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Books Bücher

Computational Fluid Dynamics With Moving Boundaries

Wei Shyy - 1995 - 306 Seiten
Presents developments in computational techniques pertaining to moving boundary problems in fluid dynamics. It describes several computational techniques which can be applied ...
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Hydrodynamic Propulsion and Its Optimization: Analytic Theory

J.A. Sparenberg - 1994 - 402 Seiten
HYDRODYNAMIC PROPULSION AND ITS OPTIMIZATION ANALYTIC THEORY Hydrodynamic propulsion has been of major interest ever since craft took to the water. In the course of time, many ...
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Ship Motion Control: Course Keeping and Roll Stabilisation Using Rudder and Fins

Tristan Perez - 2005 - 336 Seiten
The impact of control system design on ship performance has been significant in different applications of ship motion control. This monograph introduces ship motion control by ...
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A Guided Tour of Mathematical Methods: For the Physical Sciences

Roel Snieder - 2001 - 446 Seiten
Problems based mathematical methods textbook for undergraduates and lower-level graduate students in the physical sciences.
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Energy in Nature and Society: General Energetics of Complex Systems

Vaclav Smil - 2008 - 495 Seiten
A comprehensive, systematic, analytically unified, and interdisciplinary treatment of energy in nature and society, from solar radiation and photosynthesis to our fossil fueled ...
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Energy in Nature and Society: General Energetics of Complex Systems

Vaclav Smil - 2007 - 495 Seiten
A comprehensive, systematic, analytically unified, and interdisciplinary treatment of energy in nature and society, from solar radiation and photosynthesis to our fossil ...
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