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" I'll be no more; But I will eat and drink, and sleep as soft As captain shall : simply the thing I am Shall make me live. "
The Works: Of Shakespear. In which the Beauties Observed by Pope, Warburton ... - Seite 64
von William Shakespeare - 1771
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The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected, Band 3

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 458 Seiten well, Sir, I am for France too, we fhall fpeak of you there. [Exit. Par. Yet am I thankful : if my heart were great, 'Twould burft at this. Captain I'll be no more, But I will eat and drink, and flcep as foft, As Captain fhall. Simply the thing I am Khali make me live : who knows himfelf a braggart,...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes: With Corrections ..., Band 4

William Shakespeare - 1778 - 632 Seiten well, fir; lam for France too ; we fhall fpeakof you there. [Exit, Par. Yet am I thankful : if my heart were great, 'Twould burft at this : and drink, and fleep as foft As captain fhall : fimply the thing I am Shall make me live. Who knows himfelf a braggart, Let him fear this ; for it...
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Dramatic Micellanies [sic]: Consisting of Critical Observations on Several ...

Thomas Davies - 1783 - 442 Seiten
...the fame time to diftribute bills of the play to the populace. PAROLLES, SOLUS, Yet am I thankful. If my heart were great, 'Twould burft at this. Captain I'll be no more. This fcene always afforded much pleafure to the audience. Upon its laft revival, it was acted with...
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Dramatic Miscellanies: Consisting of Critical Observations on ..., Band 2

Thomas Davies - 1783 - 444 Seiten
...the fame time to diftribute bills of the play to the populace. PAROLLES, SOLUS, Yet am I thankful. If my heart were great, 'Twould burft at this. Captain I'll be no more. This fcene always afforded much pleafare to the audience. Upon its laft revival, it was afted with...
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Stockdale's edition of Shakespeare, with explanatory notes

William Shakespeare - 1784 - 1120 Seiten
...well, ft.- ; I am for Franc« too ; we (hall fpeak of you there. [Exit. Par. Yet am I thrmkful : if my heart were great, "Twould burft at this : Captain I'll be no more; But 1 will eat and drink, and fljep as foft As captain (hall : fimply the thing I am -' Shall make me Jive....
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The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare: In Six Volumes, Band 2

William Shakespeare, Joseph Rann - 1787 - 700 Seiten well, fir ; I am for France too ; we fhall fpeak of you there. [Exit. Par. Yet am I thankful : if my heart were great, 'Twould burft at this : Captain, I'll be no more; But I will eat and drink, and deep as foft As captain fhall : fimply the thing I am Shall make me live. Who knows himlelf a braggart,...
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The Dramatic Works: Of Shakespeare, in Six Volumes; with Notes by Joseph ...

William Shakespeare - 1787 - 694 Seiten well, fir; I am for France too ; we thall fpeak of you there. [Exit. Par. Yet am I thankful: if my heart were great, 'Twould burft at this : Captain, I'll be no more; But I will eat and drink, and deep as foft As captain fhall: fimply the thing I am Shall make me live. Who knows himfelf a braggart,...
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A Concordance to Shakespeare: Suited to All the Editions, in which the ...

Andrew Becket - 1787 - 494 Seiten
...and Crejfida, A, 3, S. 2. If my heart were great, I would bbrft at this : Captain I'll be no more j But I will eat and drink, and fleep as foft As captain mall. All's -well that etuis well, A. 4, S. 3, — Even n«Kv my burden'd heart would break, Should...
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Taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 454 Seiten
...speak of you there. [Exit. Pur. Yet am I thankful. If my heart were great, I 'Twould 'Twoiild burst at this. Captain I'll be no m'ore ; But I will eat and drink, and sleep :is suf t , As captain shall : simply the thing I am Shall make me live. Who knows himself a...
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Shakspeare's Dramatic Works: With Explanatory Notes, Band 1

William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1790 - 596 Seiten
...ihall fpeak of you there. [Exit. Par. Yet am I th.inkful : if my heart were great, "Г would burlt ficence of this patron of ؁ S " ۓ deep as foft As captain Ihall : fimply the thing I am Shall make me live. Who knows himfelf a braggart,...
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