| Lindley Murray - 1826 - 286 Seiten
...I grieve." 16 On the contrary, religion bears a more tender regarfl to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his...easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter. ADBISON. SECTION XII. Rank and riches qffbrd no ground for envy. Of all the grounds of envy among men,... | |
 | Lindley Murray - 1826 - 224 Seiten
...he otherwise 16. On the contrary, religion bears a more tender regard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his...him, that bearing his afflictions as he ought to do, wili naturally end in the removal of them. It makes him easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter.... | |
 | Lindley Murray - 1826 - 270 Seiten
...I grieve." 16. On the contrary, religion bears a more tender regard (o human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his...nay, it shows him that bearing his afflictions as lie ought to do, will naturally end in the removal of them. It makes him easy here, because it -can... | |
 | Lindley Murray - 1827 - 286 Seiten
...I grieve." 16. On the contrary, religion bears a more tender regard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his...easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter. to ADDISOIf. SECTION XII. /* Rank and riches afford no ground for envy. 1. OF all the grounds of envy... | |
 | Lindley Murray - 1827 - 262 Seiten
...I grieveV I6 On the contrary', religion bears a more tender regard to human nature*. ft prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his...easy here', because it can make him happy hereafter . ADDISON. SECTION XII. Rank and. riches afford no ground for envy. f\P all the grounds of envy among... | |
 | Lindley Murray - 1827 - 258 Seiten
...regard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable roan the ana of bettering hfe condition : nay, bearing his afflictions as he ought to do, will naturally...easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter-. ADDISOHSECTION XII. Rank and riches afford no ground for envy. OF all the grounds of envy among men,... | |
 | Lindley Murray - 1827 - 308 Seiten
...grieve." ' .^6. On the contrary, religion bears a more tender re•^ard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his condition: nay, it shows him, that beari.ig his afflictions as he ought to do, will naturally end in the removal of them. It makeshim... | |
 | Lindley Murray - 1827 - 262 Seiten
...again: "It is for that very reason," said the emperor, " that I grieve." to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man the means of bettering his condition: nay, it shov,-s him, that bearing his afflictions as he ought to do, will naturally end in the removal of them.... | |
 | Lindley Murray - 1828 - 252 Seiten
...could 16. On the contrary, religion bears a more tender regard to human nature. It prescribes to eveiy miserable man the means of bettering his condition:...them. It makes him easy here, because it can make him hafifiy hereafter. ADDISON. not fetch him again: " It is for that very reason," said th» emperor,... | |
 | Lindley Murray - 1828 - 256 Seiten
...contrary, religion bears a more tender regard to human nature. It prescribes to every miserable man tho means of bettering his condition: nay, it shows him,...easy here, because it can make him happy hereafter. ADDISON. SECTION XII. Rank and Riches afford no ground for Envy. OF all' the grounds, of envy among... | |
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