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Vol. III.


'Oh! if there be one spot ou earth,
Where cloudless bliss and joy have birth;
Where blighting sorrows seldom come,
And envy's bitter tongue is dumb-
That spot of peace and quiet mirth
Is found beside the Farmer's hearth.

Thrice sacred spot! where friendship's light
In many a lovely eye is bright-
Where hearts and hands to kindness given,
Prepare an antepast for Heaven,
And consecrate an humble" cot,"
With all that kings in vain have sought.

From The Mothers' Magazine. THE TWIN-BROTHERS.



Thursday, December 6, 1860. even for a day. Often she rose again and again in the night, and with a lamp in her hand stood gazing at the cherub sleepers, unable in their perfect repose to tell which was Henry and which was William. After breathing over them a silent prayer and kissing a cheek of each as it lay glowing against the snowy pillow like the crimson of a rose's heart, she wonld seek her couch, still to watch over them in dreams. How her heart thrilled every morning at the sound of their voices, as if she had received them anew to life! It was their daily custom to wake her by singing some sweet, simple hymn at her door, and she used to say that often in the first confused moment of waking, as the music of their sweet young voices mingled with her morning dream, the idea of being welcomed into the gate of Heaven by her two boys as angels, was vivid as reality itself; a momentary rapture, succeeded by a keen, prophetic pang which told her that it would be even so. Thus, loving and beloved, had the bright current of their lives flowed on till they had reached their eighth summer.


No. 42.


accidentally discharged, and a bullet had passed through the child's breast. William threw himself, with a wild shriek, beside him, the dying boy opened his lips as if he would speak, tried to stretch his hand towards his dispairing brother, and expired. Not a minute had elapsed since they had sprung into that fatal building, glowing with health and joy, and now they lay on the ground together, one dead, the other suffering a mortal agony far worse than death!

The whole had been seen by a servant girl who was at work near by, but it had passed too quickly for her to interpose. She and others, who had been alarmed by the shot, now hastened to the place. The old gardener, who blamed himself as the cause of this terrible accident to the children, who were his pride and joy, fled and concealed himself. A physician was called, but he could do no good. In vain did they attempt to lead William from the spot. With fixed looks he hung over his dead brother, but no sound escaped his lips, no tear fell from his eye. When the body was taken to the house he followed silently, and took his place beside the bed on which it was laid.

The twin-brothers were the pride and delight of the whole neighborhood. As they passed along through the village, hand in hand, every face smiled upon them, every heart blessed the beautiful and loving pair What then must they have been to their parents? To their mother especially, they had been, from the hour when they were first laid in one cradle, the objects of an One day in June, their natal month, affection stronger than a mother's common love, and she watched them by day to attend the wedding of a relative in the their parents were obliged to leave them A servant was dispatched to meet the and night like some unearthly treasure which she feared might vanish from her neighboring city. The mother was not returning parents and prepare them for The moment he was perceived sight. There was something so strange in easily persuaded to go, for it required an the scene. absence of two days. On the second day, from the carriage, the mother's voice was their perfect resemblance to each other; the boys having finished their lessons, heard calling out to know if all was well. the source almost every hour of sweet perwere playing about the grounds. In their A flood of tears in reply told her to explexities, of innocent mischiefs. Nor was the likeness confined to their persons. eagerness to explore every nook and cor- pect some great misfortune, and she fainted The whole dreadThe golden curls, the dark blue eyes, the ner, they had wandered into an outhouse in her husband's arms. voices, the size of these beautiful creatures where garden tools were kept. Here the ful story was at length drawn from the were not more alike than their minds and gardener had, on the preceding day, left weeping and agitated servant. When the a gun which he had been using to destroy carriage stopped before the door, and Wiltempers. Affectionate and gentle disposi- the hawks which of late had greatly dis- liam, whom no entreaties bad been able to tions were united with the promise of rare turbed the nightingales and thrushes, those remove from the bedside, beard his fathgifts of intellect. They were perfectly quiet denizens of the shrubbery. As this er's voice, he grew deadly pale and drophealthy, and their gayety and activity kept outhouse was remote from the mansion ped without consciousness upon the floor. the whole house astir. Nothing could be and seldom entered except by himself, he Thus when the poor parents entered their imagined more like the happiness of Eden had laid down the gun without drawing late happy nursery, both their dear chilthan the life of these childen in their beau- the charge. William caught up the loud-dren lay apparently lifeless before them. Their mother's happiness in them, deep out: "Die now, theu bloody hawk!" the state can be called life in which he reed weapon and pointed it at Henry, calling William was at length restored to life, if and full as it was, had always been tinged "Stop, Willy, stop!" cried Henry, cov-mained from this day. That deathlike by an anxious foreboding, a secret feelingering his eyes with his hands. But at the pallor never vanished from his cheeks. that they were not long for earth. She could never bear to be separated from them same instant there was a flash, and Henry Like a restless spirit, silent, with fixed fell lifeless to the ground. The gun had eye, he wandered round the house, taking

tiful rural home.

notice of nothing and seeming not to re- his brother to watch for their mother's
cognize the most familiar friends. Only coming at the gate of Heaven!
now and then, when his mother clasped

him in her arms, spoke to him in endear-THEREPOSITORY:


Thursday, December 6, 1860.


mouth, in order to bring peace to a distrac fed country, and silence forever the disunion cry, so revolting to American men? Yes, South Carolina knows this as well ing tones and kissed him tenderly, dim reas any one; but under the influence of membrances seemed to awake in his mind. strong passion, aud under the leadership He would for a moment look at her intelof men, lost to every sense of honor and Ilgently, and with deep sighs press his patriotism, she still wars against her bethands upon his breast, or lay his mother's ter judgement, but with declining success. hand upon his heart; but the next instant The conservative element of the South is he relapsed into his usual state. This was aroused, and South Carolina and her conThis is a subject that we cannot contem- ferees in insanity will soon be brought to only interrupted by a strong convulsion every day just the hour of the fatal acci- plate with any degree of complacency. It reason. Let us aid in the good work, not dent. He took very little food, and this strikes at the root of confederacy, harmony by vain glorious boasts, not by threats, always with reluctance. His sleep was and public prosperity. Its advocacy is a not by attempts at c. ercion, but by Chrisunquiet and broken. Sometimes he would breach of good faith and sacred obligation tian reason, and in a spirit of Christian rise in the night and examine every part on the part of any separate State compris mercy, overlooking all wrongs committed of the room as if in search of something, ing a part of this noble Compact-the beau- under a baneful influence, and bearing in then with a deep sigh throw himself again tiful Sisterhood of States-the bright Gal-mind only the service rendered when, in upon the bed. His strength visibly de-axy of Nations. We cannot, in view of the the time of the revolution, her Marions disolution of this Compact-the dismem- and ber Sumpters led her sons on to vicberment of the Union, forbear most strong tory, fighting for Liberty and Union. ly to declare against such a suicidal course. In regard to the South, we cannot see any good reason for such a proceeding. The Flag of Liberty, a Bell and Everett journal alludes to it in the following strong and pertinent language:--


The Manufacture of Metallic pens in the United States has cost a very large amount of capital and in a majority of instances has resulted in disappointment and failure on the part of the manufactures.

We learn from the Commercial Adverti

ser that about the year 1836, the first stee! pen establishment in the United States, so far as can be learned, was started by a company at Haydenville. Mass. After expending a large amount of money upon the works, and producing some excellent specimens of pens, considering the infancy, as it were, of that branch of manufactures, they were compelled to give up the enterprise, in consequence of a want of experi

creased. After a time he could not stand, or sit up; then he lay upon the couch day after day without uttering a word. In this manner a whole year had passed away, and new the day of the sad catastrophe had come round. As the hour of his usual convulsion approached, his mother was sitting beside him, her heart everflowing in tears of anguish for the living and the "Is South Carolina mad? Has her readead. Suddenly he fixed his eyes on her son left her? Is she idiotic, that she perwith the appearance of one awaking from sists in causing such a disunion agitation, a deep swoon. Seeing her weep, the tears as that of which we every day hear? We gushed freely from the long-sealed foun- fear for the worst; we fear that she has in tains in his own eyes. Then he seized her reality gone mad-politically mad-and hand and drew her towards him. As she we mourn the occurence. We pity South bent over him, covering him with kisses, Carolina, for, with all her faults, she is and crying, "My Willy, my dear, dear still a sister state, and once poured out her boy, dost thou know me once more?" he heart's blood to form that Union which threw his wasted arms around her neck, she is now, under the leadership of misand said, in a low, earnest whisper, "Moth-guided zealots, striving to demolish. Has South Carolina yet to learn, that er, I have seen my brother; he has called me!" He then laid himself back, but in these United States, the will of the ma-ence and the absence of proper tools, good still held her hand fast in his, and gazed at jority is the ruling power,and that to it all tool makers at that time being very scarce. her with a beaming, heavenly expression. must bow? Is she really so ignorant that The panic of 1837 also militated against A soft glow overspread his pale, sunken she does not know that, as long as she re- the success of the enterprise. The want cheeks; his lips grew red; he breathed mains in the Union, she has to be govern- of a proper knowledge of slitting, tempered by the rules and regulations of that ing and general finishing, caused the pens quick. He often whispered, "Dearest Union, and that any attempt on her part, to be far from uniform in quality. At or on the part of any state, to subvert the one time the product might be very good, government, will constitute treason, and receive the punishment adjudged to such crime? And does she not know that she cannot leave this Union without causing a revolution in social and political circles. that would shake the Christian world to its centre, and bring annihilation upon

Mother, I am so, so happy? My Henry is with me again; he loves me still?" This lasted about half an hour, and the mother's heart vibrated between joy and gorrow. She could not reject the hope that her child was about to be restored to her. Alas! this hope was soon to go down in darkness. In the midst of this blessedness,

at another the whole lot would be so totally valueless that they could not even be used for school pens.

Another establishment was about this

time put in operation at the village of Feltville, in New Jersey. This, after repeated trials, unfortunately followed its prede

in the midst of the soft rapture of reunion
herself? Do not the leaders in this unho-cessor.
and reconciliation, the angel of Death gent-
ly laid his hand on the bosom of the child. ly agitation know, that the first overt act
Once more he murmured the name of Hen- on her part toward disunion, will bring
ry, once more pressed his mother's hand upon themselves all the just wrath of of-
fended millions of, freemen, who would not
to his heart, gasped-and had flown with
hesitate to blow them from the cannon's

A company next started in Brooklyn, and made great efforts to obtain a footing in the manfacturing world; bnt after expending several thousand dollars, had also to give up the project as a failure.

the former concerns.

of the gold pen, but the earliest informa- think we can recommend this city as the
tion obtained on this point is that in best stock market in New England.
England some years since, a gold pen was
made, the great desideratum then being to
get in the metal all the flexible nature of
the quill, and to conquer the corrosive
quality of the steel pen. This was of

The next effort was made by two energetic men, one of whom was well known in his day as a proficient die sinker, and who naturally thought that hls practical knowledge would enable him to overcome those difficulties that had shipwrecked all By strenuous efforts a company was formed, in which were sev-course accomplished in the gold pen, but eral respectable men, many of whom are the precious metal was found to be too actively engaged in mercantile pursuits soft, and in a short time, with constant in this city at the present time. Their ex-use, the pen would rapidly wear away. penses amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars, but still the enterprise failed. They built a large factory in New York,in a location then considered far up town, but which now is almost in the heart of the city. Every improvement in machinery was procured, and many varieties of pens-some of excellent quality-were the results of their experiments.

The Ramapo Coinpany was then started in Rockland county, New York; but unfortunately the whole establishment was soon after destroyed by fire. Two other companies, one after the other, tried to resuscitate this business, but followed their predecessors, and "expired," after expending large amounts of capital in repeated experiments.

A joint stock company was next started, with great spirit, in Newark, New Jersey, but as in the preceeding cases, after disposing of about twenty-five thousand dollars without any return, and after an existence of twelve months they had to succomb and give up the struggle. Some private parties next undertook the production of a good steel pen, and established a factory at 37th street, for the manufacture of the same. Not being very successful, a number of persons possessing some enterprise, a little capital, and not devoid of experience, joined themselves into a company under the general manufacturing law, taking the title of the "Washington Medallion Pen Co.," and by procuring the assistance of good workmen, have been enabled, after an expenditure of about fifty thousand dollars, to produce the first American pen. All the other companies had directed their attention to imitating the English article.

It is estimated that about ten thousand

gross of pens are in course of completion at one time in this manufactory. It is calculated that 1500 pounds of steel are used in this factory every month, and that the average yearly sales of pens are between sixty and seventy thousand gross annually.

Some doubt exists as to the exact origin

COURSE OF LECTURES.-The Citizens' Course of Lectures will be opened on Tuesday Evening next at Lawrence Hall, by Mr. George Sumner of Boston. Mr. S. is a very popular and pleasing lecturer and cannot fail to interest his audience. No one, we are sure will be willing to forego the pleasure of the course for the small item of expense for a ticket. Every member of families that can attend should be supplied in season. We are not sure where the tickets may be obtained but doubtless at the bookstores and news offices.

Some doubts exist at the present day as
to who was the real inventor of pointing
the gold pen with a harder substance. A
clergyman in Vermont gets the credit for
the discovery from some parties; while a
man named Hawkins claims the invention
as his own. In either case it matters but LITERARY NOTICES.
little to the commercial world at large,
provided they get the benefit of the im-

The first manufacturer of gold pens was Mr. Levi Brown, of Detroit, in which city be started in rather a small way. He soon after established himself in Brooklyn, where he made a rapid fortune and retired from the business. Previous to this Mr. Bagley started in the business, and launched out extensively.

At this time the trade became more and more in the hands of all classes of persons, some skillful, others possessing a capital and procuring the services of the talented. After some little time had elapsed and many experiments had failed, a factory was established, and by the aid of machinery, &c., the proprietors are enabled to turn out complete, if required, 12,000 gold pens weekly.


SALE OF STOCKS.-At a recent auction sale of Bank and Insurance Stocks by Messrs. Phillps & Smith of this city, the following prices were obtained, viz.:

NELLY'S FIRST SCHOOLDAYS.-By Josephine Franklin. Author of "Nelly and her Friends." Boston, published by Brown & Taggard, 25 and 29 Cornhill. 1860.

This is second in the series of the "Martin and Nelly Stories" by the author of the former volume, "Nelly and her Friends," and fully equal to it in juvenile interest. Written in that familiar and exquisitely beautiful and attractive style that captivates the youthful mind, and finely embellished, it will prove a rare treat to our young friends to whom we will guarantee in it a luxury scarcely equaled in the whole range of juvenile literature. We predict for "Nelly's First Schooldays" a wide circulation. For sale by Starr & Co., No, 4 Main Street.

OLDER THAN ADAM.-By the Author of "Violet" "Daisy "Etc. Boston, Brown & Taggard, 25 and 29 Cornhill. 1860. This beautiful little volume is one of the

popular "Summer House Series" and although distinct in itself, is a continuation 4 shares Union Bank, at $106,50, to of the theme of a previous story by the Ezra Chappell; 8 do scrip ($25 shares) at same writer relating to the habits of in$31,25; 39 shares New London Bank to sects, birds &c., and the resources and Leander Lewis, in several lots, at an aver-pleasures of quiet country life. Its especial age of 78 cents, (shares $62,50;) 10 shares subject, however, is "the formation and Merchants Bank, N. Y., ($50) to H. P. subsequent history of the earth, and the Haven, at $50,25; 10 to John Grace, at continual providence of God." In this at$50,75; 10 to J. W. Eggleston, at $50,- tractive volume the young reader cannot 75; 10 to E. Chappell, at $60,25; 12 to fail to find a mine of useful knowledge E. Chappell, at $50,50; 52 shares scrip that contains most valuable gems, which will invite him to more ardent and pleas($12) at $18 per share. urable efforts fully to develop their richness and beauty. Those who read this volume will be sure to obtain the comainder of the series. For sale by Starr & Co., No. 4 Main Street.

10 shares Norwich Fire Insurance Co., to Charles Barns, at $60. 10 to Shepard & Harris at $60. The premiums above par value paid for the above stocks speak well for New London in panic times. We





I HAVE a steed-a bounding steed,
With a form as lithe as a bending reed,
And limbs like the petrel's wing;
With his airy form and his step of grace,
His eye of love and his beaming faee,
Oh, hs is a beautifu! thing!

I have a lamb-a household pet;

Like the blue of June, when the sun has set,
Is his soft and dreamy eye;

He frolics and gambols the livelong day-
Then turns, and, lisping. asks the way
To the Shepherd's fold on high.

I have a bird-life's dawning light,
All quivering, beautiful and bright,
Upon her radiant wing;
Sweet as the chime of silver bells,
Or voice of spring in their woodland dells,
Do her broken carols ring.

them, in modest privacy, enact many a
scene of beautiful wonder, and plaudits of
angels. And upon the whole, fairly esti-
mating the glory and the uses, and the ac-
tual and possible prevalence of the friendly
sentiment, we must cheerily strike the
lyre and lift our voice to the favorite song,
confessing after every complaint is ended,


"There is a power to make each hour
As sweet as heaven designed it;
Nor need we roam to bring it home,
Though few there be that find it!
We seek too high for things close by,

And lose what nature found us:
For life hath here no charms so dear

As home and friends around us."


Let every one, therefore, see that you care for them, by showing them what Sterne so happily calls, 'the small sweet courtesies of life,' in which is no parade: which voice is so still to ease, and which manifest themselves by tender and affec tionate looks and little kind acts of attention-giving others the preference in every little enjoyment—at the table, in the field, walking, sitting, or standing."

"MOTHER."-O, word of undying beau ty! Thine echoes sound along the walls of time until they crumble at the breath of the Eternal. In all the world there is not a habitable spot where the music of that holiest word is not sounded. Ay, by the flower of the river, by the crystal margin of the forest tree, in the hut built of bamboo cane, in the mud and thatched cottage, by the peaks of the kissing moun tains, in the widespread valley, on the blue ocean, in the changeless desert, where the angel came down to kiss the parched lips, the sweet waters of the wilderness, under the white tent of the Arab, and in the bark covered wigwam of the Indian hunter; wherever the pulses of the human heart beat quick and warın, or floats feebly along the current of failing life, there is prayer-" Mother.” that sweet word spoken, like a universal

NEAT WIVES AND "TOUCHY" HUS BANDS.-Women have their faults, 'tis true, and very provoking ones they some times are; but if we would all learn, men and women, that with certain virtnes we admire are always coupled certain dieagreeableness, we might make up our minds more easily to accept the bitter with the sweet. For instance, every husband, we believe, delights in a cleanly, well ordered house, free from dust, spots, and unseemly stains; the pains taking machinery necessary to keep it so, he wishes never to trial of those who fall from affluence and If, then, his wife, true to her feminine insee, or seeing too often forgets to praise. honor to poverty and obscurity, is the dis-stincts toward cleanliness, gentiy reminds covery that the attachment of so many in him, when he comes home, that he has whom they confided was a pretence, a mask forgotten to use the door mat before enter remarks that a man's mother is the repre

Rare, rare the gems in my love-crown set;
But sin has a poison to canker and fret,
And its stain even now they wear;
With a trembling heart, and bended knee,
I bear them, Son of God, to thee,
Oh, heed a mother's prayer!

ing the sitting room on a muddy day, let
him reflect before he gives her a lordly,
impatient, ungracious "pshaw!" how the

THE MOTHER.-A writer beautifully

sentative of his Maker, Misfortune, and even crime, set up no barriers between her and her son. While his mother lives he has

to gain their own ends, or was a miserable shallowness. Sometimes, doubtless, it is with regret that these frivolous followers of the world desert those upon whom they reverse of the picture would suit him, viz: one friend on earth who will not listen a slatternly, "easy" woman, whose apartFlies leave the kitchen when the dishes ments are a constant mortification to him him when he suffers; who will soothe him

have fawned; but they soon forget them.

are empty. The parasites that cluster about the favorite of fortune, to gather his gifts and climb by his aid, linger with the sunshine, but scatter at the approach of a storm, as the leaves cling to the tree in summer weather, but drop of at the breath of winter, and leave it naked to the stinging blast. Like ravens settled down for a banquet, and suddenly scared by a noise, how quickly, at the first sound of calamity, these superficial earthlings are specks on the horizon!

But a true friend sits in the centre, and is for all times. Our need only reveals

him more fully, and binds him more closely to us. There are more examples of unadulterated affection, more deeds of silent love and magnanimity than is nsually supposed. Our misfortunes bring to our side real friends, before unknown. Benevolent impulses, where we should not expect

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GOOD ADVICE. In a letter from Wm. Wirt to his daughter, occurs a passage which we give for the benefit of our readers. They are simple truths. He says: "I want to tell you a secret. The way to make yourself agreeable to others is to show that you care for them. The world is like the miller at Mansfield who cared for nobody-no, not he—because nobody cared for him. And the whole world will serve you so if you give them the same

when he is slandered; who will not desert

in his sorrows, and speak to him of hope when he is ready to despair. Her affections know no ebbing tide. They flow on from a pure fountain, and speak happiness through this vale of tears, and cease only at the ocean of eternity.

IMPROVEMENT IN SKIRTS.-A new skirt has been invented which sustains the dress without any assistance from whalebone, simply by a harmonious and skillful disposition of the muslin folds of which it is composed. The Multiple Skirt is formed of a series of overlapping flounces, arrayed in a fan shape, readily expanded by means of metallic eyelets. One or two flounces are at most required for a morn ing dress, and nothing can be more simple. The skirt is put on or off in a minute; when on a journey, divided in pieces,it may be smoothly folded and scarcely occu py any space."

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We find a good article in the Tribune on the culture of celery. It is well worth remembing by every lover of this healthful and nutritious vegetable. It is as follows:

vals of ten or twelve days throughout the
season, to keep down the weeds and stir the
ground. A man and a horse can culti-
vate four acres per day, or something near
120,000 roots, which, by the trench sys-
tem, would require all to be hoed by hand,
involving at least twenty times the
amount of manual labor."

As soon as the Celery gets to be 15 or 18 There are but few farmers who attempt inches high, instead of the hoe-harrow use to grow Celery, yet it is not a difficult mat- a plow to throw a slight furrow to the ter; and it is an excellent vegetable, not Celery; then the "handling" or straightonly as a sort of condiment, but it is nour-ening-up process is gone through with, and ishing as food. And every farmer's wife a heavier furrow is then thrown against who has a taste for setting a handsome ta- it. It is then allowed to remain eight or ble, either for her own family or when ten days to extend the hearts, when the she has company, will always be glad to banking process is finishel by the spade. have a handsome dish of celery as a table This is the practice with what is sold ornament, if it was not touched as food. in September, October, and November. Where there is a market for it, it is con- That which is put away to preserve for sidered as good a paying crop as almost Winter use is done the same with in every any one that can be grown with so little respect, except that it is not banked up by trouble as this grden vegetable. The Hor- the spade nor blanched in any way before ticulturist says: being put away.

"Nearly all the Celery sold in the New York markets is grown as a second crop. The ground is first heavily manured in Spring for crops of early cabbages, beets or onions, which are sold off usually by the first week in July. The ground is then cleared off, plowed, and harrowed, and at once planted with Celery, if the ground is moist enough to receive it. The Celery is planted in rows four feet apart for early, and three feet for the late crop-planted in each case six inches apart-all on the surface of the ground. This is what is technically termed the 'flat' system. Never manure specially for Celery unless the crop preceding it has been neglected, and then manure over the whole surface, as any one of experience knows that the feeding-ground for the roots is not confined to six inches on each side of the plants, but that they will meet in the cen. ter of four-feet rows; hence the absurdity of manuring only in the rows. The culture of the crop by the 'flat' system is very simple. In a week or so after planting, the ground is run through by the triangular hoe harrow; this is continued at inter

ripening. This may be done the first of December, and by the middle the whole may be covered six or eight inches deep over the sides and top. It can be drawn any time during Winter for use or market. The near contact of the stalks with the manure while thus stored does not affect the Celery any more than it does while growing before it is taken up, nor any more than it does potatoes or any other vegetable that we cat.

About topping the plants when transplanting, a large grower of Celery says: "I mow off with the scythe "some three inches of the tops of Celery plants twice "in the season before transplanting."

THE YALE AGRICULTURAL LECTURES. The experiment of the Yale Agricultural Lectures of last Winter was So succcessful as to induce its repetition this Winter on a more complete scale. The course will commence February 5, and continue through the month. These lecThe crop being all handled and straight-tures are given under the auspices of the ened up, begin to put away what you want for use through December on the first dry day after the 25th of October (dates are of great importance for localities of the same temperature), and so continue until you finish, which may be about the 15th of November; any later, in our district, is dangerous for frost; earlier, the Celery will whiten too quick, and rot.

Yale Scientific School, or Scientific Department of Yale College, as a supplement to its newly instituted practical course, and for the benefit of the public at large. A new and important feature of this course will be its complete illustration by speci. mens, drawings, models, and animals,— Life-sized pantings of groups from celebrated herbs will be included in these illustrations. The lectures on the training and breaking of horses will be accompanied by practical illustrations on living animals,in a large amphitheater which has been secured for the purpose. It is quite possible that Mr. Rarey may be engaged for this specialty. We learn from good authority in Connecticut and Massachusetts, that a very large number of students may be expected from those States.

The best manner of preserving is to choose a sandy, or at least a dry spot, in an open exposure, stretch a line, and dig a trench or drain 10 or 12 inches wide, and of the depth of the Celery to be put away. It is then dug up, the earth wel! shaken from the roots, and packed perpendicularly in the trench or drain, just tight enough not to bruise the stems. No earth is put to the roots; the damp soil of the trench gives moisture enough. You simply dig a trench and pack it full of Celery, and let N. L. COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIEit stand until there is danger of hard freez-TY-A meeting of the New London ing: then throw strawy stable manure on County Agricultural Society, for the each side, leaving a strip of the green choice of officers, will be held in the Town leaves in the center uncovered. This Hall, at Norwich, on Wednesday, Dec. gives ventilation, and prevents too rapid 19, 1860, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon,

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