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Shakespearean Criticism

Joseph C. Tardiff - 1992 - 528 Seiten
The plays, theme or focus of this volume includes: The Merry Wives of WindsorMuch Ado about NothingTroilus and Cressida

Shakespearean Criticism

Joseph C. Tardiff, Sandra L. Williamson - 1992 - 568 Seiten
The plays, theme or focus of this volume includes: MacbethTimon of Athens

Shakespearean Criticism, Band 17

Sandra L. Williamson - 1992 - 544 Seiten
The plays, theme or focus of this volume includes: Antony and CleopatraCoriolanusJulius CaesarTitus Andronicus

Shakespearean Criticism

Sandra L. Williamson - 1991 - 520 Seiten
Presents literary criticism on the plays and poetry of Shakespeare. Critical essays are selected from leading sources, including journals, magazines, books, reviews, diaries ...

Shakespearean Criticism

Sandra L. Williamson - 1991 - 520 Seiten
Presents literary criticism on the plays and poetry of Shakespeare. Critical essays are selected from leading sources, including journals, magazines, books, reviews, diaries ...

Shakespearean Criticism

Sandra L. Williamson - 1991 - 504 Seiten
Presents literary criticism on the plays and poetry of Shakespeare. Critical essays are selected from leading sources, including journals, magazines, books, reviews, diaries ...

Shakespearean Criticism: Excerpts from the Criticism of ..., Bände 1-25;Band 154

Laurie Lanzen Harris, Mark Scott - 1986 - 690 Seiten
The plays, theme or focus of this volume includes: The Comedy of ErrorsHamletHenry IV, Parts 1 and 2Timon of AthensTwelfth Night

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