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" ... for my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy, and can therefore take a view of nature in her deep and solemn scenes with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delightful ones. "
An Impartial History of the Town and County of Newcastle Upon Tyne and Its ... - Seite 237
von John Baillie - 1801 - 612 Seiten
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McGuffey's New Sixth Eclectic Reader: Exercises in Rhetorical Reading, with ...

William Holmes McGuffey - 1857 - 456 Seiten
...thoughts in timorous minds and gloomy imaginations; but, for my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy; and can, therefore, take a view of nature in her deep and solemn scenes, with the same pleasure, as in her most gay and delightful ones. By this means, I can...
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Pulpit Elocution: Comprising Remarks on the Effect of Manner in Public ...

William Russell - 1861 - 448 Seiten | always | serious | , | "] I do not | know what it | is | "1 to be | melancholy | ; | *T*| | "^ and can | therefore | take a | view of | Nature | **| in her | deep | "] and | solemn | scenes | , | **) with the | same | pleasure | ^ as in her | most ] gay | "*] and dc- 1 lightful...
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The Oxford Thackeray: With Illustrations, Ausgabe 76,Band 13

William Makepeace Thackeray - 1909 - 882 Seiten
...paper on Westminster Abbey (Spectator, No. 26) : — ' For my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy, and can therefore take a view of nature in her deep and solemn scenes with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delightful ones. When I look upon the tombs...
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Foliorum centuriae, selections for translation into Latin and Greek prose ...

Hubert Ashton Holden - 1864 - 592 Seiten LORD CLARENDON 247. REFLECTION ON THE TOMBS IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Though I am .always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy, and can therefore take a view of Nature in her deep and solemn scenes with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delightful ones. By this means I can improve...
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A Hand-book for the Architecture, Sculpture, Tombs, and Decorations of ...

Sir Henry Cole - 1867 - 154 Seiten
...thoughts in timorous minds, and gloomy imaginations ; but for my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy ; and can therefore take a view of nature in her deep and solemn scenes, with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delightful ones. Sly this msans I can...
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The literary reader: prose authors, with biogr. notices &c. by H.G. Robinson

Hugh George Robinson - 1867 - 458 Seiten
...thoughts in timorous minds and gloomy imaginations ; but for my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy ; and can therefore take a view of Nature in her deep and solemn scenes, with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delightful ones. By this means I can improve...
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The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray, Band 19

William Makepeace Thackeray - 1869 - 410 Seiten
...paper on Westminster Abbey (Spectator, No. 26) : — " For my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy, and can therefore take a view of nature in her deep and solemn scenes with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delightful ones. When I look upon the tombs...
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The Four Georges: The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century

William Makepeace Thackeray - 1869 - 414 Seiten
...paper on Westminster Abbey (Spectator, No. 26) : — " For my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy, and can therefore take a view of nature in her deep and solemn scenes with the same pleasure as in . her most gay and delightful ones. When I look upon the...
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The works of William Makepeace Thackeray, Band 19

William Makepeace Thackeray - 1869 - 408 Seiten
...paper on Westminster Abbey (Spectator, No. 26) : — " For my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy, and can therefore take a view of nature in her deep and solemn scenes with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delightful ones. When I look upon the tombs...
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The Four Georges: The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century

William Makepeace Thackeray - 1869 - 414 Seiten
...paper on Westminster Abbey (Spectator, No. 26) : — " For my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy, and can therefore take a view of nature in her deep and solemn scenes with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delightful ones. When I look upon the tombs...
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