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" ... there is all Nature cries aloud Through all her works). He must delight in virtue ; And that which He delights in must be happy. But when ? or where ? This world was made for Caesar — I'm weary of conjectures — this must end them. "
Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry, Selected for ... - Seite 683
von Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 1008 Seiten
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The Poetical Preceptor; Or, A Collection of Select Pieces of Poetry ...

1806 - 408 Seiten
...was made for Caesar. I'm weary of conjectures — this must end 'em. [Laying his hand on fits sword. Thus am I doubly arm'd : my death and life, My bane...a moment brings me to an end ; But this informs me T shall never die. The soul, secur'd in her existence, smiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its point....
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The Constant Couple, Or, A Trip to the Jubilee: A Comedy in Five Acts

George Farquhar - 1808 - 338 Seiten
...was made for Caesar : I'm weary of conjectures — this must end them. [Laying his Hand on his Sword. Thus am I doubly arm'd : my death and life, My bane...moment brings me to an end ; But this informs me I shall never die. The soul, secur'd in her existence, smiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its point....
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The British Theatre; Or, A Collection of Plays,: Which are Acted at the ...

Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - 446 Seiten
...was made for Caesar : I'm weary of conjectures — this must end them. [Laying /us Hand on his Sword. Thus am I doubly arm'd : my death and life, My bane...moment brings me to an end ; But this informs me I shall never die. The soul, secur'd in her existence, smiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its point....
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The British Essayists;: Spectator

Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - 308 Seiten
...was made for Caesar, I'm weary of conjectures—This must end them. [Laying bis hand on bis svnrtL ' Thus am I doubly arm'd; my death and life, My bane...a moment brings me to an end; But this informs me 1 shall never die. The soul, secur'd in her existence, smiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its point....
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The Speaker; Or Miscellaneous Pieces: Selected from the Best English Writers ...

William Enfield - 1808 - 434 Seiten
...Caesar. I'm weary of conjectures — this must end 'em. Thus «m I doubly arm'd— My death and life, bane and antidote, are both before me. This in a moment brings me to an end, ; But this informs me I shall never die. The soul secur'd in her existence, smiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its point...
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The Spectator, Band 10

Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele - 1810 - 270 Seiten
...corruent in se invicem, ' Orbesque fractis ingerentur orbibus ; ' Illtcsa tu sedebit extra fragmina.' ' Thus am I doubly arm'd ; my death and life, ' My bane...moment brings me to an end ; ' But this informs me I shall never die. * The soul, secur'd in her existence, smiles ' At the drawn dagger, and defies its...
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The Spectator, Band 15

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 368 Seiten
...weary of conjectures — This must end them. [Laying his hand un his sword. ' Thus am I doubly armed \ my death and life, My bane and antidote, are both...moment brings me to an end ; But this informs me I shall never die. Tlic soirt, secur'd in her existence, smiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its point....
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Poems by Cowley, Waller, Butler, Denham, Dryden, and Pomfret, Ausgaben 77-79

Abraham Cowley - 1810 - 318 Seiten
...weary of conjectures, this must end them. [Laying his hand upon his sward. Thus am I doubly armed : my death and life, my bane and antidote are both before...moment brings me to an end ; but this informs me I shall never die. The soul, secur'd in her existence, smiles at the drawn dagger, and defies it's point....
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Joseph Addison - 1810 - 312 Seiten
...conjectures, this must end them. {Laying his hand upon his tword. ^-^^^-ff^-^Thus am I doubly armed : my death and life, my bane and antidote are both before...moment brings me to an end ; but this informs me I shall never die. The soul, secur'd in her existence, smiles at the drawn dagger, and defies it's point....
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Poems by Cowley, Waller, Butler, Denham, Dryden, and Pomfret, Ausgaben 77-79

Abraham Cowley - 1810 - 318 Seiten
...conjectures, this musl end Weva. [Laying his hand, tifon HU Thus am I doubly armed : my death and lift my bane and antidote are both before me. This in a...moment brings me to an end ; but this informs me I shall never die. The soul, secur'd in her existence, smiles at the drawn dagger, and defies it's point....
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