| United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance - 1938 - 768 Seiten
...University, on behalf of the special committee of the American Council on Education. STATEMENT SUBMITTED TO THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OP THE AMERICAN •COUNCIL ON EDUCATION This memorandum is submitted on behalf... | |
 | 1938 - 272 Seiten
...with the internal revenue system as the committee might deem desirable ; and to report its findings to the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means and, in its discretion, to either or both Houses with such recommendations as it deems advisable. The... | |
 | United States. Customs Court - 1973 - 502 Seiten
...foot. As support for this conclusion, defendant points out that in a memorandum, dated July 1, 1954, to the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means, "on S. 3670 and HR 9666, identical bills 'to amend section 1001, paragraph 412, of the Tariff Act of... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Civil Service - 1947 - 170 Seiten
...the bills to exempt these annuities from taxation will come before this committee, but rather before the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means, but we ask your friendly interest and support on this subject to secure favorable action. SOCIAL SECURITY... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Civil Service - 1947 - 212 Seiten
...the bills to exempt these annuities from taxation will come before this committee, but rather before the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means, but we ask your friendly interest and support on this subject to secure favorable action. SOCIAL BECUMTY... | |
 | United States. Congress. Legislative Budget Joint Committee - 1948 - 34 Seiten
...more efficient consideration of the problems before it, the work should be divided so that members of the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means would devote themselves especially to the problems of revenue which were involved, while the members... | |
 | United States. Congress. Joint Committee on the Legislative Budget - 1948 - 28 Seiten
...more efficient consideration of the problems before it, the work should be divided so that members of the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means would devote themselves especially to the problems of revenue which were Involved, while the members... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance - 1950 - 1158 Seiten
...changes from the point of view of what they would mean to needy people. Both the Advisory Council to the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means considered the inadequacies of the present program for aiding dependent children. The present law limits... | |
 | United States Tariff Commission - 1951 - 572 Seiten
...interim progress report on the tariff simplification study to the President and to the chairmen of the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means.3 The interim report is confined to a treatment of the fundamental problems underlying the simplification... | |
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