| David Franklin Houston - 1926 - 386 Seiten
...of ratification containing fourteen amendments or reservations was as follows: "RESOLVED (two thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the Treaty of Peace with Germany concluded at Versailles on the 28th day of June,... | |
 | John Mabry Mathews, Clarence Arthur Berdahl - 1928 - 974 Seiten
...March 19, 1920, arc as follows. [Con9ressional Record, vol. 59, p. 4599.] RESOLUTION OF RATIFICATION Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the Treaty of Peace with Germany concluded at Versailles on the 28th day of June,... | |
 | 1929 - 254 Seiten
...the Senate by a vote of 85 to 1, with nine Senators not voting,1 passed the following resolution:2 Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of Executive A, 70th Congress, Second Session, a multilateral treaty for renunciation... | |
 | United States. Dept. of State - 1941 - 1270 Seiten
...CONSENTING TO RATIFICATION In Executive Session, Senate of the United States THURSDAY, November 27, 1941 RESOLVED, ( Two-thirds of the Senators present concurring...therein ) , That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of Executive G, Seventy-seventh Congress, first session, comprising an arrangement... | |
 | United States. Dept. of State - 1931 - 1108 Seiten
...convention subject to six reservations which were incorporated in the resolution of ratification as follows: Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of Executive G, Seventy-second Congress, first session, a convention for limiting... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate - 1933 - 362 Seiten
...and, By unanimous consent, the Senate proceeded to consider the following resolution of ratification : "Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of Executive E, Seventy-second Congress, second session, a convention between the... | |
 | United States. Congress. House Merchant Marine and Fisheries - 1936 - 210 Seiten
...RATIFICATION WITH A RESERVATION AGREED TO ON MONDAY APRIL 1 (LEGISLATIVE DAY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13), 1935 Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the .Senate advise and consent to the ratification of Executive E, Sixty-ninth Congress, second session, a convention for the unification... | |
 | United States - 1938 - 1912 Seiten
...States Advising Ratification] In Executive Session, Senate of the United States. February 8, 1&23. Resolved (Two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein) , That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of Executive A, 67th Congress, 4th Session, an extradition treaty between the United... | |
 | Library of Congress - 1922 - 282 Seiten
...the United States and the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy prior to the outbreak of the war: Be it Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Senate advise and consent to the ~giving of notice by the President to Austria and tq Hungary, to revive the extradition convention,... | |
 | United States Department of State - 1932 - 1022 Seiten
...convention subject to six reservations which were incorporated in the resolution of ratification as follows: Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of Executive G, Seventy-second Congress, first session, a convention for limiting... | |
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