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" Company; as also all the lands and territories lying to the westward of the sources of the rivers which fall into the sea from the west and northwest... "
Correspondence and miscellaneous writings, 1772-1775 - Seite 9
von Benjamin Franklin - 1904
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Annals of the American Revolution: Or, A Record of the Causes and Events ...

Jedidiah Morse - 1824 - 520 Seiten
...lands not included within the three new governments, the limits of which are described therein, as also all the lands and territories lying to the westward of the sources of the rivers which shall fall into the sea from tht west and north-west, and by which all persons are forbid to make any...
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The Political Writings of Thomas Paine: Secretary to the Committee ..., Band 1

Thomas Paine - 1824 - 524 Seiten
...granted to the Hudson's bay, company ; as also, all the lands and territories lying to the west~ ward of the sources of the rivers, -which fall into the sea from the west and northwest Os aforesaid ; and we do hereby strictly forbid, on pain of our displeasure, all our loving subjects...
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The Register of Pennsylvania: Devoted to the Preservation of Facts ..., Band 9

Samuel Hazard - 1832 - 446 Seiten aforesaid, to reserve, under our sovereignty, protection, and dominion, for the use of the said Indians all the lands and territories" " lying to...which fall into the sea, from the west and north-west as aforesaid: and we do hereby strictly forbid, on pain of our displeasure, all our loving subjects...
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Report from the Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada - 1829 - 392 Seiten
...territories not included within the limits and territory printed to the Hudson's Bay Company; as also all the lands and territories lying to the westward...which fall into the sea from the west and north-west »_s aforesaid : and we do hereby strictly forbid, on pain of our displeasure, all our loving subjects...
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First Statement on the Part of Great Britain, According to the Provisions of ...

Great Britain - 1829 - 494 Seiten
...New Governments, or within the limits of the territory granted to the Hudson's Bay Company, as also all the lands and territories lying to the westward...which fall into the sea, from the west and north-west, as aforesaid ; and We do hereby strictly forbid, on pain of our displeasure, all our loving subjects...
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Essays on the Present Crisis in the Condition of the American Indians

Jeremiah Evarts - 1829 - 122 Seiten
...governments, or within the limits of the territory granted to the Hudson's Bay Company, as also all the land and territories lying to the westward of the sources...which fall into the sea from the west and northwest as aforesaid; and we do hereby strictly forbid, on pain of our displeasure, all our loving subjects...
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Essays on the present crisis in the condition of the Americian Indians ...

Jeremiah Evarts - 1829 - 122 Seiten
...governments, or within the limits of the territory granted to the Hudson's Bay Company, as also all the land and territories lying to the westward of the sources...which fall into the sea from the west and northwest as aforesaid; and we do hereby strictly forbid, on pain of our displeasure, all our loving subjects...
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Speeches on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians

United States. Congress - 1830 - 326 Seiten
...issued his proclamation, declaring that the crown reserved, under its own dominion and protection, for the use of the Indians, " all the lands and territories...the sources of the rivers which fall into the sea frqm the west and northwest," and forbade all British subjects from making any purchases or settlements...
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Tour of the American Lakes, and Among the Indians of the North-west ..., Band 2

Calvin Colton - 1833 - 408 Seiten
...present, as aforesaid, to reserve, under our sovereignty, protection and dominion, for the use of the said Indians, all the lands and territories" " lying to...which fall into the sea, from the west and northwest as aforesaid: and we do hereby strictly forbid, on pain of our displeasure, all our loving subjects...
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American Annual Register for the Years ..., Or the ... Year of American ...

Joseph Blunt - 1833 - 710 Seiten aforesaid, to reserve, under our sovereignty, protection, and dominion, for the use of the said Indians, all the lands and territories lying to the westward of the sources of the rivers « hich fall into the sea, from the west and northwest as aforesaid : and we do hereby strictly forbid,...
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