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thirty Days successively) who fell fick at Toledo ; being big with Child, was delivered of a dead Male Infant, and departed this Life in the 38th Year of her Age.

The Emperor paffes from Spain through


Notwithstanding the very great Difference between the Emperor and the King of France for several Years, even to be car

ried so far as to challenge to fight each other; and that nothing but the Death of the one or the other feemed any Way probable to reconcile them; yet, so liable to change are human Affairs, this very Emperor, before this Year expired, set out to pass into the Low Countries through France, taking only the French King's bare Word for his being well treated, which Journey the Emperor took on the following Occafion.

A Rebellion

His Imperial Majesty was preparing in Flanders. to pass from Spain into Italy when News was brought him, that a Rebellion was broke out in Ghent, which made him alter his Resolution, and take a Journey for Flanders through France; many endeavoured to dissuade him from it, because of the Danger of putting himself in the Power of Francis; but, not regarding their Remonftrance, he fet forward by the Post with a small Retinue.

Monfieur Granville, being sent before to advertise the King of his coming, he presently sent his two Sons, the Dauphin, and the Duke of Orleans, with

The Emperor attended by the Dauphin and the Duke of Orleans.

the Conftable Montmorency, to meet and conduct him. Some report, when the Duke of Orleans met the Emperor in France, he, laying his Hand on his Back, faid, Vield yourself a Prisoner. To which the Emperor made no Answer, but embraced him. In January the Emperor and the King of France met at Chastel-Herault, went thence to Amboise, where, the Hangings in the Emperor's Bed-chamber being fet on fire, he had

Meets King


like to have been stified. Then they removed to Blois, and thence to Orleans, where a Confultation was held about detaining the Emperor, which Montmorency exclaimed againft, as a base Breach of Faith: But an Accident, or rather Contrivance, saved the Emperor. He being in Discourse with the Dutchefs D'Estampes, who was in great Favour with the King, designedly let fall a Ring of a prodigious Value, which the took up and offered him; but he refused to receive it, defiring her to keep it in Memory of his paffing through France. This Generofity so obliged the Lady, that she prevailed on the King not to detain him; fo that we may say, for once the French kept their Faith. From Orleans the Emperor went to Fountainbleau, spent some Days there, and then proceeded to Paris, where he was received with the greatest Magnificence imaginable. The King waited on the Emperor as far as St. Quintin, and the two Young Princes conducted him to Valenciennes, and there they took their Leave of him, who was highly pleased with the Honours done him in France. Upon his Arrival in Flanders he foon found the Means of quelling the Rebellion that had broke out at Ghent.

The Turks and Venetians conclude a Peace.

This Year the Turks and Venetians concluded a Peace. In Sept. Pope Paul confirmed the Order instituted by St. Ignatius of Loyola, commonly known by the Name of the Society of Jesus, which was afterwards again confirmed by Pope Julius the IIId; the Founder whereof died in the Year 1556.


The Emperor paffes into Germany. 1541.

The Beginning of this Year the Emperor paffed into Germany, and held a Diet at Ratisbon, wherein the principal Determination was, That Matters of Religion fhould continue in the fame Posture they were in, till a General Council met, or till the next Diet, VOL. IV. " which




" which was to meet in eighteen Months." After the Diet broke up the Emperor passed into Italy, and He met the Pope at Lucca, where he prepared for his Expedition to Algiers, and accordingly repaired on

Makes an unfortunate Expedition to Algiers.

board his Fleet; but a terrible Storm arifing, before he had landed his Stores and Provisions, it prevented his taking the City. In the Height of this Storm

came his Fleet from Spain, all which, except fome few great Ships, were cast away; so that in a short Space above 150 Ships were loft; yet fome Horses and the Men were saved; several Gallies also, having struggled all Night with the Tempeft, in the Morning run themselves a-ground, where the Arabs killed the Men as they came on Shore. The Emperor took this Disappointment very patiently, being only heard to say, Thy Will be done.

Ferdinand Cortes, who conquered Mexico, was with the Emperor in this Expedition, and advised him to return into Spain, and leave him with the Army to take the City; but the great Officers opposed it; fo that Orders were given to repair on board, and, that there might be more Room for the Men, so many Ships being loft, the Horses were ordered to be thrown into the Sea, which the Owners being unwilling to perform, the Emperor himself went from Ship to Ship to fee it done. His Majefty going once towards the Sea, the Soldiers, thinking he would go on board and leave them, began to mutter; but he, turning to them with a pleasant Countenance, faid, Do not fear, my Friends, I am not going; I affure you, if any Body be left here, it shall be me, for I will not stir till I fee you all fafe. In fine, the Forces were all shipped off, and, after a troublesome Voyage, the Emperor landed fafe at Carthagena, where he was received with extraordinary Joy, all Spain being in great fear for him; and thus ended this unhappy Expedition.


War between him and France.


This Year was no fooner approached, but another War broke out between the Emperor and France, which continued for three Years, during which Time the French took and loft Luxemburg; and the Duke of Cleve, taking Part against the Emperor, loft his Dominions. During the War the Emperor first went into Italy, to take care of his Interest in that Country; then proceeded into Germany; and, on the 15th of Nov. 1543, married his only Son Philip, then fixteen Years of Age, to Mary Princess of Portugal, Daughter to King John the IIId, and Catherine the Emperor's Sifter.

His Son mar

ries the Princefs of Portugal.


A Diet at


The Emperor beats the French.

In 1544 the Emperor held a Diet at Spire, where the German Electors came to a Resolution to assist the Emperor against the Turks; but the Confideration respecting Religion was deferred to a more convenient Opportunity, the Emperor having his Hands full of the French and Turks. However, he had the good Fortune to defeat the French in Piedmont; and then marched his Army in order to make the best of his Way to Paris. In the Course of this Progrefs he took several Places, and at length came within seventeen short Leagues of that City, which put the Citizens into so great a Consternation, that they begun to ship off their best Effects: This caufed Francis to fend 6000 Foot and 300 Horse to defend the City; yet he foon entered into a Treaty with the Emperor, and Peace was proclaimed at Crespi, which prevented the further Effusion of Blood on that Side.

A Peace between him and France.

Whilft that Peace was concluding Henry the VIIIth and his Army were before Bologn, whither the Emperor sent to give him an Account of what he



had done; to whom Henry fent for Answer, "That

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his Imperial Majesty might do for himself as he pleased, but, for his own Part, he intended to carry on the War."

A French

Officer put to
Death for

The Batteries raised against Bologn fo terrified the Governor, that he basely furrendred the Place without standing an Affault, for which he afterwards loft

his Head at Paris.

The Marshal de Biez, who had thrown himself into Montrueill, made a better Defence, and the Duke of Norfolk, who had befieged him, fearing the French Army might obftruct his rejoining the King, drew off and returned to the main Army. Then Henry, having left Bologn well provided for Defence, returned to Calais, and thence foon fet fail for England: And the Emperor, having put an End to the War, spent the Winter at Bruffels.


The Year 1545 was the quietest Charles the Vth enjoyed in the whole Course of his Reign; for King Francis, tired with continual Wars, and Age coming on him, ftrictly observed the Peace lately concluded, and the King of England, fatisfied with the taking of Bologn, peaceably remained in his own Kingdom; so that there was no more War between these three Monarchs during the Remainder of their respective Lives.

The Emperor turned his

the Luthe

The Emperor next commenced a War against the Lutherans, which was carried

Arms against on in the Year 1546, and at last ended in his Favour. In this Year died the King of England, who was succeeded by his Son Edward.



A Rebellion in



This Year was ushered in with a Rebellion breaking out in Naples, which, with Difficulty, was afterwards fuppreffed. On

the 30th of March the French King died, and was fucceeded by his Son Henry.


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