![](https://books.google.ch/books/content?id=-YdNgFuBMPUC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | James Boswell - 1860 - 966 Seiten
...could not forbear to wish that I mi^ht boast myself Le vainqueur du vainqueur de la terre 3 ; — that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world...uncourtly scholar can possess. I had done all that 1 could ; and no man is well pleased to have bis all neglected, be it ever so little. •* Seven years,... | |
![](https://books.google.ch/books/content?id=ygoeAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1860 - 778 Seiten
...could not forbear to wish that 1 might boast myself Le vainqucur du vainqueur de la terre;'— that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world...addressed your lordship in public, I had exhausted all ie art of pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar can pos!ss. I had done all that I could ;... | |
![](https://books.google.ch/books/content?id=cD8BAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Katherine Thomson - 1860 - 376 Seiten
...and could not forbear to wish that I might boast myself vainqueur du vainqueur de la terre — that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world...continue it. When I had once addressed your lordship in publick, I had exhausted all the art of pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar can possess.... | |
![](https://books.google.ch/books/content?id=3ZsQAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | James Boswell - 1860 - 496 Seiten
...and could not forbear to wish that I might boast myself Le vainqueur dti vainqueur de la terre—that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world...modesty would suffer me to continue it." When I had once ad1 Dr. Johnson appeared to have a remarkable delicacy with respect to the circulation of this letter;... | |
![](https://books.google.ch/books/content?id=wUEBAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | James Boswell - 1860 - 950 Seiten
...his life, would probably not hare been much to Lortl Chesterfield's tastu ; but it must be — ili.it I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world contending ; but I found my attendance no little encouraged, that neither pride nor modesty would siill-T me to continue it. When I had once... | |
![](https://books.google.ch/books/content?id=vyYCAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Alphonse Mariette - 1860 - 404 Seiten
...could not forbear to wish 4 that I might boast myself 5 le vainqueur du vainqueur de la terre;—that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world contending; 6 but I found my attendance 7 so little encouraged that neither pride nor modesty would suffer me to... | |
![](https://books.google.ch/books/content?id=XoECAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Alphonse Mariette - 1863 - 400 Seiten
...so little encouraged that neither pride nor modesty would suffer me to 10 continue it. When I had 11 once addressed your Lordship in public, I had exhausted...which a retired and uncourtly scholar can possess ; 12 I had done all that I could ; and no man is well pleased to have his all neglected, be it ever... | |
![](https://books.google.ch/books/content?id=kaACAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Thomas Budd Shaw, sir William Smith - 1864 - 554 Seiten
...and could not forbear to wish that I might boast myself Le vainqueur du vainqueur de la terre ; that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world contending; but I found my attendance BO little encouraged, that neither pride nor modesty would suffer me to continue it. When I had once... | |
![](https://books.google.ch/books/content?id=iIglAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | James Philemon Holcombe - 1866 - 548 Seiten
...could not forbear to wish that I might boast myself le vainqueur du vainqueur de la terre — that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world contending ; but J found my attendance so little encouraged that neither pride nor modesty would suffer me to continue... | |
![](https://books.google.ch/books/content?id=HsVEAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Charles Walton Sanders - 1862 - 610 Seiten
...could not forbear to wish that I might boast myself le vainqueur du aainqucur de la terre*— that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world...contending; but I found my attendance so little encouraged, thai neither pride not modesty would suffer me to continue it. When I had once addressed your lordship... | |
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