The current that with gentle murmur glides, Thou know'st, being stopp'd, impatiently doth rage ; But when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet music with the enamel'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage... Elements of Criticism - Seite 130von Lord Henry Home Kames - 1816Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
 | William Shakespeare - 1823 - 984 Seiten every sedge [stonea,He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And so by many winding nooks !»• straygy profound ;" I'll catch it ere ot each weary step, Till the last step have brought me to my love ; And there I'll rest, as, after... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1823 - 350 Seiten
...hindered, He makes sweet music with th' enamel'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And so by many winding nooks he strays, With willing sport, to the wild ocean. N. Then let me go, and hinder not my course : I'll be as patient as a gentle stream, And make a pastime... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1824 - 486 Seiten
...Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage; And so by many winding nooks be strays, With willing sport, to the wild ocean. Then...; And there I'll rest, as, after much turmoil %, A bb'ssed soul doth in Elysium. Luc . But in what habit will you go along Î Jul. Not like a woman; for... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1824 - 516 Seiten
...hindered, ie makes sweet music with the enamell'd stones, living a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtakcth in his pilgrimage ; And so by many winding nooks he...And make a pastime of each weary step, Till the last sU-p have brought me to my lore ; And there I'll rest, as, after much turmoil,* A blessed soul doth... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1824 - 380 Seiten
...He makes sweet musick with the enamcl'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge lie overtaketh in his pilgrimage; And so by many winding nooks he...! I'll be as patient, as a gentle stream. And make apastime of each weary step, Till the last step have brought me to my love ; And there I'll rest, as,... | |
 | British poets - 1824 - 676 Seiten
...Upon this spotted and inconstant man. All fancy sick she is, and pale of cheer With sighs of love. Hinder not my course : I'll be as patient as a gentle...step, Till the last step have brought me to my love. A true-devoted pilgrim is not weary To measure kingdoms with his feeble steps ; Much less shall she,... | |
 | William Shakespeare, William Dodd - 1824 - 428 Seiten
...hindered, He makes sweet music with the enamel'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage; And so by many winding nooks he...wild ocean. Then let me go, and hinder not my course: I 'l1 be as patient as a gentle stream, And make a pastime of each weary step, Till the last step have... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1825 - 504 Seiten
...hindered, He makes sweet music with the enamelM Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge [stones. He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And so by .many winding nooks...wild ocean. Then let me go, and hinder not my course : 111 be as patient as a gentle stream, And make a pastime of each weary step, Till the last step have... | |
 | William Shakespeare, Thomas Bowdler - 1825 - 356 Seiten
...hindered, He makes sweet music with the enamel'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And so by many winding nooks he strays, With willing sport, to the wild ocean. I'll be as patient as a gentle stream, Then let me go, and hinder not my course : And make a pastime... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1826 - 546 Seiten
...hindered, He makes sweet musick with th' enamel'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And so by many winding nooks to my love ; And there I'll rest, as, after much turmoil4, A blessed soul doth in Elysium. Luc. But in what habit will you go along? Jul. Not like a... | |
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