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By HENRY CARR PEARSON, Horace Mann School, Teachers College, New York.

Complete .

Part II, Based on Caesar

Part III, Based on Cicero


HIS book combines a thorough and systematic study of the essentials of Latin syntax with abundant practice in translating English into Latin; and affords constant practice in writing Latin at sight. It meets the most exacting college entrance requirements.

Part I is a summary of the fundamental principles of Latin grammar and syntax, and contains clear, concise explanations of many points that are troublesome to the ordinary pupil. It is divided into graded lessons of convenient length, each lesson including English-Latin exercises for practice. References to all the leading grammars are also given.

Part II contains short, disconnected English sentences and some continuous narrative based on Books I-IV of Caesar's

Gallic War. Part III presents material for translation into Latin based upon Cicero. There are also exercises for general review preparatory to college entrance examinations.

A valuable feature of the book is the Review Lessons, introduced at intervals. These contain lists of important words for vocabulary study, and together with the summaries of grammatical principles afford excellent material for review work and practice in sight translation. For purposes of emphasis and intensive study, typical Latin sentences, illustrating important grammatic usages, idioms, and phrases are placed at the head of each chapter based on Books I and II of Caesar and the first Catilinian oration of Cicero.


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