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Fundamentals of Measurement and Representation of Natural Systems

Robert Rosen - 1978 - 246 Seiten
Mathematical background; The basic formalism; Meters and dynamics; Dynamics and linkage; The analysis of dynamics; Symmetry; Similarity in physics and biology.

Fundamentals of Measurement and Representation of Natural Systems

Robert Rosen - 1978 - 248 Seiten
Mathematical background; The basic formalism; Meters and dynamics; Dynamics and linkage; The analysis of dynamics; Symmetry; Similarity in physics and biology.

Fundamentals of Measurement and Representation of Natural Systems

Robert Rosen - 1978 - 248 Seiten
Mathematical background; The basic formalism; Meters and dynamics; Dynamics and linkage; The analysis of dynamics; Symmetry; Similarity in physics and biology.

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