Where Angels tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with excess of light. Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed,... The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Seite 371von James Boswell - 1922Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
| William Hazlitt - 1824 - 1064 Seiten
...light, Clos'd his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er th* these bones from insult to protect Some frail memorial thundercloth'd.and long-resounding pace. Hark, his hands the lyre explore ! Bright-ey'd Fancy hovering... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1825 - 346 Seiten
...28. — GRAY. Ver. 101. He saw; but, blasted with excess of light.] " Oculos ausus attollere contra." Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide...fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race, 105 With necks in thunder cloth'd, and long-resounding pace. III. 3. Hark, his hands the lyre explore... | |
| James Boswell - 1826 - 430 Seiten
...remarkable that Mr. Gray has employed somewhat the same image to characterize Dryden. He, indeed, famishes his car with but two horses ; but they are of " ethereal...necks in thunder cloth'd, and long resounding pace. as much perplexed by Luke as by Lydiat in The Vanity of Human Wishes. The truth is, that Goldsmith... | |
| 1826 - 312 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide...fields of Glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race, AVith necks in thunder cloth'd, and long resounding pace. * Shakspeare. t Milton. III. 3. Hark, his... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1826 - 190 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw; but, blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of etherial race, [pace. With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding Ver. 95. ATor second He, that... | |
| Thomas Gray, William Mason - 1827 - 468 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Clos'd his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide...Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder cloth 'd and long-resounding pace. III. 3. Hark, his hands the lyre explore ! Bright-eyed Fancy hovering... | |
| Ebenezer Porter - 1828 - 418 Seiten
...excess of light, Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory bear 40 Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder cloth'd, and long resounding pace. Hark, his hands the lyre explore ! Bright.eyed fancy, hov'ring o'er, Scatters from her pictur'd urn... | |
| Ebenezer Porter - 1828 - 414 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Clos'd his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er the fields of glory bear 40 Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder cloth 'd, and long resounding pace. Hark, his... | |
| George Barrell Cheever - 1830 - 518 Seiten
...tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but, blasted with excess of light, Clos'd his eyes in endless night. Behold where Dryden's less presumptuous car Wide o'er...ethereal race, With necks in thunder cloth'd, and long-resounding pace. Hark, his hands the lyre explore ! Bright-eyed fancy hovering o'er, Scatters... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1830 - 844 Seiten
...of light, j V Closed his eyes in endless night. \ Behold where Dryden'rf less presumptuous саг \ him whom his ungentle fortune urged Against his OWD sad breast to lift the hand Of imp clothed, and long-resounding pace. ' Ode to Eton College,' the 'Ode to Adversity,' and the far. ' Elegy,'... | |
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