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" Lo, the poor Indian ! whose untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind; His soul, proud science never taught to stray Far as the solar walk, or milky way... "
Elegant Extracts: A Copious Selection of Instructive, Moral, and ... - Seite 41
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An Essay on Man

Alexander Pope - 1763 - 150 Seiten the effence of the foul, and to the free exercife of its qualities. 2 Lo, the poor Indian ! whofe untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind } IOO His foul, proud fcience never taught to ftray Far as the folar walk, or milky way ; Yet fimple...
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An Essay on Man: By Alexander Pope, Esq. Enlarged and Improved by the Author ...

Alexander Pope - 1763 - 154 Seiten the effence of the foul, and to the free exercife of in qualities. 2 Lo, the poor Indian ! whofe untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind ; 100 His foul, proud fcience never taught to {tray Far as the folar walk, or milky way ; Yet fimple...
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The Life of Alexander Pope, Esq: Compiled from Original Manuscripts; with a ...

Owen Ruffhead - 1769 - 598 Seiten whom alfo native hath given this commoa iiupe of mankind. " Lo, the poor Indian ! \vhofe untutorM mind " Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the " wind ; " His foul, proud Science never taught to flray " Far as the folar walk, or milky way ; " Yet fimple Nature...
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Essai sur l'homme: poëme philosophique par Alexandre Pope, en cinq langues ...

Alexander Pope - 1772 - 376 Seiten
...uneafy and confin'd from home , Hefts and expatiates in a life to come. Lo , the poor Indian ! whofe untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind; loe His foul , proud Science never taught to ftray Far as the folar walk , or milky way ; Yet funple...
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Der Mensch, ein philosophisches Gedicht

Alexander Pope - 1772 - 374 Seiten
...uneafy and confin'd from home , Refts and expatiates in a life to come. Lo , the poor Indian ! whofe untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds , or hears him in the wind; 100 His foul , proud Science never taught to ftray Far as the folar walk , or milky way ; Yet fimple...
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Bell's Edition, Bände 75-76

John Bell - 1796 - 524 Seiten
...always to be blest. The soul (uneasy and confin'd) from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come. Lo, the poor Indian! whose untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind ; 100 His soul proud Science never taught to stray Far as the Solar Walk or Milky Way; Yet simple nature...
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The Works of the English Poets: Pope

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 414 Seiten
...uneafy, and confin'd from home, Refts and expatiates in a life to come. Lo, the poor Indian ! whofe untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind ; 100 Hit VARIATIONS. After ver. 88. in the MS. No great, no little ; 'tis as much decreed That Virgil's...
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The Beauties of Pope: Consisting of Selections from His Poetical and Prose Works

Alexander Pope - 1783 - 322 Seiten
...uneafy, and confin'd from home, Refts and expatiates in a life to come. Lo, the poor Indian ; whofe untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind ; His foul, proud Science never taught to ftray Far as the folar walk, or milky way; Yet fimple Nature to...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope

Alexander Pope - 1890 - 562 Seiten
...and confined from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come. Lo, the poor Indian ! whose untutored mind Sees God in clouds, or hears Him in the wind;...Yet simple nature to his hope has giv'n, Behind the cloud-topt hill, an humbler heav'n; Some safer world in depths of woods embraced, Some happier island...
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The Speaker: Or, Miscellaneous Pieces, Selected from the Best English ...

William Enfield - 1785 - 462 Seiten
...uneafy and confin'd from home, Refts and expatiates in a life to come. Lo, the poor Indian ! whofe untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind ; His foul proud Science never taught to ftray Far as the folar walk, or milky way ; Yet fimple Nature to...
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