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" ... there is all Nature cries aloud Through all her works). He must delight in virtue ; And that which He delights in must be happy. But when ? or where ? This world was made for Caesar — I'm weary of conjectures — this must end them. "
Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry, Selected for ... - Seite 683
von Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 1008 Seiten
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The British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, Band 15

British essayists - 1802 - 304 Seiten
...[Laying his hand vu kit i ' Thus am I doubly arm'd ; mv death an 1 life. My bane and antidote, are before me. This in a moment brings me to an end ; But this informs me 1 shall never die. Th« soul, seeur'd in her existence. smiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its...
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Select British Classics, Band 18

1803 - 342 Seiten
...when, or where ! This world was made for Ca'saf, I'm weary of conjectures This must end 'em. Thus I am doubly arm'd ; my death and life, My bane and antidote...are both before me. This in a moment brings me to my end ; But this informs me I shall never die. Secura ridet anitna mucronis minus, Ensesque stricfos,...
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The works of ... Joseph Addison, collected by mr. Tickell, Band 6

Joseph Addison - 1804 - 470 Seiten was made for Caesar. I'm weary of conjectures This must end them. [Laying his hand on his sword. Thus am I doubly arm'd : my death and life, My bane...moment brings me to an end; But this informs me I shall never die. The soul, secur'd in her existence, smiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its point....
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The British drama, Band 1

British drama - 1804 - 946 Seiten
...weary of conjectures — this must end them. [Laying his hand on his sicord. Thus I am doubly armed : my death and life, My bane and antidote, are both...moment brings me to an end ; But this informs me I shall never die. I'he soul, secured in her existence, smiles At the drawn darner, and defies its point....
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The British Drama: Tragedies. 2 v

1804 - 516 Seiten
...weary of conjectures — this must end them. [Laying his hand оп his sa-ard. Thus I am doubly armed : my death and life, My bane and antidote, are both...moment brings me to an end ; But this informs me I shall never die. The soul, secured in her existence, smiles At the drawn dasger, and defies its point....
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The British Drama: pt. 1-2. Tragedies

1804 - 510 Seiten
...weary of conjectures — this must end them. [Laying his hand an his sword. Thus I am doublv armed : my death and life, My bane and antidote, are both before me. This in a moment brings me to an end ; Hnt this informs me 1 shall never die. The soul, secured in her existence, smiles Vt the drawn dnnrer,...
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The British drama, Band 1

British drama - 1804 - 954 Seiten
...weary of conjectures — this must end diem. [Laying hit liana on Ais timrj. Thus I am doubly armed : my death and life, My bane and antidote, are both before me. This in a moment brings me to an end ; Rut this informs me I shall never die. I'hc soul, secured in her existence, smiles At the drawn dagger,...
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The Speaker, Or, Miscellaneous Pieces: Selected from the Best English ...

William Enfield - 1805 - 458 Seiten was made for Csefar, I'm weary of conjeftures—this muft end 'em. Thus am I doubly arm'd—My death and life, My bane and antidote are both before...moment brings me to an end; But this informs me I fhall never die. The foul, fecur'd in her exiftence, fmiles At the drawn dagger, and defies it* point:...
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Letters Between the Rev. James Granger ... and Many of the Most Eminent ...

James Granger - 1805 - 544 Seiten
...made for tiplers. Begone, ye vain conjectures, ftrait I'll end you. * See then the double choice ; my death and life, My bane and antidote, are both before me : This in a month muft bring me to an end, By this fupporred, I may live till ninety. Thus of long life and health...
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A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are Deduced ..., Band 1

Samuel Johnson - 1805 - 972 Seiten
...Mitten. They with speed Their course through thickest constellationshcld, ÍYI fading their bant. Milton. Thus am I doubly arm'd ;' my death and life, My bane and antidote, are botii before me: This, in a moment, brings me to an end ; Bjt that informs me 1 shall never die. AJJistm....
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