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" ... sufficient for our defence. But, as the king of Spain is of German extraction ; as he is a member and prince of the empire, by the territories which descend to him from his grandfather... "
A Compend of History, from the Earliest Times: Comprehending a General View ... - Seite 18
von Samuel Whelpley - 1808 - 354 Seiten
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Count Arensberg, Or, The Days of Martin Luther

Joseph Sortain - 1853 - 388 Seiten
...along that frontier which lies most exposed to the enemy ; his claim is preferable, in my opinion, to that of a stranger to our language, to our blood, and to our country, and therefore I give my vote to confer on him the Imperial crown.' "—Robertson's Charles V., Book...
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A Compend of History: From the Earliest Times

Samuel Whelpley - 1856 - 590 Seiten
...him from his grandfather, and as his dominions stretch along that frontier, which lies most exposed to the enemy, his claim, in my opinion, is preferable...As we now have before us by far the most important period of German history, we shall be a little more parlicnlar in giving a sketch of the reign of Charles...
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The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth

William Robertson - 1856 - 656 Seiten
...stretch along thai frontier which lies most exposed to the enemy; his claim is preferable, in my opinion, to that of a stranger to our language, to our blood, and to our country ; and therefore I give my vote to confer on him the Imperial crown." , . . This opinion, dictated by...
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History of the Reign of Charles the Fifth, Band 1

William Robertson - 1857 - 576 Seiten
...along that frontier which lies most exposed to the enemy ; his claim is preferable, in my opinion, to that of a stranger to our language, to our blood, and to our country ; and therefore I give my vote to confer on him the imperial crown." This opinion, dictated by such...
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Dublin examination papers

Dublin city, univ - 1869 - 336 Seiten
...along that frontier which lies most exposed to the enemy — his claim is preferable, in my opinion, to that of a stranger to our language, to our blood, and to our country ; and therefore I give my vote to confer on him the imperial crown." — ROBERTSON. Translate the following...
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The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth

William Robertson - 1887 - 852 Seiten
...streteh along that frontier which lies most exposed to the enemy, his claim is preferable, in my opinion, to that of a stranger to our language, to our blood, and to onr country ; and therefore I give my vote to confer on him the imperial crown." This opinion, dictated...
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Encyclopaedia Perthensis; or, Universal dictionary of Knowledge, Band 21

Encyclopaedia Perthensis - 1806 - 786 Seiten
...him from his grandfather, and ая his dominions ftreteh along that frontier which lies moll expofcd to the enemy, his claim, in my opinion, is preferable to that of a to our language, to our blood, and to our i.vnmtry."' Chirles was eleited in confcof this...
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