| Oliver Goldsmith - 1789 - 344 Seiten
...foould be a widow. She had reproved Wefton, (he faid, for his affec'ticn to a kinfwoman of . M 2 hers, " But if you have already determined of me, and that not only my death, but an infamous (lander in. uft bring you the enjoying your defired happinefs, then I defire of God that he will pardon... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1790 - 912 Seiten
...could fome good while fince have pointed unto your grace, being not ignorant of my fufpicion thcreui,. But if you have already determined of me, and that not only my death, but an infamous flander muß bring you the enjoying of your defired happinefi, then I defirc of God that he will pardon... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1801 - 364 Seiten
...name I could fome good while fince have pointed unto, your grace not being ignorant of my fufpicion therein. "But if you have already determined of me, and that not only my death, but an infamous flander muft bring you the enjoying of your defired happinefs ; then I defire of God, that he will... | |
| 1803 - 376 Seiten
...name I could some good while since have pointed unto your Grace, not being ignorant of my suspicion therein. ' But if you have already determined of me,...and that not only my death, but an infamous slander must bring you the enjoying of your desired happiness then I desire of God that he will pardon your... | |
| Mary Hays - 1803 - 414 Seiten
...name I could some good while since have pointed unto, your grace not being ignorant of my suspicion therein. " But, if you have already determined of...and that not only my death, but an infamous slander, must bring you the enjoying of your desired happiness, then I desire of God that he will pardon your... | |
| Mary Hays - 1803 - 414 Seiten
...name I could some good while since have pointed unto, your grace not being ignorant of my suspicion therein. " But, if you have already determined of...and that not only my death, but an infamous slander, must bring you the enjoying of your d&sired happiness, then I desire of God that he will pardon your... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1804 - 578 Seiten
...name I could some good while since have pointed unto, your grace not being ignorant of my suspicion therein. " But if you have already determined of me,...and that not only my death, but an infamous slander must bring you the enjoying of your desired happiness ; then I desire of God that he would pardon your... | |
| David Hume - 1807 - 480 Seiten
...I could some good while since have pointed " unto, your grace not being ignorant of my suspicion " therein. . " But if you have already determined of...that < " not only my death, but an infamous slander, must bring " you the enjoying of your desired happiness, then I desire " of God that he will pardon... | |
| William Oldys, Thomas Park - 1808 - 586 Seiten
...name I could some good while since have pointed unto; your grace being not ignorant of my suspicion therein. But, if you have already determined of me,...and that not only my death, but an infamous slander must bring you the enjoying of your desired happiness; then I desire of God, that he will pardon your... | |
| 1808 - 588 Seiten
...name 1 could some good while since have pointed unto : your grace being not ignorant of my suspicion therein. But, if you have already determined of me,...and that not only my death, but an infamous slander must bring you the enjoying of your desired happiness ; then I desire of God, that he will pardon your... | |
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