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" Ay, now am I in Arden ; the more fool I : when I was at home, I was in a better place : but travellers must be content. "
The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ... - Seite 48
von William Shakespeare - 1793
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Figuring Grief: Gallant, Munro, and the Poetics of Elegy

Karen Elizabeth Smythe - 1992 - 232 Seiten
...epigraph to Green Water, Green Sky is from As You Like It and encapsulates the theme of the fiction-elegy: "Ay, now am I in Arden; the more / fool I; when I...home, I / was in a better place: but / travellers must be content." If to lose "home" is to experience psychic dislocation, then exiled "travellers"...
Eingeschränkte Leseprobe - Über dieses Buch

As You Like it

William Shakespeare - 1993 - 134 Seiten
...cross33 if I did bear you, for I think you have no money in your purse. ROSALIND Well, this is the forest of Arden! TOUCH. Ay, now am I in Arden, the more fool...was at home I was in a better place, but travellers must be content. ROSALIND Ay. Be so, good Touchstone. CORIN and SILVIUS draw near Look you, who comes...
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Four Comedies

William Shakespeare - 1994 - 692 Seiten
...for I think you have no money in your purse. ROSALIND Well, this is the Forest of Arden. TOUCHSTONE Ay, now am I in Arden, the more fool I. When I was at home I was in a better place, but travellers must be content. Enfer Corin and Silvius ROSALIND Ay, be so, good Touchstone. - Look you, who comes...
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Shakespeare, Aphra Behn, and the Canon

W. R. Owens, Lizbeth Goodman - 1996 - 362 Seiten life. When he arrives there with Ganymede and Aliena in Act II, Scene 4, he is not impressed: 'now am I in Arden, the more fool I. When I was at home I was in a better place' (11.13-14). Figure 6.5 Michael Gardiner as Jaques in the Cheek by Jowl production of As You Like It,...
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Players of Shakespeare 4: Further Essays in Shakespearean Performance by ...

Robert Smallwood - 1998 - 228 Seiten
...dragged along (even if underneath it all he's quite glad to be away from the court). So a line like 'Ay, now am I in Arden, the more fool I. When I was at home I was in a better place, but travellers must be content' (n. iv. 13-15) can positively drip with sarcasm. My biggest problem in this scene,...
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Strands Afar Remote: Israeli Perspectives on Shakespeare

Avraham Oz - 1998 - 324 Seiten
...forest. When Rosalind, Celia, and the fool enter they are tired and show no enthusiasm. The fool states: "Ay, now am I in Arden, the more fool I. When I was at home I was in a better place. . . ." (2.4.13-13; Rosalind describes the forest "desert," as does Orlando later on (2.7.16). 16. Claus...
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The Wordsworth Dictionary of Quotations

Connie Robertson - 1998 - 686 Seiten
...Ordinary made beautiful; ... the Average made lethal. SHAKESPEARE William 1564-1616 10109 As You Like It 1 DOBIE J. Frank 2923 Luck is being ready for the chance. 2 must be content. 1011OAsYouLikelt Sir, you have wrestled well, and overthrown More than your enemies....
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Shakespeare's Brain: Reading with Cognitive Theory

Mary Thomas Crane - 2010 - 276 Seiten
...leaves the court and enters the rustic environs of the forest, he takes pains to stress his discomfort: "Ay, now am I in Arden, the more fool I. / When I was at home, I was in a better place" (2.4.16-17). Unlike one of Kemp's clowns, Touchstone is emphatically not a rustic, yet he points up...
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Shakespeare Stories II

Leon Garfield - 1995 - 328 Seiten am I in Arden," moaned Touchstone, sitting down on a tree-stump and nursing his blistered feet, "the more fool I; when I was at home I was in a better place — " There came a sound of footfalls and a murmur of voices! The three travellers looked to one another...
Eingeschränkte Leseprobe - Über dieses Buch

Shakespeare's Reading

Robert S. Miola - 2000 - 206 Seiten
...spirits, if my legs were not weary' (2. 4. 23). The forest has few comforts: 'Ay, now am I in Ardenne; the more fool I. When I was at home I was in a better place' (14-15). To him the shepherd's life has a seamy side; Touchstone scolds Corin: That is another simple...
Eingeschränkte Leseprobe - Über dieses Buch

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