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" ... (5) finance under the direction of the Librarian of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies, (A) programs outside the United States for the analysis and evaluation of foreign books, periodicals,... "
Legislative Establishment Appropriation Bill - Seite 206
von United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1959
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World War on Hunger: Hearings Before the Committee on Agriculture ..., Teil 2

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture - 1966 - 152 Seiten
...of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies, (A) programs outside the United States for the analysis...materials are of cultural or educational significance; (B) the registry, indexing, binding, reproduction, cataloging, abstracting, translating, and disssemination...
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Committee Prints

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor - 1967 - 842 Seiten
...of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies, (A) programs outside the United States for the analysis...materials are of cultural or educational significance, (B) the registry, indexing, binding, reproduction, cataloging, abstracting, translating, and dissemination...
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A Compendium of Federal Education Laws

United States - 1967 - 548 Seiten
...of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies, (A) programs outside the United States for the analysis...materials are of cultural or educational significance, (B) the registry, indexing, binding, reproduction, cataloging, abstracting, translating, and dissemination...
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Hearings, Reports and Prints of the Senate Committee on Appropriations

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations - 1969 - 1068 Seiten
...of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies^ (A) programs outside the United States for the Analysis...materials are of cultural or educational significance, (R) the registry, indexing, binding, reproduction, cataloging, abstracting, translating, and dissemination...
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A Compilation of Federal Education Laws

United States - 1975 - 728 Seiten
...of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies, (A) programs outside the United States for the analysis...materials are of cultural or educational significance, (B) the registry, indexing, binding, reproduction, cataloging, abstracting, traslating, and dissemination...
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Departments of Labor and Health Education and Welfare Appropriations for ...

United States. Congress. House Appropriations - 1969 - 1186 Seiten
...of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies, (A) programs outside the United States for the analysis...materials are of cultural or educational significance, (B) the registry, indexing, binding, reproduction, cataloging, abstracting, translating, and dissemination...
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A Compilation of Federal Education Laws

United States - 1969 - 756 Seiten
...of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies? (A) programs outside the United States for the analysis...whether they would provide information of technical or sc-ientirk significance in the United States and whether such book-. periodicals, and other materials...
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Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations for ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations - 1969 - 1068 Seiten
...of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies? (A) programs outside the United States for the analysis...materials to determine whether they would provide in format ion of technical or scientific significance in the United States and whether such books,...
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Office of Education Appropriations for 1971: Hearings Before a Subcommittee ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare, and Related Agencies - 1970 - 1440 Seiten
...of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies, (A) programs outside the United States for the analysis and evaluation of foreign books, periodicalsj and other materials to determine whether they would provide information of technical or...
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Office of Education Appropriations for 1971: Hearings ... 91-2. March 4, 1970

United States. Congress. House. Appropriations - 1970 - 2178 Seiten
...of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies, (A) programs outside the United States for the analysis and evaluation of foreign hooks, periodicals, and other materials to determine whether they would provide information of technical...
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