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" Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past the tyrant's stroke: Care no more to clothe and eat; To thee the reed is as the oak: The sceptre, learning, physic, must All follow this, and come to dust. "
The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, Adapted for Family Reading - Seite 443
von William Shakespeare, Thomas Bowdler - 1861 - 864 Seiten
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Class-book of English Poetry from Chaucer to Tennyson

Daniel Scrymgeour - 1870 - 644 Seiten
...thing that pretty is,1 My lady sweet, arise : Arise, arise. Cymbeline, Act II. Sc. 3. DIRGE OF FIDELE. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past...learning, physic, must All follow this, and come to dust. Fear no more the lightning-flash, Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone ; Fear not slander, censure rash...
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William Shakespeare - 1870 - 674 Seiten gone, and ta'en thy wages: Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust AEV. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past...learning, physic, must All follow this, and come to dust. GOI. Fear no more the light'ning flash ; ARV. Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone; GUL Fear not slander,...
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A Library of Poetry and Song: Being Choice Selections from the Best Poets

William Cullen Bryant - 1871 - 966 Seiten gone, and ta'en thy wages : Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. and Company Fear no more the lightning flash Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone ; Fear not slander, censure rash...
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Songs of the Heart: Selected from Many Sources, with Numerous ..., Band 3

1872 - 184 Seiten gone, and ta'en thy wages : Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past...learning, physic, must All follow this, and come to dust. Fear no more the lightning-flash, Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone ; Fear not slander, censure rash...
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New Cyclopaedia of Poetical Illustrations: Adapted to Christian Teaching ...

1872 - 710 Seiten gone, and ta'en thy wages : Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. ep the ranks of battle, Who mean the thing they say...mirth ; The garden, breathing spices, The paradise Fear no more the lightning flash Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone ; Fear not slander, censure rash...
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English verse for repetition, with notes by W.B. Stanford

William Bedell Stanford - 1873 - 122 Seiten
...Home art gone and ta'en thy wages : Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past...learning, physic, must All follow this, and come to dust. Fear no more the lightning flash Nor the all-dreaded thunderstone ; Fear not slander, censure rash...
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Anthologia Anglica, a new selection from the English poets from Spenser to ...

Anthologia Anglica - 1873 - 512 Seiten
...Home art gone and ta'en thy wages : Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Fear no more the frown o' the great ; Thou art past...learning, physic, must All follow this, and come to dust. Fear no more the lightning flash, Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone : Fear not slander, censure rash...
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A manual of English literature

Thomas Arnold - 1873 - 622 Seiten
...Home art gone and ta'en thy wages : Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney sweepers, come to dust. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past...learning, physic, must All follow this, and come to dust. 1 Cymbeline, Act iv. Sc. 2. Fear no more the lightning flash, Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone ; Fear...
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The Works of William Shakespeare, Band 2

William Shakespeare - 1874 - 646 Seiten
...the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages : Thou thy worldly task hast dune, Home art gone, and tVen ople her Of leigers for her sweet; and which she after, Except she Gni. Fear no more the lightning-flash, Arv. Nor th' all-dreaded ,hunder-stone ; Gui. Fear not slander,...
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Plays of Shakespeare: Selected and Prepared for Use in Schools ..., Band 3

William Shakespeare - 1875 - 668 Seiten
...[Exit BELAKIUS. Gui. Nay, Cadwal, we must lay his head to th' East ; My father hath a reason for't. Arv. .'Tis true. Gui. Come on, then, and remove him....follow this, and come to dust. Gui. Fear no more the lightning-flash, Arv. Nor th' all-dreaded thunder-stone ; a Gui. Fear not slander, censure rash ; Arv....
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