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" Father of light and life, thou Good Supreme! O teach me what is good; teach me Thyself! Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From every low pursuit; and fill my soul With knowledge, conscious peace, and virtue pure; Sacred, substantial, never-fading... "
The Works of Benjamin Franklin: Containing Several Political and Historical ... - Seite 111
von Benjamin Franklin - 1840
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The Seasons

James Thomson, Robert Heron - 1793 - 384 Seiten
...paft, And broken flumbers, rifes ftill refolv'd, 215 With new-flufh'd hopes, to run the giddy round. FATHER of light and life, thou GOOD SUPREME ! O teach...Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From every low purfuit ! and feed my foul 220 With knowledge, confcious peace, and virtue pure ; Sacred, fubftantial,...
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The Seasons: By James Thomson; with His Life, an Index, and Glossary ...

James Thomson - 1793 - 298 Seiten
...resolv'd, 215 With new-flush'd hopes, to run the giddy round. FATHER of light and life, thou GOOD SUPREME 1 O teach me what is good ! teach me THYSELF ! Save...and vice, From every low pursuit ; and feed my soul 220 With knowledge, conscious peace, and virtue pure ; Sacred, substantial, never-fading bliss ! THE...
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The Evangelical Magazine, Band 10

1802 - 596 Seiten
...'tis God alone ean set me right, And turn my darkness into light, And lead me to the skiei I FATHER of light and life ! thou " Good Supreme ! O teach me what it good ! teach me "Thyself! Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From ev'ry low pursuit I and feed...
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The ambulator; or, The stranger's companion in a tour round London ...

John Bew - 1794 - 358 Seiten
...fatijfaftion of his admirers, in the year of our Lord 1791." Underneath, is this quotation from his " Winter : Father of Light and Life, Thou Good Supreme ! O, teach me what is good ! teach m« Thyfelf ! Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, , From every low purfu'r ! and feed my foul ' With...
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The rudiments of English grammar

T. Bowen - 1799 - 76 Seiten
...roar; When thy proud waves with indignation rife, And dafti thy foamy fury to the tkies. CHAPTER XI. FATHER of light and life ! thou Good Supreme! O teach me what is good! teach me Th)fclf! Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From every low purfuit ! and feed my foul With knowledge,...
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The Seasons: By James Thomson

James Thomson - 1800 - 302 Seiten
...past, And broken slumbers , rises still resolv'd , "With new-flush'd hopes, to run the giddy round. Father of light and life ! thou Good supreme ! O teach...pure ; Sacred, substantial, never-fading bliss ! The keener tempests rise : and fuming dun From all the livid east , or piercing north , Thick clouds ascend...
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The Works of Mr. James Thomson: With His Last Corrections and ..., Band 1

James Thomson - 1802 - 340 Seiten
...visions past, And broken slumbers, rises still resolv'd, With new-flush'd hopes, to run the giddy round. Father of light and life ! thou Good Supreme ! O teach...pure; Sacred, substantial, never-fading bliss ! The keener tempests rise : and fuming dun From all the livid east, or piercing north, Thick clouds ascend;...
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The works of mr. James Thomson, to which is prefixed the life of the ..., Band 1

James Thomson - 1802 - 344 Seiten
...visions past, And broken slumbers, rises still resolv'd, With new-flush'd hopes, to run the giddy round. Father of light and life! thou Good Supreme! O teach...virtue pure; Sacred, substantial, never-fading bliss! A vapoury deluge lies, to snow congeal'd. Heavy they roll their fleecy world along; And the sky saddens...
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The Seasons ...

James Thomson - 1802 - 320 Seiten
...visions past, And broken slumbers, rises still resolv'd, With new flush'd hopes, to run the giddy round. Father of light and life! thou good supreme! O teach...thyself! Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, • From ev'ry low pursuit! and feed my soul With knowledge, consciousjieace, and virtue pure; Sacred, substantial,...
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The Monthly Mirror: Reflecting Men and Manners : with Strictures on ..., Band 16

1803 - 444 Seiten
...satisfaction of his admirers ; In the year of our Lord 1792. • Father of ItRht and life ! thou ^ood supreme * O teach me what is good ! teach me thyself.'...virtue pure. Sacred, substantial, never-fading bliss !" Winter. HINDOO MANUAL AND CREED. (Cmtinuedfrtm VoL XV. p. 3TSJ " IF a Dcwtah should be bold enough...
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