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" ... his afflictions as he ought to do will naturally end in the removal of them: it makes him easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter. "
Young Gentleman and Lady's Explanatory Monitor: A Selection from the Best ... - Seite 118
von Rufus W. Adams - 1818 - 260 Seiten
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The English Reader: Or Pieces in Prose and Poetry Selected from the Best ...

Lindley Murray - 1840 - 270 Seiten
...that I grieve." On the contrary, religion boars a more tender regard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his...afflictions as he ought to do, will naturally end \i the removal of them. It makes him easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter. ADDISCN. SECTION...
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Class Book of Prose: Consisting of Selections from Distinguished English and ...

John Seely Hart - 1845 - 404 Seiten
...regard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his condition : nav, it shows him, that bearing his afflictions as he ought...easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter. DEFOE. (1661-1731.) [DANIEL DEFOE may justly be considered the founder of the English Novel. His Robinson...
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The Hemans Reader for Female Schools: Containing Extracts in Prose and Poetry

Timothy Stone Pinneo - 1847 - 502 Seiten
..."that I grieve." On the contrary, religion bears a more tender regard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the. means of bettering his...easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter. LESSON LIII. SELECT FARAORAPHS. Cheerfulness. FAIR guardian of domestic life! Kind banisher of home-bred...
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Exercises in Rhetorical Reading: With a Series of Introductory Lessons ...

Richard Green Parker - 1849 - 446 Seiten every miserable man the means of bettering his condition; nay, it shows him that the bearing of his afflictions as he ought to do will naturally end...easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter. — Addison. 23* EXERCISE XLVI. Farewell. I-AREWELL — farewell to thee, Araby's daughter! (Thus warbled...
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The Wesley banner and revival record [afterw.] The Wesley banner ..., Band 1

Samuel Dunn - 1849 - 1194 Seiten
...his condition, and showing him that the bearing of his afflictions as he ought to do will certainly end in the removal of them : it makes him easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter.— JB WESLEY AND FLETCHER. AIADY, in Dublin, once addressing herself to Dr. Clarke, on hearing him refer...
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Exercises in Rhetorical Reading: With a Series of Introductory Lessons ...

Richard Green Parker - 1849 - 466 Seiten
...that I grieve." On the contrary, religion bears a more tender regard to 40 human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his condition ; nay, it shows him that the bearing of his afflictions as he ought to do will naturally end in the removal of them. It makes...
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The Spectator [by J. Addison and others] with sketches of the ..., Bände 11-12

Spectator The - 1853 - 554 Seiten
...that I grieve.' On the contrary, religion bears a more tender regard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his condition; nay, it shows him, that the bearing of his afflictions as he ought to do will naturally end in the removal of them; it makes...
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The Channel islands magazine

1853 - 632 Seiten
...Emperor, " that I grieve." Religion bears a more tender regard for human nature. It prescribes to a very miserable man the means of bettering his condition ; nay, it shows him that the bearing his afflictions as he ought to do, will naturally end in the removal of them. It makes...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison: The Spectator [no. 487-600 ...

Joseph Addison - 1854 - 528 Seiten
...that I grieve." On the contrary, religion bears a more tender regard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his condition ; nay, it shows him, that the bearing of his afflictions as he ought to do, will naturally end in the removal of them : it makes...
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The Works of Joseph Addison: Including the Whole Contents of Bp ..., Band 5

Joseph Addison - 1854 - 726 Seiten
...that I grieve.' On the contrary, religion bears a more tender regard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his condition ; nay, it shews him, that the bearing of his afflictions as he ought to do, will naturally end in the removal...
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