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These seven essays are intended to serve as an introduction to the study of Dante's Paradiso. They are partly based upon the mediæval commentaries of the author of the Ottimo Commento" (1334), and Benvenuto da Imola (1379); and upon the modern works of Scartazzini, Lubin, and Cornoldi. I am also especially indebted to Fraticelli's and Giuliani's editions of Dante's Minor Works; Mr. F. J. Church's translation of the De Monarchia; Miss K. Hillard's translation of the Convito; Hettinger's Scope and Value of the Divina Commedia, edited by Father H. S. Bowden; Father J. Rickaby's Aquinas Ethicus; Mr. A. J. Butler's edition of the Paradiso; the Rev. J. H. Lupton's Joannes Coletus super opera Dionysii; Cornoldi's Physical System of St. Thomas, translated by Mr. E. H. Dering.

The translation of the Divina Commedia quoted is usually that of Longfellow, the De Monarchia that of Mr. Church, and the Convito usually Miss Hillard's. For the Second Part of the Summa Theologica I have frequently availed myself of the abbreviated version in Aquinas Ethicus. The appended list of books is not a complete bibliography, but merely represents the works most frequently consulted or found most helpful.

My grateful thanks are due to the Rev. George Tyrrell, S.J., who has kindly read through the proofs of this book, and aided me with his suggestions and criticism; and to the Rev. P. H. Wicksteed, M.A., for many valuable suggestions upon the first two chapters, which have either been incorporated into the text or have led me to modify my judgments upon special points in question.

E. G. G.

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