| Thomas Gray - 1786 - 210 Seiten
..."ihiil-'d. This. pencil ta.ke(fhe faid) whofe colours daat" Richly paint the vernal. year-: iixijr.flr; Thine too thefe golden keys, immortal boy ! This can unlock the gates of Joy ; •» ........, .-»-.. * * ., , . rf * * Of Horror that, and- thrilling Fears,. Qr ope the facred... | |
| Samuel Felton - 1787 - 400 Seiten
...little arms, and fmil'd. This pencil take (me faid) whofe colours clear, Richly paint the vernal year : This can unlock the gates of joy ; Of horror that, and thrilling fears, Or ope die facred fource of fympathctic tears. Cray. Methinks I fee, with Fancy's magic eye, The fhaclc of... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1788 - 318 Seiten
...said) whose colours clear Richly paint the vernal year: Thine too these golden keys, immortal boy 1 This can unlock the gates of joy ; Of horror that, and thrilling fears, Or ope the sacred source of sympathetick tears. GRAY'S Ode on the Progress of Poesy*. Next Shakspere sat, Irregularly... | |
| Johann Joachim Eschenburg - 1789 - 454 Seiten
...fmil'd. This pencil take (fhe faid) whofe colours clear, Kichly paint the vernal year: Thine too thele golden keys, immortal Boy \ This can unlock the gates of Joy : Of Horror that, and thrilling Fearj, Or ope the facred fource of iympathetic Tears. III. 2. Nor fécond He, **) that rode iublime... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 Seiten
...pencil take (flic laid) whole colours clear Richly paint the vernal year : Thine too fhefe golden key«, immortal boy ! This can unlock the gates of joy; Of horror that, and thrilling fears, Or ope the lacrcd fource of fympathetic tears. in. 2. Nor fecond he, that rode fublime Upon the feraph-wings of... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 Seiten
...pc'iril t:;kc (Ilic faid) whole colours clear KichK paint the vernal year: Thine too thtfi; g >!ikn keys, immortal boy ! This can unlock the gates of joy ; Of horror that, snd thrilling feais, Or ope the facred fource of fyuipathctic tears. III. 2. Nor fécond he, that rode... | |
| Adam Ferguson - 1792 - 536 Seiten
...awful Face : The dauntlefs child Stretched forth his little arms, and fmiled. This pencil take, fhe faid, whofe colours clear Richly paint the vernal year : Thine too thefe keys immortal boy : This can unlock the gates of joy ; Of horror that, and thrilling fears, Or ope... | |
| Robert Anderson - 1795 - 1036 Seiten
...Strctch'd forth his little arm* and fmil'd, This pencil (take ihe faid) whole colour* clear Kichly paint the vernal year : Thine too thefe golden keys...; Of horror that, and thrilling fears, Or ope the fatred fourte of (ymjuthetic tear». 111. a. Kor fecond he f, that rodc'fublimo Upon the feraph win^s... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1797 - 188 Seiten
...little arms and fmil'd. This pencil take (fhe faid) whofe colours clear Richly paint the vernal year; 90 Thine too thefe golden keys, immortal boy ! This can unlock the gates of Joy, Of Horrour that, and thrilling Fears, Or ope the facred fource of fympathetick Tears. III. *• Nor fecond... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1799 - 270 Seiten
...Shakespeare. This pencil take (she said), whose colours clear Richly paint the vernal year: Thine too these golden keys, immortal Boy ! This can unlock the gates...; Of Horror that, and thrilling Fears, Or ope the sacred source of sympathetic Tears. III. 2. Nor second He, that rode sublime (t) Upon the seraph-wings... | |
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