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" Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge, And in the visitation of the winds Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads and hanging them With... "
The Complete Art of Poetry ... - Seite 332
von Charles Gildon - 1718
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The Plays of William Shakspeare. ....

William Shakespeare - 1800 - 372 Seiten
...giddy maft Se;il up the ftiipboy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious furge ; And in the vifitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monltrous heads, and hanging them With deaf 'ning clamours in the ilippery clouds, That, with the hurly,...
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The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth

Richard Valpy - 1801 - 114 Seiten
...maft Seal up the ihip-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude, imperious furge ; And And in the vifitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian...Curling their monftrous heads, and hanging them With deaf ning clamors in the llipp'ry fhrouds, That with the hurly Death itfelf awakes? Canft thou, O partial...
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The European Magazine, and London Review, Band 39

1801 - 538 Seiten
...the fhip-boy's eyes,and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious furge, And in the vilitation of the winds ; Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monftrous heads, arid hanging them In' deafening clamours on the fliopery л. а fhrouds, Thatwith the hurly death ¡tfelfawakes."...
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“A” View of Society and Manners in Italy: With Anecdotes Relating to ..., Band 2

John Harwood Moore - 1803 - 506 Seiten
...maft, :,; Seal up the Ship -boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the .rude imperious furge ; And in the vifitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian...Curling their monftrous heads, and hanging them With deaf ning clamours in the 'flipp'ry flirouds ? Can'ft thou, O partial Sleep ! give thy repofe To the...
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King Henry the Fourth: A Historical Play, Teile 1-2

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 156 Seiten, or a common 'larum-bell ? Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge, — And in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Band 5

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 494 Seiten, or a common 'larum bell ? Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge ; And in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare, Band 4

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 630 Seiten
...A watch-case, or a common 'larum bell? Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the shipboy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge; And ia the visitation of the winds, Who take the rulh'an billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads,...
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Solitude:, Band 1

Johann Georg Zimmermann - 1804 - 432 Seiten
...ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brain " In cradle of the rude imperious furge, " And in the vilitation of the winds, " Who take the ruffian billows by the...Curling their monftrous heads, and hanging them " With deaf 'ning clamours in the flippery fhrouds, " That, with the hurly, Death itfelf awakes ? " Canft...
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The Shipwreck: A Poem

William Falconer, James Stanier Clarke - 1804 - 292 Seiten
...deeply impressed Seaman's mind : " Wilt thou, upon the high and giddy Mast, Seal up the Ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains, In cradle of the rude imperious surge; And in the visitation of the Winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top Curling their monstrous heads, and...
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CHARLES MAYO, L.L.B. - 1804 - 582 Seiten, or a common 'larum bell ? Wilt thou, upon the high and giddy mast, seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains, in cradle of the rude imperious surge; and in the visitation of the winds, who take the ruffian billows by the top, curling their monstrous heads, and...
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