Where Angels tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with excess of light. Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed,... The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Seite 371von James Boswell - 1922Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
| Thomas Campbell - 1854 - 278 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw; but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. i Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of Glory Dear Two Coursers of ethereal race," i With necks in thunder cloth'd, and long-resounding pace." III.... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1855 - 272 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers l of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed and long-resounding pace. 1 ' Coursers : ' the heroic... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1855 - 276 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers l of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed and long-resounding pace. 1 ' Coursers : ' the heroic... | |
| Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1856 - 800 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw: but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide...coursers of ethereal race,' With necks in thunder clothed,* and long-resounding pace; III. 3. Hnrk, his hands the lyre explore! Bright-eyed Fancy, hovering... | |
| Joseph Payne - 1856 - 518 Seiten
...tremble whue they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields of glory bear 1 Two coursers 1 of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. III. 3.... | |
| 1857 - 574 Seiten
...encouraged to grow up into too great luxuriance." JOHN DRYDETT. BORN, IC31; Hutu, )?,(i!. Behold I when Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields...coursers of ethereal race ; With necks in thunder clothed, and long resounding pure. Hark 1 — his hands the lyre explore ! Bright-eyed fancy, hovering... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1858 - 196 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide...ethereal race, With necks in thunder cloth'd, and long-resounding pace. III. 3. Hark, his hands the lyre explore ! Bright-eyed Fancy, hov'ring o'er,... | |
| Abraham Mills - 1858 - 608 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with exccess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er...Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. •The 'Ode to Eton College,' the 'Ode to Adversity,' and the far-famed... | |
| Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1858 - 786 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw : but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide...the fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race,1 With necks in thunder clothed,« and long-resounding pace. HI. 3. Hark, his hands the lyre explore... | |
| Joseph Payne - 1859 - 512 Seiten
...saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dry den's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields of glory...coursers' of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. III. 3. Hark ! his hands2 the lyre explore ! Bright-eyed Fancy,... | |
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