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" Where Angels tremble while they gaze, He saw ; but blasted with excess of light. Closed his eyes in endless night. Behold, where Dryden's less presumptuous car, Wide o'er the fields of glory bear Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder clothed,... "
The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Seite 371
von James Boswell - 1922
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The Life of Samuel Johnson

James Boswell - 2008 - 1024 Seiten
...remarkable, that Mr Gray has employed somewhat the same image to characterize Dryden. He, indeed, furnished his car with but two horses; but they are of ethereal...Two coursers of ethereal race, With necks in thunder cloath'd, and long-resounding pace. When it was quelled, George, not Luke, was punished by his head...
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