Where Angels tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with excess of light. Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed,... The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Seite 371von James Boswell - 1922Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
| Laughton Osborn - 1841 - 430 Seiten
...inferiority of the language in which the imitator wrote. Secondly, in the eighth strophe, we hare : " Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of etherial race, With necks in thundir eloth'd, and long-resounding pace." In this very beautiful passage,... | |
| 1843 - 234 Seiten
...with excess of light Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Closed his eyes in endless night. Wide o'er the fields of glory bear, Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. Bright-eyed fancy hovering o'er, Scatters from her pictured urn... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1844 - 746 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. T]X@]\]]] [ $ clothed, and long-resounding pace. The ' Ode to Eton College,' the ' Ode to Adversity,' and the far-famed... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1844 - 738 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with excess of light, Cl'.-sed his eyea in endless night. other. Anybody may see he is an actor.' While Mrs...conversation with Partridge, a lady came up to Mr Jones, clothed, and long-resounding pace. The ' Ode to Eton College,' the ' Ode to Adversity,' and the far-famed... | |
| William Collins - 1844 - 328 Seiten
...they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endlesn night. * Sfatktpeare. Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er...Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. III. 3. Bark, his hands the lyre explore I Bright-eyed Fancy, hovering... | |
| William Collins - 1844 - 328 Seiten
...gaze, He saw ; hut hlasted with excess of light, Cloaed his eyes in endless night. • Shakapeare. l 1 Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory hear Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. III. 3.... | |
| Encyclopaedia - 1845 - 842 Seiten
...distance rolls along the gilded coach, Nor sturdy carmen on thy walks encroach. Gay. Trivia, book ii. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide...necks in thunder cloth'd, and long resounding pace. Gray. The Progress of Poesy , iii. CARABAYA, a Province of Peru, now included in the United Provinces... | |
| Alexander Hill Everett - 1845 - 590 Seiten
...that rode sublima Upon the seraph wings of ecstasy." ' Dryden he assigns to an inferior class, — " Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of inferior race," &c.J The writer observed that the German critics call Dryden a man walking on stilts... | |
| Joseph Payne - 1845 - 490 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers1 of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace. III. 3. Hark !... | |
| George Vanderhoff - 1846 - 398 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night ! Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er...fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race, Their necks in thunder cloth'd, and long-resounding pace.f Hark, his hands the lyre explore ! Bright-eyed... | |
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