Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge, And in the visitation of the winds Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads and hanging them With... The Complete Art of Poetry ... - Seite 332von Charles Gildon - 1718Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
| Lachlan Maclean - 1810 - 570 Seiten
...steep my senses in forgetfulness? — " Wilt thou, upon the high and giddy mast " Seal up the ship-boys eyes, and rock his brains " In cradle of the rude imperious surge; " And in the visitation of the winds, — " And, in the. calmest and the stillest night, " With alt appliances and... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1810 - 458 Seiten
...watch-case, or a common 'larum bell it Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge ; And in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1811 - 512 Seiten
...watch-case, or a common 'larum-bell ? Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge; And in the visitation of the winds, Who. take the ruffian billows by the top, [Exit Page. Curling their monstrous... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1811 - 534 Seiten
...ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rnde imperious surge ; And in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and hanging them With deaf'ning clamours in the slippery clond?. That, with the hurly*,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1810 - 456 Seiten
...watch-case, or a common 'larum bell ?7 Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge ; And in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and... | |
| William Scott - 1814 - 424 Seiten
...A watchcase to a common larum bell ! Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast, Seal up the shipboy's eyes and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge, And in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the tops, Curling their monstrous heads, and... | |
| New Church gen. confer - 1875 - 618 Seiten
...watch-case or a common 'larnm bell ? Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge, And in the visitation of the winds Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and... | |
| Abner Alden - 1814 - 224 Seiten
...watch case to a common larurn bell ? Wilt thou upon the high and giddy-mast, Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge, And, in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - 1816 - 452 Seiten
...watch-case to a common larum-bell? Wilt thou, upon the high and giddy mast, Seal up the ship-bey's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge, And in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and... | |
| Elegant extracts - 1816 - 490 Seiten
...ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brairu In cradle of the rude imperious surge ; And in the visitation of the winds. Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and hanging them With deafning clamors in the slippery clouds. That, with the hurly,... | |
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