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" For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations of executive agencies by the Committee on Appropriations, to be expended in accordance with section 202 (b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 $500,000; the same as authorized for 1958. "
Legislative Establishment Appropriation Bill - Seite 35
von United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1959
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Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1980: Hearings Before a ..., Teil 2

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appropriations - 1979 - 1280 Seiten
...payroll. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS Mr. BENJAMIN. Proceed with Committee on Appropriations. Mr. HENSHAW. For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations...executive agencies, by the Committee on Appropriations, and temporary personal services for such committee, to be expended in accordance with section 202(b)...
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Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1995: Appendix

United States. Office of Management and Budget - 1994 - 1094 Seiten
...Appropriations of the House of Representatives. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS (STUDIES AND INVESTIGATIONS) For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations...executive agencies, by the Committee on Appropriations, and temporary personal services for such committee, to be expended in accordance with section 202(b)...
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Budget of the United States Government: Appendix, fiscal year 1996

United States. Office of Management and Budget - 1995 - 1200 Seiten
...Appropriations of the House of Representatives. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS (STUDIES AND INVESTIGATIONS) For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations...executive agencies, by the Committee on Appropriations, and temporary personal services for such committee, to be expended in accordance with section 202(b)...
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Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1960: Hearings Before the Subcommittee ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1959 - 282 Seiten
...questions? APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE INVESTIGATING STAFF If not we will take up the next item which is Appropriations Committee investigating staff. Mr....1946, $500,000, the same as appropriated for 1959. Mr. NORRELL. Any questions? OFFICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL If not, we will go to the next item,...
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Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1959: Hearings Before the Subcommittee ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1958 - 308 Seiten
...appropriated for 1958, there being no change in this paragraph. APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE INVESTIGATING STAFF For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations...Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 $500,000; the same as authorized for 1958. CLERK HIRE, MEMBERS, AND DELEGATES For clerk hire necessarily employed by each...
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Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill, 1952: Hearings Before the ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1951 - 1846 Seiten
...appropriated for 1951, there being no change in this paragraph. APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE INVESTIGATING STAFF For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations...section 202 (b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act, 194G, $225,000, as compared with $185,000, appropriated for the current fiscal year 1951, or an increase...
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United States Congressional Serial Set, Ausgabe 11154

1947 - 1348 Seiten
...such reporters shall be covered into the Treasury as "Miscellaneous Receipts." APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE per use of the reservoir energy in producing any well....the authority of any state. ARTICLE IV Each state 1946," $150,000. Total salaries, Officers and Employees, House of Representatives, fiscal year 1948,...
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Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1975: Hearings Before a Subcommittee ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1974 - 956 Seiten
...3 981 344 24 APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE, INVESTIGATIVE STAFF For salaries and expenses, studies :ind examinations of executive agencies by the Committee...(b) of the "Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946," $1,875,000. These funds were requested by the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. APPROPRIATIONS...
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Hearings, Reports and Prints of the House Committee on Appropriations

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1966 - 586 Seiten
..."Appropriations Committee Investigative Staff" and is to be found at page 33 of the committee print. Mr. Roberts. Mr. ROBERTS. For salaries and expenses, studies and...Appropriations, to be expended in accordance with section 2(>2(b) of the "Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946," $725,000, compared with $700,000 appropriated...
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Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1978: Hearings Before a ..., Teil 1

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appropriations - 1977 - 970 Seiten
...for investigative studies, and the Committee on the Budget in the next item is the same situation. For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations...agencies by the Committee on Appropriations, to be expanded in accordance with section 202 (b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, $2,618,000....
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