Printing -$3,221,000- A significant decrease from the FY '00 base is in the area of printing costs. This decrease is due to the first session traditional reduction in spending as opposed to second session printing spending. The FY 2000 estimated printing costs are $12.6 million. The FY 2001 requested funding for this category is $9.4 million. Supplies +$722,000 The increases in the areas of food and beverages, office supplies and subscriptions and publications are anticipated to continue based on spending patterns. Equipment -$337,000 The FY 2001 funding for this category remains consistent with this reduction in equipment spending every other year. Official Mail -+$2,867,000 The FY '01 Official Mail funding request of $25,000,000 is a 12.9% increase over the FY 2000 base of $22,137,000. |