Where Angels tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with excess of light. Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed,... The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Seite 371von James Boswell - 1922Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
| Oskar Ludwig Bernhard Wolff - 1852 - 438 Seiten
...tremble , while they gaze, He saw; but, blasted with excess of light, Clos'd his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide...of ethereal race With necks in thunder cloth'd, and long-resounding pace. Hark, his hands the lyre explore! Bright-ey'd Fancy, hovering o'er, Scatters... | |
| Joseph Guy - 1852 - 458 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide...the fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race,t With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. Hark, his hands the lyre explore !... | |
| William Collins, Thomas Gray - 1852 - 332 Seiten
...tremble, while they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of etherea? race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. III. 3. Hark, his hands the... | |
| George Frederick Graham - 1852 - 570 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light. Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of Glory bear Two coursers2 of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. ra. 3. Hark, his... | |
| Louise Caroline Tuthill, Mrs. Louisa C. Cuthill - 1853 - 312 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw, but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er...Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long resounding pace. Hark ! his hands the lyre explore! Bright-eyed Fancy, hovering o'er,... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1853 - 200 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but. blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of etherial race, With necks in thunder clothed," and long-resounding pace. 1 Milton. 2 "For the spirit... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1853 - 382 Seiten
...while they gaze, 100 He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Clos'd his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory bear IM Two coursers of ethereal race, [pace. With necks in thunder cloth'd, and long-resounding V. 98.... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1853 - 368 Seiten
...they gaze, 100 He saw ; but, blasted with exeess of light, Clos'd his eyes in endless night. Bchold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory bear 104 Two coursers of ethereal raee, [paee. With necks in thunder cloth'd, and long-resounding V. 98.... | |
| William Collins - 1854 - 430 Seiten
...with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car N Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. ill. 3. But, ah! 't is heard no more O ! lyre divine, what daring... | |
| Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1854 - 796 Seiten
...He saw : but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Uryden's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race,3 With necks in thunder clothed,* and long-resounding pace. III. 3. Hark, his hands the lyre explore!... | |
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