the earlier season lead, To the tann'd haycock in the mead. Sometimes with secure delight The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecs sound To many a youth, and many a maid, Dancing in the chequer 'd shade ; And young and old come forth...
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Orthophony; Or, The Cultivation of the Voice, in Elocution: A Manual of ...

1847 - 312 Seiten
...practice in this branch of elocution. Example. EURAL HOLIDAY. — Milton, " Sometimes, with secure delight, The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecs sound, To many a youth and many a maid, Dancing in the checkered shade, When young and old come forth...
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L'Allegro and Il Penseroso

John Milton - 1848 - 154 Seiten
...sheaves; Or, if the earlier season lead, Ta the tann'd haycock in the mead. 1 Sometimes with secure delight The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecks sound To many a youth, and many a maid, Dancing in the chequer'd shade; And young and old come...
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Orthophony, Or, The Cultivation of the Voice in Elocution: A Manual of ...

1848 - 310 Seiten
...practice in this branch of elocution. Example. RURAL HOLIDAY. — Milton. " Sometimes, with secure delight, The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rehecs sound, To many a youth and many a maid, Dancing in the checkered shade, When young and old come...
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Orthophony; Or The Cultivation of the Voice in Elocution: A Manual of ...

William Russell - 1849 - 320 Seiten
...practice in this branch of elocution. Example. RURAL HOLIDAY. — Milton. " Sometimes, with secure delight, The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecs sound, To many a youth and many a maid, Dancing in the checkered shade, When young and old come forth...
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Orthopony; Or the Cultivation of the Voice, in Elocution: A Manual of ...

William Russell - 1849 - 310 Seiten
...practice in this branch of elocution. Example. RURAL HOLIDAY. — Milton. " Sometimes, with secure delight, The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecs sound, To many a youth and many a maid, Dancing in the checkered shade, When young and old come forth...
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Poetry for schools

Frederick Charles Cook - 1849 - 144 Seiten
...the mead. Where perhaps some beauty lies, The Cynosurei of neighb'ring eyes. Sqmetimes with secure 3 delight The upland hamlets will invite, When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecks sound To many a youth and many a maid, Dancing in the checker'd shade; And young and old come...
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