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atque ubi navali stant sacra Palatia Phoebo,

Euandri profugae concubuere boves.
fictilibus crevere deis haec aurea templa,
nec fuit opprobrio facta sine arte casa,
Tarpeiusque pater nuda de rupe tonabat,
et Tiberis nostris advena bubus erat.

qua gradibus domus ista Remi se sustulit, olim
unus erat fratrum maxima regna focus.
curia, praetexto quae nunc nitet alta senatu,

as I can prove by many in-
stances of my skill, e.g. the cases
of Arria and Cinara. 103-118:
All other prophecy is fallible;
even Calchas failed. 119-134:
Now then I will prophesy for your-
self your own destiny, for I know,
you see, the whole story of your
life. 135-150: Only the elegy in-
spired by just one girl must be
your theme, and you shall be her
slave. But beware the Crab !'

1. quodcumque vides: the imaginary position of the speaker might have been on the Palatine, the Capitoline, the Janiculan, or any other such height commanding

all the city. hospes: apparently identical with the seer Horos of the second part of the poem.

2. Cf. 4, 4, 3-14; Tib. 2, 5, 25-34.

3. navali. . . Phoebo: the reference is to the great naval victory at Actium and the naval defeat of Sextus Pompey. Cf. 2, 31, Intr.; 4, 6, Intr. - Palatia: cf. Tib. 2, 5, 25, and 87, n.

4. profugae: Euander was represented in myth as an exile from

Arcadia. Cf. Verg. Aen. 8, 333336.

5. Cf. 2, 31, 1; Tib. 1, 10, 20, n. Augustus said he found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble.

7. Tarpeiusque pater: Juppiter Capitolinus. - nuda: the bare rock without temple or building (C. S.).

8. advena: 'a visitor': for cattle only, rather than for a city full of people, and a passing visitor rather than a procession as now (C. S.). The Tiber came from Etruria; cf. Ovid, Fast. 3, 524: haud procul a ripis, advena Thybri, tuis.

9. gradibus: the Scalae Caci, which led up the side of the Palatine to the domus. - domus . . Remi: the Casa Romuli, or traditional home of the twin founders of Rome, which was long an object of veneration. Cf. Platner, p. 128.

II. curia: cf. Ovid, A. A. 3, 117: curia consilio nunc est dignissima tanto: de stipula Tatio regna tenente fuit. The new Curia Julia was dedicated by Au



pellitos habuit rustica corda patres. bucina cogebat priscos ad verba Quirites: centum illi in prato saepe senatus erat. nec sinuosa cavo pendebant vela theatro, pulpita sollemnis non oluere crocos. nulli cura fuit externos quaerere divos,

cum tremeret patrio pendula turba sacro, annuaque accenso celebrare Parilia faeno, qualia nunc curto lustra novantur equo. Vesta coronatis pauper gaudebat asellis,

ducebant macrae vilia sacra boves.

19. annuaque O annua at Lachmann. celebrare NFLV celebrate D celebrante Housman (cf. B. O. Foster in Class. Phil. 2, 217).

gustus, 29 B.C. praetexto.. senatu: a large number of the senators had held curule magistracies, and being thus entitled to wear the toga praetexta, gave a distinctive tone in garb to the whole assembly.

12. pellitos: the primitive method of clothing is contrasted with the modern; the rural with the urban; cf. Theognis, 55.

13. ad verba: 'to their deliberations' (C. S.).

14. centum illi: the traditional original senate as created by Romulus. Cf. Livy, 1, 8, 7: centum creat senatores.

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name was legion in imperial times at Rome.

18. pendula: 'on tiptoe of emotion' (Phillimore).

19. celebrare: sc. cuique cura fuit; cf. Hor. Sat. 1, 1, 1 : Qui fit, Maecenas, ut nemo . . . contentus vivat, laudet diversa sequentis? - Parilia faeno: cf. Tib. 2, 5, 90, n.

20. curto... equo: the October horse,' annually sacrificed to Mars on the Ides of October. The blood which fell where its tail was cut off was used for suffimen. Cf. H. & T. § 205.

21. At the feast of Vesta, on June 9th, garlands of leaves were strung on asses. Cf. Ovid, Fast. 6, 311: ecce coronatis panis dependet asellis.

22. ducebant: 'drew.'- sacra : whatever was used in performing the sacrifice. Cf. 2 Sam. 6, 3, and




parva saginati lustrabant compita porci,
pastor et ad calamos exta litabat ovis.
verbera pellitus saetosa movebat arator,
unde licens Fabius sacra lupercus habet.
nec rudis infestis miles radiabat in armis :
miscebant usta proelia nuda sude.
prima galeritus posuit praetoria Lycmon,

magnaque pars Tatio rerum erat inter oves.
hinc Titiens Ramnesque viri Luceresque Soloni,
31. Soloni N coloni FLDV.

23. lustrabant compita: at the Compitalia thus humbly celebrated in early days. Cf. Fowler, Rom. Fest., pp. 279-280.

24. ad calamos: 'to the sound of reed pipes.'

25. verbera pellitus: at the feast of Lupercalia, on Feb. 15th, the Luperci, clothed only with a girdle of goatskin, ran about striking with strips of goatskin the women they met. For the rites and their very early origin, cf. Fowler, Rom. Fest., pp. 310 sqq.

26. Fabius: there were two collegia of the Luperci, the Fabii and the Quintilii.

28. miscebant with proelia is poetic, and perhaps an imitation of Callinus, II.-nuda: i.e. without the protecting armor of later times. — sude: cf. Verg. Aen. 11, 894: stipitibus ferrum sudibusque imitantur obustis; 12, 298 sqq.

29. galeritus: 'in wolf-skin helmet' (C. S.); cf. Verg. Aen. 7, 688: fulvosque lupi de pelle

galeros. Lycmon: a Greek form of the Etruscan Lucumo, who according to tradition helped Romulus in battle against Titus Tatius and his Sabine warriors.

30. But Titus Tatius is represented differently in 4, 4, 19-21.


31. hinc i.e. from such humble origins as are indicated in the preceding verses. Titiens used here substantively and collectively in the singular to give variety. The Titienses represented the Sabine element in Roman citizenship, the followers of Titus Tatius. - Ramnesque viri: the followers of Romulus, the Latin element. — Luceresque Soloni: the Etruscan element, who followed Lucumo, and crossed the Tiber to settle in Latium. These three groups formed the original tribus at Rome. The adjective Soloni refers to the city of Solonium from which Lucumo is said by Dionysius Hal. (2, 37, 2) to have comę; cf. Dieterich in Rh. Mus., Vol. 55 (1900), pp. 201 sq.



quattuor hinc albos Romulus egit equos.
quippe suburbanae parva minus urbe Bovillae,
et, qui nunc nulli, maxima turba Gabi,
et stetit Alba potens, albae suis omine nata,

hac, ubi Fidenas longe erat ire vias.

nil patrium nisi nomen habet Romanus alumnus:
sanguinis altricem non pudet esse lupam.

huc melius profugos misisti, Troia, penates.

o quali vecta est Dardana puppis ave!

36. longe Olonga w. ire FLDV isse N. vias O via w. 38. pudet o putet 0.

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by Tullus Hostilius. albae suis : cf. Verg. Aen. 3, 390; 8, 43-86.

36. The various arbitrary text alterations of different editors have given little relief to this verse. hac sc. via. - Fidenas: apparently used here as an adjective agreeing with vias after the Propertian manner; cf. I, I, 13. Fidenae was five miles from Rome on the Via Salaria, in the opposite direction from Alba. -ire vias: cf. 1, 20, 18: egressam longe Phasidos isse viam.

37. nil patrium nisi nomen : i.e. their name as derived from Romulus had been retained, rather than the simple life of his day. Romanus alumnus: the composite population, native and foreign, of the imperial city of Rome.

38. The Romans are not ashamed of the wolf's blood, for it made them warlike (C.S.), whence came their glorious history.

39. melius: i.e. for a better career than in their Trojan home.




iam bene spondebant tunc omina, quod nihil illam
laeserat abiegni venter apertus equi,

cum pater in gnati trepidus cervice pependit

et verita est umeros urere flamma pios.
tunc animi venere Deci Brutique secures,
vexit et ipsa sui Caesaris arma Venus,
arma resurgentis portans victricia Troiae.
felix terra tuos cepit, Iule, deos,

si modo Avernalis tremulae cortina Sibyllae
dixit Aventino rura pianda Remo,

aut si Pergameae sero rata carmina vatis

longaevum ad Priami vera fuere caput,
'vertite equum, Danai! male vincitis: Ilia tellus.
vivet et huic cineri Iuppiter arma dabit.'
optima nutricum nostris lupa Martia rebus,

41. illam puppim Dardanam. 42. venter apertus: i.e. the opening of,' etc.

44. umeros . . . pios: umeros pii Aeneae.

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45. animi . . . Deci: cf. 3, II, 62, n. the Brutique secures : patriotic sternness of Brutus against his own sons when they conspired to restore the Tarquins (C. S.).

46. vexit. . . ipsa. . . Venus : i.e. by guarding the fleet of Aeneas through all perils to Italy. Cf. Verg. Aen., passim.

48. tuos . . . Iule, deos: Propertius, of course, wishes to emphasize the thought that the dominant Julian family is largely responsible for the imperial greatness of Rome.

49. si modo: the protasis here

and in v. 51 implies the actuality of the assumption. Cf. PAPA., Vol. 36 (1905), p. xlii, 1 (a). — Avernalis = Cumaeae cortina: an embellishment added to the description given in Verg. Aen. 6. The poet is thinking of the oracle of Apollo; cf. Verg. Aen. 3, 92.

50. dixit: Propertius probably invented this statement. Aventino: 'on the Aventine.' The usual place ascribed to Remus in the famous augury of the brothers (cf. Livy, 1, 6, 4); but Enn. Ann. 1,81, gives this hill to Romulus. -rura pianda: merely as a preliminary to the augury.

51. vatis: Cassandra.

53. This prophecy in essence is found in Lycophron, 1226 sqq. 55. Martia : the she-wolf, sacred to Mars, was nurse of his

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