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" A quibble is the golden apple for which he will always turn aside from his career or stoop from his elevation. A quibble, poor and barren as it is, gave him such delight that he was content to purchase it by the sacrifice of reason, propriety, and truth.... "
The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal - Seite 287
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: The Adventurer. Philological tracts

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 504 Seiten
...unfiniilied. A quibble is the golden apple for which he will always turn afide from his career, or ftoop from his elevation. A quibble, poor and barren as...delight, that he was content to purchafe it, by the facririce of reafon, propriety, and truth. A quibble was to him the fatal Cleopatra for which he loft...
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Prose on Several Occasions: Accompanied with Some Pieces in Verse, Band 2

George Colman - 1787 - 338 Seiten
...wholly occupied by fome quibbling fcenes in Romeo and Juliet, and the Midfummer's Night's Dream ? " A quibble was to him the fatal Cleopatra for which he loft the world, and was content to lofe it." Has not Mr. J. been as culpably fond of writ, ing upon Quibble, as Shakefpeare in perfuing it? and...
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Prose on Several Occasions: Accompanied with Some Pieces in Verse, Band 2

George Colman - 1787 - 364 Seiten
...wholly occupied by fome quibbling fcenes in Romeo and Juliet, and the Midfummer's Night's Dream ? " A quibble was to him the fatal Cleopatra for which he loft the world, and was content to lofeit." Has not Mr. J. been as culpably fond of writing upon Quibble, as Shakefpeare in perfuing it?...
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The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere: With the Notes of All the ..., Band 1

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 346 Seiten
...barren as it is, gave him such delight, that >he was content to purchase it, by the sacrifice of reason, propriety, and truth. A quibble was to him the fatal Cleopatra for which he lost the world, and was content to lose it. It will be thought strange, that, in enumerating the defects...
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose, Selected ...

Vicesimus Knox - 1790 - 1058 Seiten
...quibble is the golden apple for which he will always turn afide from his career, or ftoop from bis elevation. A quibble, poor and barren as it is, gave...which he loft the world, and was content to lofe it. It will be thought ftrange, that, in enumerating the defects of this writer, I have not yet mentioned...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ...

William Shakespeare - 1793 - 860 Seiten
...unfinished. A quibble is the golden apple for which he will always turn afide from his career, or ftoop from his elevation. A quibble, poor and barren as...delight, that he was content to purchafe it by the faeFifice of reafoi>, propriety and truth. A quibble •was to him the fatal Cleopatra for which he...
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British Synonymy: Or, An Attempt at Regulating the Choice of ..., Bände 1-2

Hester Lynch Piozzi - 1794 - 542 Seiten
...the punfter, that the king is nofubjetf. Doctor Johnfon, who aliens that a QUIBBLE was to Shakefpea e the fatal Cleopatra for which he loft the world, and was content to lofe it, detefted PUNNING, yet always celebrated a reply in which the PLAY OF WORDS was certainly all the merit....
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British Synonymy; Or, An Attempt at Regulating the Choice of Words in ...

Hester Lynch Piozzi - 1794 - 426 Seiten
...punfter, that the king is nofubjeEl. Doctor Johnfon, who afferts that a QUIBBLE was to Shakefpeare the fatal Cleopatra for which he loft the world, and was content to Icfe it, detefted PUNNING, yet always celebrated a reply in which the PLAY OF WORDS was certainly all...
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose ..., Band 1

1797 - 666 Seiten
...afide from his career, or Hoop from Jiis elevation, A quibble, poor and barren as it is, gave him luch delight, that he was content to purchafe it, by the facrifice of rcafon, propriety, and truth. A quibble was to him the fatal Cleopatra for which lie loft the world,...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare. ....

William Shakespeare - 1800 - 330 Seiten
...unfiniihed. A quibble is the golden apple for which he will always turn afide from his career, or ftoop from his elevation. A quibble, poor and barren as...which he loft the world, and was content to lofe it. It will be thought ftrange, that, in enumerating the defefts of this writer, I have not yet mentioned...
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