Abbildungen der Seite

or Pride, or too complying from Familiarity or Forwardnefs contracted at their own Houses. After these Hints on this Subject, I fhall end this Paper, with the following genuine Letter; and defire all who think they may be concerned in future Speculations on this Subject, to fend in what they have to fay for themselves for fome Incidents in their Lives, in order to have proper Allowances made for their Conduct.

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Jan. 5, 1711. Τ THE Subject of your Yefterday's Paper is of fo great Importance, and the thorough handling of it may be fo very useful to the Prefervation of many an innocent young Creature, that I think every one is obliged to furnish you with what Lights he can, to expofe the pernicious Arts and Practices of those unnatural • Women called Bawds. In order to this the inclosed is fent you, which is verbatim the Copy of a Letter written by a Bawd of Figure in this Town to a noble Lord. • I have concealed the Names of both, my Intention be⚫ing not to expose the Persons but the Thing.

My Lord,

I am, SIR,

Your humble Servant.

Having a great Efteem for your Honour, and a better Opinion of you than of any of the Quality, makes me acquaint you of an Affair that I hope will ⚫ oblige you to know. I have a Niece that came to Town ⚫ about a Fortnight ago. Her Parents being lately dead

The came to me, expecting to a found me in fo good a • Condition as to a fet her up in a Milliner's Shop. Her • Father gave fourfcore Pounds with her for five Years:

Her Time is out, and fhe is not fixteen; as pretty a • black Gentlewoman as ever you faw, a little Woman, ⚫ which I know your Lordship likes; well fhaped, and as fine a Complexion for Red and White as ever I faw; I doubt not but your Lordship will be of the fame Opinion. She defigns to go down about a Month hence ⚫ except I can provide for her, which I cannot at prefent; Her Father was one with whom all he had died with him, fo there is four Children left deftitute; fo if your Lord

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Lordship thinks fit to make an Appointment where I fhall wait on you with my Niece, by a Line or two, I ftay for your Anfwer; for I have no Place fitted up fince I left my Houfe, fit to entertain your Honour. I told her she should go with me to fee a Gentleman a very good Friend of mine; fo I defire you to take no notice of my Letter by reafon fhe is ignorant of the Ways of the Town. My Lord, I defire if you meet us to come alone; for upon my Word and Honour you are • the first that ever I mentioned her to. So I remain, Your Lordship's

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Moft humble Servant to command.

• I beg of you to burn it when you've read it.


No 275.


Tuesday, January 15.

tribus Anticyris caput infanabile


Was Yesterday engaged in an Affembly of Virtuofo's, where one of them produced many curious Obfervations which he had lately made in the Anatomy of an Human Body. Another of the Company communicated to us feveral wonderful Discoveries, which he had alfo made on the fame Subject, by the Help of very fine Glaffes. This gave Birth to a great Variety of uncommon Remarks, and furnished Difcourfe for the remaining Part of the Day.

THE different Opinions which were started on this Occafion, prefented to my Imagination fo many new Ideas, that by mixing with those which were already there, they employed my Fancy all the last Night, and compofed a very wild extravagant Dream.

I was invited, methought, to the Diffection of a Beau's Head and of a Coquet's Heart, which were both of them laid on a Table before us. An imaginary Operator opened the first with a great deal of Nicety, which upon a curfory and fuperficial View, appeared like the Head of


another Man; but upon applying our Glaffes to it, we' made a very odd Discovery, namely, that what we looked upon as Brains, were not fuch in Reality, but an Heap of ftrange Materials wound up in that Shape and Texture, and packed together with wonderful Art in the feveral Cavities of the Skull. For, as Homer tells us, that the Blood of the Gods is not real Blood, but only fomething like it; fo we found that the Brain of a Beau is not real Brain, but only fomething like it.

THE Pineal Gland, which many of our Modern Philofophers fuppofe to be the Seat of the Soul, fmelt very ftrong of Effence and Orange-flower Water, and was encompaffed with a kind of horny Substance, cut into a thoufand little Faces or Mirrours, which were imperceptible to the naked Eye, infomuch that the Soul, if there had been any here, must have been always taken up in contemplating her own Beauties.

WE obferved a large Antrum or Cavity in the Sinciput, that was filled with Ribbons, Lace and Embroidery, wrought together in a moft curious Piece of Network, the Parts of which were likewife imperceptible to the naked Eye. Another of these Antrums or Cavities was ftuffed with invifible Billet-doux, Love-Letters, pricked Dances, and other Trumpery of the fame nature. În another we found a kind of Powder, which fet the whole Company a Sneezing, and by the Scent difcovered it felf to be right Spanish. The feveral other Cells were ftored with Commodities of the fame kind, of which it would be tedious to give the Reader an exact Inventory.

THERE was a large Cavity on each fide of the Head, which I must not omit. That on the right Side was filled with Fictions, Flatteries, and Falfhoods, Vows, Promises, and Proteftations; that on the left with Oaths and Imprecations. There iffued out a Duct from each of these Cells, which ran into the Root of the Tongue, where both joined together, and paffed forward in one common Dua to the Tip of it. We discovered feveral little Roads or Canals running from the Ear into the Brain, and took particular care to trace them out through their feveral Paffages. One of them extended it felf to a Bundle of Sonnets and little mufical Inftruments. Others ended in feveral Bladders which were filled either with Wind or Froth.


But the large Canal entered into a great Cavity of the Skull, from whence there went another Canal into the Tongue. This great Cavity was filled with a kind of fpongy Subftance, which the French Anatomifts call Galimatias, and the English Nonsense.

THE Skins of the Forehead were extremely tough and thick, and what very much surprised us, had not in them any fingle Blood-veffel that we were able to difcover, either with or without our Glaffes; from whence we concluded, that the Party when alive must have been intirely deprived of the Faculty of Blushing.

THE Os Cribriforme was exceedingly ftuffed, and in fome Places damaged with Snuff. We could not but take notice in particular of that fmall Muscle which is not often discovered in Diffections, and draws the Nose up-wards, when it expreffes the Contempt which the Owner of it has, upon feeing any thing he does not like, or hearing any thing he does not understand. I need not tell my learned Reader, this is that Mufcle which performs the Motion fo often mentioned by the Latin Poets, when they talk of a Man's cocking his Nofe, or playing the Rhinoceros.

WE did not find any thing very remarkable in the Eye, faving only, that the Mufculi Amatorii, or as we may tranflate it into Englife, the Ogling Muscles, were very much worn and decayed with ufe; whereas on the contrary, the Elevator, or the Muscle which turns the Eyetowards Heaven, did not appear to have been used at all.

I have only mentioned in this Diffection fuch new Difcoveries as we were able to make, and have not taken any notice of those Parts which are to be met with in common Heads, As for the Skull, the Face, and indeed the whole outward Shape and Figure of the Head, we could not discover any Difference from what we observe in the Heads of other Men. We were informed, that the Perfon to whom this Head belonged, had paffed for a Man above five and thirty Years; during which time he Eat and Drank like other People, dreffed well, talked loud, laugh'd frequently, and on particular Occafions had acquit red himself tolerably at a Ball or an Affembly; to which one of the Company added, that a certain Knot of Ladies took him for a Wit. He was cut off in the Flower of VOL. IV.



his Age by the Blow of a Paring-hovel, having been furprifed by an eminent Citizen, as he was tendring fome Civilities to his Wife.

WHEN we had thoroughly examined this Head with all its Apartments, and its feveral kinds of Furniture, we put up the Brain, fuch as it was, into its proper Place, and laid it afide under a broad Piece of Scarlet Cloth, in order to be prepared, and kept in a great Repofitory of Diffections; our Operator telling us that the Preparation would not be fo difficult as that of another Brain, for that he had obferved several of the little Pipes and Tubes which ran through the Brain were already filled with a kind of Mercurial Subftance, which he looked upon to be true Quick-filver.

HE applied himself in the next Place to the Coquette's Heart, which he likewise laid open with great Dexterity. There occurred to us many Particularities in this Diffection; but being unwilling to burden my Reader's Memory too much, I fhall referve this Subject for the Speculation of another Day.

SKOWIDKLONEC KO? Wednesday, January 16.

N® 276.

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bearing the mention of your Faults. Your Papers which regard the fallen Part of the Fair Sex, are, I think, written with an Indelicacy, which makes them nnworthy to be inferted in the Writings of a Moralift who knows the World. I cannot allow that you are at Liberty to obferve upon the Actions of Mankind with the Freedom which you feem to refolve upon; at leaft if you do fo, you should take along with you the Di*ftinction of. Manners of the World, according to the • Quality

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