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" For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations of executive agencies by the Committee on Appropriations, to be expended in accordance with section 202 (b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 $500,000; the same as authorized for 1958. "
Legislative Establishment Appropriation Bill - Seite 35
von United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1959
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Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1979: Hearings Before a Subcommittee ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appropriations - 1978 - 1428 Seiten
...3,693,864 21,011,136 Estimated FY '79 $24,705,000 0 24,705,000 COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS Mr. HENSHAW. For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations...executive agencies, by the Committee on Appropriations, and temporary personnel services for the committee, to be expended in accordance with Section 202(b)...
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The Budget of the United States Government: Appendix

United States. Bureau of the Budget - 1963 - 1228 Seiten
...акепыеа, by the Committee on Appropriations, and temporary personal services for such committee, to be expended in accordance with section 202 (b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act, 1946, and to be available for reimbursement to agencies for services performed [$600,000] $660,000....
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The Budget of the United States Government

United States. Bureau of the Budget - 1957 - 1276 Seiten
...executive agencies, by the Committee on Appropriations, and temporary personal services for such committee, _ p`o좯 w )Ʊ g dl £ o vժ ݿ > O _ _ ֋ YX ( 2 *} 6 (M , 1946, and to be available for reimbursement to agencies for services performed, $500,000. (Legislative...
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Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1961: Hearings Before the Subcommittee ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1960 - 318 Seiten
...executive agencies by the Committee on Appropriations, to be expended in accordance with section 202(b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, $500,000, the same as appropriated for 1960. OFFICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL For salaries and expenses for the maintenance of the Office...
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