Abbildungen der Seite


104-Mrs. interred at Bromley,
in Kent, 105-catalogue of his
friends, 105, 106-a pleasant
anecdote characteristical of, 107
-passes a considerable time at
Oxford, 108-intimacy of with
Mr. Beauclerk and Langton, 108,
109-composes a prayer, ib.-
engages in the Adventurer with
Dr. Joseph Warton, 110, 111-
writes a dedication to Mrs. Len-
nox's Shakespeare Illustrated, 112
-and the Life of Edward Cave,
ib.-Dictionary of, recommended
by the Earl of Chesterfield, 113
-his letter to this nobleman on
the subject, 114-his character
of Lord Chesterfield, and his
letters to his natural son, 117–
his character of Bolingbroke's
works, 1:8 —revisits Oxford, ib.-
memorial of, by Warton, 119,
120-anecdotes of, 120, 121–
letters from, to Mr. Warton, 121,
122, and to the Rev. Dr. Hud-
desford, &c. 126-to Mr. Bur-
ney, 129-to Bennet Langton,
130-to the Rev. Thomas War-
ton, 131, 132-remarks on the
publication of his Dictionary, 133,
-his double talent, ib. -de-
finitions in his Dictionary, not
fully defensible, 134, 135-the
desponding tone of his preface,
136-his scheme of life for Sun-
day, 138-price obtained for his
Dictionary, ib.-his liberal opinion
of the booksellers, ib.writes
some Essays in the Universal Vi-
sitor, 139, and contributes to the
Literary Magazine, ib.—his Ori-
ginal Essays, 140-his reviews of
books, ib.-character of his Ob-
servations on the present State of
Affairs, 141-his patriotic spirit
further proved, ib.-his defence
of tea against Mr. Hanway's ob-
jections to it, 142-his most ex-
quisite Critical Essay, or his re-
view of Soame Jenyns, 143-pro-
poses an edition of Shakespeare,
145-refuses a valuable church
living, 145, 146-letter from, to
the author of Dissertations on the
History of Ireland, 146-to the
Rev. Mr. Warton, 147 --to Mr. Bur-
ney, 147, 148--to Bennet Langton,
Esq. 148-sketch of, by Dr. Bur-


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ney, 150-publishes the Idler, 151
-adds the Essay on Epitaphs, and
the Dissertation on those of Pope,
&c., 152 - writes his Rasselas
Prince of Abyssinia, 157-cha-
racter of this, by Boswell, ib.-
writes a Dissertation on the Greek
Comedy for Mrs. Lennox, 159-
and the Introduction to a Collec-
tion of Voyages and Travels, 160
makes another excursion to
Oxford, 161-his thoughts on the
life of a sailor, ib.-enters into a
controversy upon the subject of
architecture with Mr. Mylne, 163
-writes an address for the pain-
ters to George III, on his acces-
sion to the throne, and the De-
dication to Mr. Bareti's Italian
and English Dictionary, 164-
becomes acquainted with Mr. A.
Murphy, 165-writes the preface
to Rolt's Dictionary of Trade and
Commerce, 167—writes a dedica-
tion to the King for the Rev. Dr.
Kennedy, Rector of Bradley, in
Derbyshire, 171-and another to
the Earl of Middlesex, of Mrs.
Lennox's "Female Quixote,"
and a preface to the catalogue of
the Artists' Exhibition, 172-ob.
tains a pension of three hundred
pounds a year from his present
majesty, 175-remarks on his de-
finitions of pension and pensioner,
175, 176-confesses his ignorance
to a lady, 177-accompanies Sir
Joshua Reynolds to Devonshire,
ib.-writes a character of Col-
lins, 180-difference between him
and Sheridan, 181-writės a de-
dication to the Queen, of Mr.
Hoole's Tasso, 180-is introdu-
ced to Boswell by Mr. Davies,
183-is refused an order by Gar-
rick, 184-his ideas of the "Ele-
ments of Criticism," 184 - ex-
traordinary vigour of his conver-
sation, 185-his appearance when
first visited by Boswell, at his
chambers in the Temple, ib-
writes, in the Critical Review, the
account of" Telemachus,a Mask,"
191-his history of Goldsmith's
distressed situation, 193--his opi-
nion of Dr. John Campbell, and
Churchill the poet, 194, 195-of
Bonnel Thornton's Burlesque Ode,


195 and the World and the
Connoisseur, ib.—his remarks on
Dr. Ogilvie's Poems, 196-his re-
marks on his own pension, 199-
his ingenuity in talking Jacobitism,
200-his definition of Whiggism,
ib-his opinion, of the King of
Prussia's writings, 201-bis li-
brary described, 202-his love of
youthful acquaintance, 206-pro-
poses a visit to the Western
Islands of Scotland, 208-writes
the life of Ascham, and the dedi-
cation of that writer's English
works, 215-his appetite and vo-
racity in eating, 217-bis opinion
of Bishop Berkeley's principles,
218-visits the Langton family in
Lincolnshire, 221-his reasons for
not continuing his attendance at
the Literary Club, 223-writes a
review of Graingers "Sugar Cane,"
a Poem in the London Chronicle,
224 and an account of Gold-
smith's "Traveller" in the Cri-
tical Review, ib.-is severely af-
flicted by lowness of spirits, 225
-his habit of talking to himself,
ib.-another peculiarity in walk-
ing, ib.-his custom of shaking
his head, rubbing his knee, chew-
ing the cud, &c. ib.-visits the
University of Cambridge, 226-
is created Doctor of Laws by Tri-
nity College, Dublin, 227-in-
tends to become a politician, and
to study the law, 228-is introdu-
ced into the family of Mr. Thrale,
ib.-his esteem for Mr. Thrale,
229-publishes his Shakespeare,
230-treats Voltaire very con-
temptuously, ib.-excels in writ-
ing dedications, 231-took no
part in the Traveller, 233-the
lines furnished by to Goldsmith's
"Deserted Village," 234-his
character of Rousseau and Vol-
taire, 236-anecdotes of, 237-
his ideas on making verses, ib.-
contracts an intimacy with Mr.
Chambers, 243-writes the de-
dication to the King, of Gwyn's
London and Westminster Impro-
ved, and some pieces in a volume
of Miscellanies, by Mrs. Anna
Williams, ib.-has a private con-
versation with his majesty, 248,
249 passes three months at

Litchfield, 252-instance of his
tenderness, ib.-writes a dedica-
tion to the king, of Mr. Adams's
Treatise on the Globes, 253-and
the Prologue to Goldsmith's
"Good Natured Man," ib.-frag-
ments of his conversation, 254,
255-renews his promise of com-
ing to Scotland, 255-his preju-
dice against Scotland, 256-his
sentiments on adultery, 257-the
inscription on his dial plate, 258-
his notions of popular liberty, 260
-regard for Francis Barber, ib.
-rudeness to Dr. Perey, 261-
-particulars of his conversation,
265-his thoughts on singularity,
and a London life, 267-plays off
his wit against Scotland pleasant-
ly, 268-attacks Prior powerfully,
ib-accounts for the popularity of
Whitfield, 269-his conversation
on Pope, Shakespeare, Congreve,
and Sheridan, 271, 272—his cha-
racter of feeling people, 275-ap-
pears as an evidence at the Old
Bailey in favour of Baretti, 276
the vigour of his understanding,
how cramped by his orthodoxy,
281-his thoughts on purgatory,

.--on death, 282--on Blackmore,
283-on marriage, 285-publishes
the False Alarm, ib.-his general
mode of life, 290-his good offices
in behalf of many of the natives of
Scotland, 291- his acrimony,
292-publishes Thoughts on the
late Transactions respecting Falk-
land's Islands, 300-prepares a
fourth edition of his Dictionary,
311-receives Sir Alexander Mac-
donald, 313-sets out for Scot-
land, 372-returns to London,
373, 374-makes the tour of
Wales in company with Mr. and
Mrs. Thrale, 383-his difference
with Macpherson, 391-instances
of his courage, 392, 393-engages
in the Ossian Controversy, ib.
publishes" Taxation no Tyranny,"
393, 394, 395-receives his di-
ploma as Doctor of Laws, from
Oxford, 402-goes to Bedlam
with Mr. Boswell, 423-sets out
to Paris, 428-returns to Streat-
ham, 430-his Diurnal Register,
431 to 439-his ability in writing
French, 441-a few of his sayings

442, 443 —abstains from wine,
460-the wretchedness of a sea
life, ib.-bis opinion of statuary,
461-goes to Oxford with Mr.
Boswell, 462-goes to Bath with
Mr. and Mrs. Thrale, 500-re-
turns to London, 503-writes an
Epitaph on Dr. Goldsmith, 520
-is presented with a Round Ro-
bin on the subject, 521-reads
and approves of Dr. Blair's Ser-
mons, 529-assists a relative of
Dr. Goldsmith, 580-writes a
prayer for Easter Day, ib.-his
Journey to the Western Islands of
Scotland, 532-commences his
Lives of the English Poets, 538,
539-writes a dedication to the
King, of the works of Dr. Zachary
Pearce, 540-and a prologue to
a Word to the Wise, a Comedy,
by Mr. H. Kelly, 541-proposes
Mr. Brinsley Sheridan, as a mem-
ber of the Literary Club, 542-
arrives at Ashbourne, 553-writes
Dr. Dodd's Speech to the Recor.
der of London, and the Convict's
Address to his unhappy Brethren,
558, 559—and his Solemn Decla-
ration, 560-letter from, to Dr.
Dodd, ib.-and another for him
to the Kiug, 561-a good descrip-
tion of, by Dr. Taylor, 565-
who the best imitators of his
style, 566, 567—his ideas on me-
lancholy and madness, 578, 579
- characteristical portraits by,
581 to 591-instances of his li-
berality, 605-his thoughts on
emigration, 609, 610 leaves
off drinking wine, 616 his
thoughts of Pennant'sTravels,630,
633-his different places of resi-
dence in London, 702-completes
his Lives of the Poets, 741-his
manner of walking the streets,
759,760-is visited by Mrs. Sed-
dons, 848-is seized with a drop-
sy, 860-and a cough, 863-his
thoughts on death, 879, 880-
returns from Oxford, 884-in-
tends going to Italy, 895-in-
formed by Mrs. Thrale of her in-
tention to marry Signor Piozzi,
ib.-orders a stone to be put
upon his wife, thirty years after
her death, 900 — writes various
letters, 901-with a journal of

his illness, 902 to 909-translates
an Ode of Horace, and composes
several prayers, 909-his thoughts
on a learned pig, 911-writes a
list of the authors of the Univer-
sal History, 913-his preparations
for and fears of death, 919 to
928-bis decease on December
13, 1784, 928-his funeral, how
conducted,929-bis intended mo-
nument, 930—his figure and cha-
racter, ib.
Johnsoniana, or Bons Mots of Dr.
Johnson, a spurious production,
458, 459

Journal, a necessity of keeping, 201
Irene, extracts from, 42, 43-first
performance of, 85
did not
please the public, ib.
Kaimes, Lord, Sketches of the His-
tory of Man, 672

Kenrick, Mr. his violent attack up-
on Johnson's Shakespeare, 230--
answered by Mr. Barclay, ib.
Kennicot, collations of Dr. 295
King, why the, can do no wrong, 197

-a fine gentleman, 251

Kings, great ones always social, 204
Knowledge, all of some value, 414
Knowles, Mrs. her dialogue with
Dr. Johnson, 644

Langton, Bennet, Esq. account of,

Langton, Mr. Peregrine, an account
of his mode of living, 239
Language, accuracy and flow of, how
obtained, 87

Lauder, a literary impostor, 100
Law, Dr. Johnson's thoughts on the
practice of, 235

Law's Serious Call, character of, 292
Lay patrons in the church, claims of,
adjusted, 358, 359

Learning, difference it makes in peo-
ple of common life, 209, 210-state
of, in France and England, 621
Leeds, verses on the marriage of the
Duke of, 732

Letter to Bennet Langton, Esq. 154,

166, 238, 239, 253, 300, 304,
307 to J. Boswell, Esq. 219,
232, 241, 258, 264, 284, 303,
306, 337, 339, 371, 372, 373-to
Mrs. Johnson, 155, 156-to Miss
Porter, 156-to Mrs. Lucy Por-
ter, 258--to a lady, 173-to J.
Simson, Esq. 160-to Mr. W.
Drummond, 444, 245, 246—to

the Hon. Thomas Hervey, 248-
to Mr. Baretti, 169, 174, 179
-to Dr. Staunton, 170-to the
Earl of Bute, 177, 178-to J.
Reynolds, Esq. 226, 303, 305
-to Charles Burney, Esq. 231
-to the Reverend Mr. Warton,
153, 263, 287-to Mr. Francis
Barber, 287-to Dr. Johnson,
301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 339-
to Joseph Banks, Esq. 305---to
the Rev. Mr. White, 340
Letters, various, 371 to 431, 442 to
455, 528 to 568, 632, 633, 675 to
684, 693, 701, 718 to 725, 756
to 759, 790 to 809,827
Levett, Mr. Robert, strange gro-
tesque appearance of, 106-death
of, 794,795

Levellers down, cannot bear level-
ling up, 207

Lexiphanes, by Campbell, 253
Literature of Scotland, 256
Literary Club, the, when founded,
222-fraud, various instances of,
168-property, 368


Lives of the Poets, observations on,
741 to 755

London, a Poem, rapid'sale of, 52-

the best view of its magnitude,
196-its extensive influence, 293
Low spirits, or melancholy, the
cominon effects of, 22
Luxury, uses of, 505-defended,

Lydiat, the history of, 83
Lyttleton, dialogues of Lord, 29+
Macaulay, Mrs. levelling opinions

of, ridiculed by Dr. Johnson, 207
Macbeth, miscellaneous observa-
tions on the tragedy of, by John-
son, 75
Macaronic verses, origin of, 636
Madden, Dr. anecdote of, 145
Mahogany, a liquor, 764

Mallet, David, a poem by, 835
Marchmont, Lord, acquaintance of
with Pope, 667, 694
Marriage, thoughts on, 478- the

nature of its obligations, 491
Matrimonial thought, a, 285
Mean company and low jocularity,
their ill consequences, 208
Melancholy, how best cured, 207-
how to be diverted, 483
Methodists, the cause of their suc-
cess in preaching, 212-six justly
expelled from Oxford, 328, 329

Memoirs of Miss Sydney Biddulph,
by Mrs. Sheridan, 182
Merit, intrinsic, why cannot make
the only distinction among man-
kind, 204
Money-getting, not all a man's busi-
ness, 580, 589

Montague, Mrs. her Essay on Shakes-
peare, 272, 273

Mounsey, Dr. anecdotes of, 261
Murphy, Mr. his Poetical Epistle to
Samuel Johnson, A.M. 165 —his
death at Knightsbridge, ib.-
Orphan of China, by, 149
National debt, effects of the, 295
Negroes, an argument in favour of
the liberty of, 591, 592, 593, 598
Nonjurors, remarks on, 874
Oat ale, and oat cakes, 473
Oglethorpe, General, his benevo-
lence, 52

Old age, state of the mind in, 621
Orange peel scraped, its uses, 828
Original sin, real nature of, 785,

Ossian Controversy, the good state-
ment of, 854

Othello, supposed defect of this tra-
gedy, 498

Oxford, advantages of, for learning,

Pantheon, the, visited by Johnson,
Paoli, General, presented to Dr.

Johnson, 269-his lofty port, 270
Paper sparing Pope, 60

Parliament, proper office of, 413-
duty of a member of, 761
Parson Ford, account of his sup-
posed ghost, 670

Petitioning, a new mode of distress-
ing government, 273

Philosopher, the character of a, ge-
nerally misconceived, 647
Philosophers, a city of, 473
Piozzi, Mrs. incorrectness of her re-
lation, 34-her misrepresentation
of Johnson's treatment of Garrick,

Pity, not natural to man, 202
Pope's recommendation of Johnson
to Earl Gower, 54
Porter, Mrs. Lucy, 477
Predestination, how slightly men-

tioned in the Articles, 280
Priestley, Dr. tendency of the Theo-

logical works of, 293
Priuter's Devil, a, married, 773

Pronunciation, the true English, 314,


Quakers, remarks on the, 470-dif-
ference between their precepts
and practices, 833

Race, the, a Poem, by Mr. Cuth-
bert Shaw, 247

Rain, what is good for, 198
Rambler, numerous subjects in the,
93, 94

Rats, the grey, Hanover, &c. 468
Razor, the various modes of apply-
ing it, 571

Reading, the art of, 829, 830
Readings, various, in the lives of
Cowley, 743-in Waller, ib.~~
in Milton, 745-in Dryden, 746
-in Pope, 748—in Parnell, 750
-in Blackmore, ib.-in Philips,
751-in Lyttelton, 752-in Swift,

Retirement, a Poem, 298

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, visits Devon-
shire, 177

Reviews, the Monthly and Critical,

Rheumatism, a medicine for, 416
Rhyme, the excellency of, over

[blocks in formation]

Scarsdale, Lord, seat of, described,

Scotch law, a question upon, 333,
334-militia, proposed, 458-na-
tionality, remarks on, 399
Scoundrel, definition of a, 481
Second marriages, thoughts on, 267
-sight, remarks on, 235
Severity of a schoolmaster, how far
necessary, 307, 312
Seward, Miss Anna, 476
Shebbeare, Dr. some account of,780,

Sheridan, Mr. his unforgiving tem-

per, 182-what the effect of his
teaching, 209

Sleep, various methods of being
roused from, 574

Smith, Dr. Adam, on the Wealth of
Nations, 457

Smollet, Dr. letter from, to Mr.

Wilkes, soliciting the release of
Dr. Johnson's black servant, 162
Snakes, observations concerning, 634
Soame Jenyns on the Origin of Evil,
143 epitaph ascribed to him,

144 View of the Internal Evi-
dence of the Christian Religion,
by, 639

Soldier, the character of a, 485
Spectator, who the writers in the,

Spelling book, a, dedicated to the
universe, 10

Stanza, licentious in Pope, 669
Stealing, what turpitude is attached
to, 204

Strahan, Mr. proposes Dr. Johnson
as a proper representative in par-
liament, 301

Student, the, or Oxford and Cam-
bridge Miscellany, 90

Style, thoughts on that of different
sermon writers, 617

Subordination, remarks on, 236-

decrease of, remarkable, 625
Swallows, where deposited in winter,


Swift, how treated by Johnson, 261
Tacitus, deficiency of, as an author,


Tea, how made by Mrs. Williams,

Temple and Johnson, the difference

between the styles of, 95
Tenants and landlords, the mutual
dependence of, 279

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