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" This therefore is the praise of Shakespeare, that his drama is the mirror of life; that he who has mazed his imagination, in following the phantoms which other writers raise up before him, may here be cured of his delirious ecstasies, by reading human... "
The Plays of William Shakspeare: With the Corrections and Illustrations of ... - Seite 251
von William Shakespeare, George Steevens, Isaac Reed, Samuel Johnson - 1803
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The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent ..., Band 2

Francis Wrangham - 1816 - 624 Seiten
...system of civil and economical prudence.' ' This, therefore (he adds) is the praise of Shakspeare, that his drama is the mirror of life ; that he, who...imagination in following the phantoms which other writers raise up before him, may here be cured of his delirious ecstasies by reading human sentiments in human...
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The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent ..., Band 2

Francis Wrangham - 1816 - 616 Seiten
...system of civil and economical prudence.' ' This, therefore (he adds) is the praise of Shakspeare, that his drama is the mirror of life ; that he, who...imagination in following the phantoms which other writers raise up before him, may here be cured of his delirious ecstasies by reading human sentiments in human...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, Band 2

Samuel Johnson - 1816 - 514 Seiten
...would be found in trials, . to which it cannot be exposed. This therefore is the praise of Shakespeare, that his drama is the mirror of life ; that he who...imagination, in following the phantoms which other writers raise up before him, may here be cured of his delirious ecstacies, by reading human sentiments in human...
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Elegant extracts, Band 55

Elegant extracts - 1816 - 1082 Seiten
...would be found in trials, to which it cannot be exposed. This therefore is the praise of Shakespeare, that his drama is the mirror of life ; that he who...imagination, in following the phantoms which other writers raise up before him, may here be cured of his delirious ecstacies, by reading human sentiments in human...
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The British Nepos; or, Youth's mirror: lives of illustrious Britons

William Fordyce Mavor - 1816 - 462 Seiten
...would be found in trials to which it cannot be exposed. "This therefore is the praise of Shakespeare: that his drama is the mirror of life; that he who has mazed liis imagination in following the phantoms which other writers raise before him, may here be cured...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, Band 2

Samuel Johnson - 1816 - 492 Seiten "This therefore is the praise of Shakespeare, that his drama is the mirror of life ;Tthat he who has mazed his imagination, in following the phantoms which other writers raise up before him, may here be cured of his delirious ecstacies, by reading human sentiments in human...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.

Samuel Johnson - 1818 - 420 Seiten
...would be found in trials, to which it cannot be exposed. This therefore is the praise of Shakespeare, that his drama is the mirror of life ; that he who has mazed hi» imagination, in following the phantoms which others raise up before him, may here be cured of...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, Ll. D.: Containing philological tracts

Samuel Johnson, Arthur Murphy - 1820 - 450 Seiten
...would be found in trials, to which it cannot be exposed. This therefore is the praise of Shakespeare, that his drama is the mirror of life; that he who...imagination, in following the phantoms which other writers raise up before him, may here be cured of his delirious ecstacies, by reading human sentiments in human...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, Band 1

William Shakespeare - 1821 - 668 Seiten
...would be found in trials, to which it cannot be exposed. This therefore is the praise of Shakspeare, that his drama is the mirror of life ; that he who...imagination, in following the phantoms which other writers raise up before him, may here be cured of his delirious ecstasies, by reading human sentiments in human...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, in Ten Volumes: The author's life ...

William Shakespeare - 1823 - 350 Seiten
...would be found in trials, to which it canriot be exposed. This therefore is the praise of Shakespeare, that his drama is the mirror of life ; that he who...imagination, in following the phantoms which other writers raise up before him, may here be cured of his delirious ecstasies, by reading human sentiments in human...
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