| Alexander Pope - 1787 - 396 Seiten
...his riper ftage, And beads and pray'r-books are the toys of age : 280 PJeas'd with this bauble ftill, as that before; Till tir'd he fleeps, and Life's poor...our days ; Each want of happinefs by Hope fupply'd, 285 And each vacuity of fenfe by Pride : VE». 170. — the poet in lit Mufe.] The author having faidj.... | |
 | William Scott - 1789 - 416 Seiten
...this bauble ftill, as that before ; Till tir'd he fieeps, and Life's poor play is o'er ! Mean while Opinion gilds with varying rays Thofe painted clouds...And each vacuity of fenfe by Pride. Thefe build as faft as knowledge can deflroy ; In Folly's cup itill laughs the bubble, joy: One profpe& loft, another... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - 398 Seiten
...ftage, And beads and prayer-books arc the toys of age : 280 Pleas'd Pleas'd with this bauble 1KlI, as that before ; Till tir'd he fleeps, and Life's...our days ; Each want of happinefs by Hope fupply'd, 285 And each vacuity of fenfe by Pride : Thefe build as fail as knowledge can deftroy; In folly's cup... | |
 | Fulke Greville - 1790 - 306 Seiten
...and colloquial, 1 agree with Johnfon, as too many were alfo:) they begin by thefe, viz. " Mean while, opinion gilds with varying rays, " Thofe painted clouds that beautify our days ;" £c. t It is well known that the Bifhop of Cloyne wrote a book to mew that there was no exiftence... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 Seiten
...amufe his riper ftagc, And beads and pray'r-books arc the toys of age : Pieas'd with this bauble ftill, mes in a dcfpotic reign? Both doom'd alike for fportivc...bled ; Hut while the fubjcft ftarv'd, the bcaft was happincfs by Hope fupplicd, And each vacuity of fenfc by Pride : Thefe build as fad as knowledge can... | |
 | Beauties - 1791 - 212 Seiten
...pray'r-books are the toys of nge : Fleas'd with this bauble flill, as that before ; 'Till tir'd he flceps, and life's poor play is o'er. Mean-while opinion gilds with varying rays Thofc painted clouds that beautify our days; Kach want of happincfs by hope fupply'd, And each vacuity... | |
 | 1794 - 918 Seiten
...prayer-booksare the to) sof age : 280 Pleas'd with this bauble ftill, asthat before; Till tir'd he flceps, and life's poor play is o'er. Meanwhile opinion gilds...beautify our days ; Each want of happinefs by hope fupply'il, And each vacuity of fcnfe by pride : Thcfc build as fall as knowledge can deftroy ; In folly's... | |
 | Robert Anderson - 1795 - 908 Seiten
...Till tir'd he fleeps, and life'« poor play is o'er. Meanwhile opinion gild» with varying rays Thofc painted clouds that beautify our days ; Each want...And each vacuity of fenfe by pride : Thefe build as fad as knowledge can deftroy ; In folly's cup full laughs the bubble, joy ; ' One prolpeÁ loft, another... | |
 | 1796 - 246 Seiten
...amufe his riper ftage, And beads and pray'r-books are the toys of age ; Tleas'd with this bauble ftill, as that before, 'Till tir'd he fleeps, and life's...And each vacuity of fenfe by pride : Thefe build as faft as knowledge can deftroy , In folly's cup flill laughs the bubble, joy; One profpecl loft, another... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 574 Seiten
...-books are the toys of age : Pleas'd with this bauble nul, as trnt before j, Till tir'd he ilccps, and Life's poor play is o'er. Meanwhile Opinion gilds...painted clouds that beautify our days; Each want of happincfs by Hope ¡'applied, Ami each vacuity of fcnlc by Pride : Thefe build a^ faft as knowledge... | |
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