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then, as his best move, would probably have taken the Kt. (for taking the Rook would be dangerous, on account of “Q. Kt. to K. Kt. 5th). and then the game might have proceeded thus:


14. Q. Kt. takes Kt.

15. Q. to her Kt. 3d, check. 16. Q. takes Q.

17. K. R. to Q. sq.


14. Q. P. takes Kt.
15. Q. to her 4th.
16. P. takes Q.


The position, however, would even then have been much in favor of the second player, from the commanding situation of his two Bishops.

(c) This is stronger play than taking the Q. Kt. After advancing the doubled Pawn, Mr. Staunton remarked that, had his position been less favorable, and the advantages springing from this move less obviously certain, he should have much preferred the more enterprising play of taking the K. B. P. with his Kt.—a sacrifice, as he demonstrated in an after game, which leads to many strikingly beautiful situations; for example:

[blocks in formation]

In a second back game, instead of "K. to B. sq.," White


17. K. Kt. P. one.

18. K. Kt. to B. 3d (or A).
19. Q. Kt. to K. B. 4th.
20. Q. takes B.,

21. K. to his 3d sq.

(If Kt. to K. 5th, White loses his Q., therefore,) 22. K. to Q. 2d.


17. Q. takes K. R. P.
18. R. to K. B. sq.
19. B. takes Q. P.,
20. Q. to K. B. 8th, check.
21 R. to K. sq., check.

22. Black may now take the Kt. or play Rook to K. 5th, in either case having a winning game.

[blocks in formation]

There are many other variations, but these will suffice to show the resources of the attack.

(d) This move loses a clear piece. Play as he could, however, the game was irredeemable.

(e) A move White overlooked, unfortunately, when he took the Pawn with Bishop.


Between Mr. C. H. Stanley, Ed. of the American Ch ss Magazine, and

another strong player.

(Hitherto unpublished.)


White (Stanley).

1. K. P. two.

2. K. Kt. to B. 3d.

3. K. B. to Q. B. 4th.
4. Q. B. P. one.
5. Q. P. two.
6. K. P. one.

7. K. B. to Q. Kt. 5th.
8. B. takes Kt., check.
9. P. takes P.
10. Q. Kt. to B. 3d.
11. P. takes P.
12. P. takes Kt.
13. K. Kt. to Q. 4th.
14. Castles.

1. The same.

2. Q. Kt. to B. 3d.
3. Same.

4. K. Kt. to B. 3d.
5. P. takes P.
6. Q. P. two.

7. K. Kt. to K. 5th.
8. P. takes B.

9. B. to Q. Kt. 3d.
10. P. to Q. B. 4th.
11. Kt. takes Kt.
12. B. takes P.
13. Castles.

14. K. B. P. one.

He may also play B. to K. 3d, upon which Black can check with his Q., and afterwards take Kt. with B., having the better game.


15. P. takes P.

16. B. to K. 3d. (a) 17. R. to K. sq. 18. K. Kt. to B. 3d. 19. Q. takes P., check. 20. P. takes B. 21. Q. R. to Q. B. sq. 22. Kt. to K. 5th. 23. Kt. to Q. B. 6th. 24. Q. to Q. 2d. (d) 25. Kt. to Q. 4th. 26. R. to K. B. sq. 27. R. takes R. 28. R. to K. sq. 29. Kt. to Q. Kt. 5th. 30. Kt. to B. 3d. 31. Q. to K. B. 2d. (e) 32. K. P. one. 33. Q. to K. B. 3d. 34. Q. to K. 3d. 35. K. Kt. P. one. 36. R. to Q. sq. 37. Kt. to R. 4th. 38. R. to Q. 4th.

39. Kt. to K. B. 3d.

40. Q. takes Q.

41. R. takes P.


15. Q. takes P. 16. Q. B. to R. 3d. 17. Q. R. to K. sq. 18. B. takes B. 19. K. to R. sq. 20. Q. takes Q. B. P. 21. Q. to Q. Kt. 5th. (b) 22. Q. to K. 2d. (c) 23. Q. to K. B. 3d. 24. B. to Kt. 2d. 25. Q. to K. 4th. 26. R. takes R. 27. K. R. P. one. 28. Q. B. P. two. 29. R. to K. 3d. 30. Q. to K. Kt. 4th. 31. R. to K. Kt. 3d. 32. Q. to K. 4th. 33. R. to K. B. 3d. 34. R. to K. B. 5th. 35. R. to K. B. sq. 36. R. to K. sq. 37. Q. B. P. one. 38. B. takes K. P. 39. B. to Kt. 2d. 40. R. takes Q.

And after a few more moves the game, by mutual con sent, was abandoned as drawn.


(a) A desirable move on account of its conformity with one of he first principles of a chess-player, which is, to concentrate his forces in the centre of the board; and a necessary one on account of the support thereby provided for K. B. P. in the event of the forced removal of K. R.

(b) If Rook capture Q. B. P., Black takes Kt. with R.

(c) With young players the propensity to attack Q. is nearly as

great as the other propensity to check K. on all occasions: in the present instance if Black attack Q. with B., he is compelled to lose an exchange, to avoid that peculiar form of mate known as Philidor' legacy, e. g.:


23. Kt. to K. B. 7th, check.
24. Kt. to R. 3d, check.

25. Q. to Kt. 8th, check,
26. Kt. mates.


22. B. to Q. Kt. 2d.
23. K. moves (if).

24. K. moves.

25. R. takes Q.

(d) Disagreeable results would be likely to attend the capture of

Rook's Pawn, thus:

24. Kt. takes R. P.

25. If Rook take R. mate en-
sues in three moves, there-
fore, K. R. to Q. sq.

26. R. to K. sq.

27. K. to R. sq.

24. R. takes K. P.

25. B. to K. 7th.

26. Q. to B. 7th, check.

27. B. to K. B. 6th, and Black

wins in a few moves.

(e) If Q. to K. 2d, Black captures K. P. with R., and White could not possibly save the game.


IN the game forming this Lesson, first player at his 3d move plays K. B. to Q. Kt. 5th, a move formerly considered weak play, but which may be adopted with safety. The following examination of this move is from Walker's Art of Chess-Play.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

3. K. B. to Q. B. 4th. In tne game that follows, extracted from the Chess-Player's Chronicle, it will be seen that Staunton deprecates this move. Jaenisch and Bilguer prefer K. Kt. to B. 3d.—(See Second Reply.)

4. Q. B. P. one (best, see A). 4. K. Kt. to K. 2d.

5. Castles.

6. Q. P. two.

7. P. takes P..

8. Q. P. one.

9. B. to Q. R. 4th.

10. Q. P. advances.

11. P. takes P. (best).

5. Castles.

6. P. takes P.

7. K. B. to Q. Kt. 3d.

8. Q. R. P. one.

9. Q. Kt. home.

10. K. Kt. to Kt. 3d (best). 11. Q. takes P.

12. Q. Kt. to B. 3d, with rather better position. Black can, however, vary some of the preceding moves, and the result should be an even game.

4. B. takes Kt. 5. If you take K. P. playing Q. to Q. 5th. once Q. B. P. one, the Q. P. one (best).

6. Q. B. to K. 3d. 7. Castles.

Variation A.

4. Q. P. takes B. with Kt., he gets a good game by Ponziani makes you play now at answer to which is Q. to Q. 6th.

5. Q. B. to Kt. 5th.

6. Q. to her 3d.

7. Q. R. to Q. sq.

8. Q. Kt. to Q. 2d. The game is even.

Jaenisch now

erroneously plays for Black, K. Kt. to K. 2d, not seeing that you would not reply as he supposes with Q. Kt. to Q. Kt. 3d, but with Q. Kt. to Q. B. 4th, winning a piece.


4. Q. P. one. To take Kt.

gives no advantage.

5. Castles.

6. Kt. takes Kt.

7. Q. B. P. one

3. K. Kt. to B. 3d.

4. K. B. to Q. B. 4th.

5. Q. Kt. to Q. 5th.
6. B. takes Kt.
7. B. to Q. Kt. 3d.

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