Abbildungen der Seite


The power of Christian Faith, and the sweet influences of religion in the soul, were recentl strikingly exhibited In the triumphant death of Miss Ellen Marsh, who died at Indian Orchard, Mass., April 7th 1860, of consumption. Her last words were "Can this be death Beautiful, Beautiful! Death's Angel approaches ! No terror he brings, For a halo of glory encircles his wings! Oh, sweet as a seraph's the smile on his brow,

high tides in 1861, viz., on February 25,
March 26, April 24, September 4, October
4, and November 24.

PEAN CHURCHES: The Roman Advertis-

the very small proportion of good penmen there are in the community, inasmuch as it leaves the acquisition of an easy and elegant chirography to the fortuitous outworkings of each individual's personal in stincts or talents at imitation. The Man

whose title is given above, aims at a thorough remedy of this defective mode of teaching, by offering in its stead a methodized series of rules, which together lift

er, in an article compiled to show the im-ual
possibility of Saint Peter's, at Rome, be-
ing ever crowded, gives some curious sta-
tistics as to the comparative capacity of

As his touch breaks the fetters that bind me be low. the most celebrated churches in Europe. the art of penmanship out of the sphere of

Oh, beautiful, beautiful! Beaming wit love,
Sweet faces angelic look down from above,
While borne on swift pin ions surpassingly bright,
Descend lovely spirits to gladden my sight.

Oh, beautiful, beautiful! Glorious day
Now bursts on my vision as earth fades away!
My spirit entranced with ecstatic delight,
Is soaring, in triumph in rapturous light!

Oh, beautiful, beautiful! Heaven draws near!
Its ravishing music now breaks on my ear!

of square yards :-"Those who attended
at St. Peter's during the august ceremo-
nies of Christmas Day might perhaps,
have imagined that temple-in all parts
opened to the public during the function
-as much crowded as possible. To show
the impossibility of St. Peter's ever being
crowded, we annex the following statistics
of its capabilities, as compared with other

How it thrills my rapt soul with the glorious theme-great churches, allowing four persons to

The song of redemption the praise of the Lamb.

Oh, beautiful, beautiful! Jesus I see

My precious Redeemer, who suffered for me!
He smiles-he invites me, he calls me away!—
I come, dearest Savior! nor longer delay.

Oh, beautiful, beautiful! Home of the blest!
My soul how it pants for its heavenly rest!
Bright angels surround me! They bear me above,
To drink of the fulness of Infinite Love.

Oh, beautiful, beautiful! mansions of peace!
Where never the songs of the ransomed shall cease,
Where anthems of praise the glad chorus shall swell
My glorified spirit forever shall dwell.


We add a column, exhibiting the number mere empiricism, and place it on the basis of a fixed science, which all may acquire by a little study and praetice. The author has thoroughly analyized the subject, and the letters, both af the upper and lower has shown among other things, that all case alphabets, spring from five elements or movements, which elements or movements, become the first copies for the pupil to practice from. The pupil simply by reading and understanding the "Penman's Manual," becomes a good judge and able critic of writing. This fact alone is one of the strongest and most conclusive proofs of the superiority of the system over all others, and we believe that we can give no better advice to those who wish to become good penmen, then to purchase this "Manual," and carefully study it. We should be glad to see it introduced in all of our public schools, and respectfully beg leave to call the attention of the proper officers thereto.

every quadrate meter (square yard :)

[blocks in formation]

THE FAMILY CIRCLE.-This is a new and beautiful magazine recently started by Paul Reynolds 24 Ann street, New

The year 1861, which is fast approach-limits, allowing 12 persons to the quadrate York, and presents many attractions to

metre, (square yard,) holds 624,000; al-
lowing four to the same, drawn up in mil-

ing, will be the first of the 660th Olymp. iad. On the 10th of January there will be an annular eclipse, that is one in which itary array, 202,000. In its narrower voted to literature, art, music, fashion and

the apparent diameter of the moon being less than that of the sun, the border of

limits, not comprising the porticoes or the
Piazza Rusticucci 474,000, crowded, and

the reader. The Chronicle remarks, "It is printed on excellent paper, and is dedomestic economy. It is admirably adapted to the family circle, its pages be

the latter will be visible all around the 138,000 in military array to the quadrate ing filled with choice and excellent read

[blocks in formation]

moon. This, and another of the same kind, which is to take place on the 7th of July, will both be invisible in North LITERARY NOTICES. the highest and most finished style of the America. On the 31st of December following, there will be an eclipse of the sun, in the morning, partly visible on our meridian. The 17th of December, 1861, will witness a partial eclipse of the moon, visible on our meridian, and on the 12th of November, a transit of Mercury, invisible to us, will take place; a somewhat

THE PENMAN'S MANUAL:-Being a New Theo-
ry and System of Practical Penmanship, De-
signed as a Text-Book for Schools and Pri-
vate Students. By a Business Penman.-
Published by FOWLER & WELLS, New York.
Price 50 cents.

In nine tenths of our schools penmanrare occurrence in astronomy, though not ship is taught as mere mechanical process so rare and important as a transit of Ve- of imitating certain marks that are set nus across the sun's disc, the last of which in the copy, and without regard to any occurred in 1769, nor will another be ob- fixed or rational principles. This fact servable until 1874. There will be six alone, perhaps, sufficiently accounts for

art, and a sheet of music will accompany each issue. When we tell our readers that this literary monthly is published at the almost incredible low price of ONE DOLLAR per year, they will not be long after having examined a number, in deciding that it is the cheapest publication in the United States. Ladies who wish for an entertaining and instructive magazine, will find "The Family Circle" a valuable acquisition to their literary reading. Simeon Smith, agent for New London and vicinity.


ettiqute is dismissed, in the drawing room
the queen plays on the piano, and indul-
ges in German games. At eleven she re-
tires. The queen appears fond of Ameri-
can ladies. The Prince of Wales is neith
er dull nor stupid; but a youth of noblest
disposition, and splendidly educated.
Like his mother, he appeared rickety and
delicate in youth. He carries his head a
little on one side now. He speaks French
German, Italian, and Spanish with fluen-
cy, being a good Greek and Latin scholar.
He is well acquainted with law and fine
arts, a good soldier, theoretically, and a
good horseman. He dances enormously,
like most of the English youths of the day,
and always chooses the partner he likes

When very young, she was rickety and
weak in the ankles, but was recovered by
healthy training. She was brought up at
the sea side, at Ramsgate, her ankles
puinped on, and sea bathing resorted to.
She was very benevolent; when she rode
abroad, which was on horseback, and of
ten her purse returned home empty. She
had and still has a good appetite. Her
mother carefully inculcated in her, a love
for the Protestant religion. She learned
German, French and Italian perfectly, a
little Spanish, and was an accomplished
musician and vocalist. At the age of best.
eighteen, on June 29, 1837, she became
queen, in consequence of the death of her
uncle, William IV. Lord Melborne and
the Duke of Wellington proved excellent
advisers to the young queen. They dined
with her every day, and being old gentle-
men would son.etimes drop asleep over
their wine, when she would tickle their
noses. Very soon Lord Melbourne
thought she should soon be married, and
on stating it in a diplomatic language, she
did not understand him. Explanations
being offered, she objected to her cousins
of Cumberland and Cambridge, and sug-
gested "poor Albert." It proved a hap-
py choice, as the young prince makes an

excllent husband. It was said that the
queen liked Lord Ephinstone, but he was
sent to Madras, to get him out of the way.
The young couple started in life with a

mutual income of $950,000. It was not too much; they brught up their family on it, without calling for a separate allowance for any of them.

The queen rises at half past six in summer and seven in winter, and always walks abroad, returning to morning pray

ers and breakfast, at which she eats hear-
tily, and subsequently spends half an hour
in the nursery.
She next receives the

master of the household, and decides what
invitations should be accorded for the day,
and then visits her apiary, menagrie,
aquarium, or stables. She is passionately

fond of horses, and is a good rider. At eleven, she receives the secretary of war, home and foreign secrataries; at twelve general visitors, lunches at one, and drinks Alsop's pale ale. At three she rides in her carriage or on horseback,



The following eloquent words are from the pen of the Rev E. C. Chapin. They came from the heart, they will reach the


"No one feels the death of a child as a mother feels it. Even the father cannot

realize it thus.

There is a vacancy in his

of the sepulcher, to see it no more? Man has cares and toils that draw away his thoughts and employ them; she sits in loneliness, and all these memories, all these suggestions crowd upon her. How can she bear all this? She could not, were it not that her faith is like her affection; and if the one is more deep and tonder than in man, the other is simple and spontaneous, and takes confidently hold of the hand of God.



cent writer, "is to a woman at once the Marriage," says a rehappiest and saddest event of her life, it is the promise of future bliss, raised on the death of present enjoyment. She quits her home, her parents, her companions, her amusements-everything on which she has hitherto depended for comfort, for affection, for kindness and for pleasure.

The parents by whose advice she has been guided-the sister to whom she has dared to impart the very embryo thought and feeling--the brother who has played with her, by turns the counsellor and the counselled, and the younger children to whom she has hitherto been the mother

such a heart from its peaceful enjoyments,
and watchful protection of home-who
can, coward-like, break the illusions
fidence which love had inspired.
which have won her, and destroy the con-

and playmate-all are to be forsaken at house, and a heaviness at his heart; there one fell stroke-every former tie is loosenis a chain of association that at times ed-the spring of every action is changed; comes round with its broken link; there and she flies with joy in the untrodden are memories of endearment, a keen sense paths before her, buoyed up by the confiof loss, a weeping over crushed hopes, and dence of requited love, she bids a fond a pain of wounded affliction. But the and grateful adieu to the life that is past, mother feels that one has been taken and turns with excited hopes and joyous away who was still closer to her heart.-anticipations to the happiness to come. Hers has been the office of a constant Then woe to the man who can blight such ministration. Every gradation of feature fair hopes-who can treacherously lure has developed before her eyes. She has detected every new gleam of intelligence. She has beard the first utterance of every his fears; the supply of his wants. And new word. She has been the refuge of when he dies, a portion of her own life, as Woe to him who has too early withit were, dies. How can she give him up, drawn the tender plant from the props and with all these memories, these associa- stays of moral discipline, in which she has lions? The timid hands that have so la- been nurtured, and yet makes no effort fold them on his breast, and give them responsibility of her errors on him who ken hers in trust and love, how can she to supply their places; for on him is the up to the cold clasp of death? The feet first taught her, by his example, to grow whose wandering she has watched so nar-careless of her duty, and then exposed her rowly, how can she see them straightened with a weakened spirit and unsatisfied to go down into the dark valley? The heart, to the wild storms and the wily bead that she has watched in burning temptations of a sinful word." sickness, and peaceful slumber, a bair of which she would not see harmed, O, how

When you see a female rise early, get either visiting or on some errand of chari- can she consign it to the chamber of the breakfast, and do up her mother's work in ty. Returning, her majesty dines in state, been beyond her vision or her knowledge, depend upon it she will make a good grave? The form that not one night has season, and then sit down to sew or knit, how can she put it away for the long night wife,

which is rather a dreary affair, no conversation being allowed. But that over,


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A correspondent of the London Florticultural Cabinet writes as follows:

"I had three tables made, about five feet long, and three feet three inches wide, with strips around the edges, so as to be about a third of an inch above the margins all round, and then common (sawed) laths cut into short pieces, and placed about two inches apart on the top surface of the tables, so that the water which ran from the flower-pots could pass from one part of tables to another, cross ways or lengthways and pass out at a notch in the edging spoken of above; by which means the pots would not stand in the water which runs from them. These tables I placed far enough from the windows and walls to allow a person to pass all round them, and to water and syringe the plants, which made a space of about one and a half or two feet in front and at the ends. The tables should be of a height in proportion to the windows, which windows should be made to let down at the top, by which means the plants can have let in upon them, without a strong current passing through them. This I consider a very important matter, as a strong draught or current is very injurious.

Plants in rooms should be watered more frequently than in greenhouses, and they should be syringed over the tops every evening about sunset, in dry weather, and twice or thrice a week in wet weather. The syringing will not injure a carpet upon the floor, if the water is wiped off immediately after the dripceases to fall from the leaves.

for a short time, though it may be cool.
Camelias require a great quantity of air;
they will bloom in a room where the heat
varies from 35° to 50°; but will bear a
much greater heat and bloom well, and
on some occasions they will flower, even
though the earth on the top of the pot has
been slightly frozen; but extremes, either
of heat or cold, do not suit them.

1 have had camellias bloom finely on ta-
bles as above, where the sun did not shine
on them; but, in such cases they should
have a great quantity of light.

I generally use soft water for my plants, |
both winter and summer, and it is better
if warmed to the same temperature of the
room, in winter. As to general watering,
I think it best, whenever the top soil begins
to get dry, water well and freely, so that the
water may pass to the bottom roots, and
to repeat the watering wher. the surface
begins to get dry again; when camellias
are blooming or growing, they require
more watering than at any other time.-'

Devoniensis, General Jacqueminot, Gloire de Dijon, Vicomtesse de Cases. Twelve Dahlias.-Beauty of Bath, Lord Palmerston, Sidney Herbert, Lady Franklin, Annie Salter, Duke of Devonshire, Lady Bathurst, Queen of Whites, Royal Scarlet, Henrietta, Jenny Lind, Sir John Franklin.

Eighteen Fuchsias.-British
Sailor, Catharine Hayes, Crown Jewel,
Chancellor, Eclat, Estelle, Glory of Stoke,
La Crinoline, Little Dorrit, Magic Flute,
Marquis of Bath, Lord Clyde, Princess of
Prussia, Premier, Queen of the Sea, Rose
of Castile, Sir Colin Campbell, Wiltshire
Lass. Eighteen Pelargoniums.-Large:
Admirable, Belle of the Season, Blink
Borny (Foster's), Bride, Pride of the
West, Criterion, Duchess of Marlborough,
Empress Eugenie, Fairest of the Fair,
Fire Queen, Governor General, Hyperion,
King of Scarlets, Belle. Spotted: Con-
spicuum, Edward Henderson, William
Bull, Virginie Miellez. Six Fancy Pelar-
goniums.-Clara Navello, Decision, Crim-
son Pet, Madame Rougier, Princess Roy-

To this the Gardener's Monthly adds:
"The writer concludes by rules for sum-al, Sir Joseph Paxton.
mer management, which are not adapted
to our climate. We therefore add, that in
May, after all danger of frost is over,
they should be removed to the open air,
and placed in a situation where they will
be shaded all through the summer from
the hot mid-day sun. They will about
finish their growth at that season, and
will not require so much water."

HOUGHTON'S SEEDLING GOOSEBERRY, Mr. Rawson says, in the Country Gentleman, was grown from seed by Mr. Abel Houghton, twenty-seven years since, while a resident of Lynn, Mass.

Mr. Houghton produced this berry in the following manner:-Having selected from eighty of the best English varieties four which he considered the finest, viz.: Red Champagne, Crown Bob, Whitesmith, White and Rock, he planted them out in the form of a square, in the centre of which was planted one of the best natives found in the woods.

LIST OF A FEW SUPERIOR FLORISTS' FLOWERS.-The Gardener's Chronicle copies from the London Cottage Gardener the following list of superior flowers, selected for their good qualities, not because they are new or expensive, but such as will, One plant only, produced good fruit and when well grown, please any cultivator. free from mildew; that one being the Six Azaleas.-Alba magna, Criterion, Tv-present "Houghton's Seedling.” eryana, Perryana, Gem, Rosy Circle. Six Camellias. Alba plena, Bruceana, Count-reaped handsome fortunes, Mr. Rawson, ess of Orkney, Examia, Imbricata, Mar- though one of our greatest pomological chioness of Exeter. Six Roses for pot benefactors. derived comparatively nothwhen there is no frost in the atmosphere, culture.-General Allard, Coup d'Hebe, ing from his Gooseberry.

Those that I would recommend as the best to flower in parlors are the semidouble, and those that have a green calyx; also, all the single varieties. The plants should have air, by letting down the top sash whenever the weather is mild, or

While the raisers of inferior fruits have

[blocks in formation]





List of Discredited Banks in New
England and New York.


Bank of Hallowel.
Canton Bank, China.
Central Bank, Grey.
Ellsworth Bank, Ellsworth....
.$0 50 Exchange Bank, Bangor.
Grocer's Bank. Bangor..
Hancock Bank, Ellsworth..
Maratime Bank, Bangor.
Mousum River Bank, Sanford.
Shipbuilders' Bank...


One Square One Week, (16 lines,)......
"Three Weeks,
"Continuance each week..............
"My motto through life has been-Work and Ad-
ver tise. In business. Advertising is the true Phi-
losopher's Stone, that turns whatever it touches in-
to gold. I have advertised much, both in the week-
ly as well as the daily papers; nor have I found that
those of the largest circulation, of either class, ben-
⚫itted me the mos:--JoHN JACOB ASTOR.

HE REPOSITORY, together with either of the
Tfollowing publications for one year, will be supi


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


Danby Bank, Danby....
South Royalton Bank, South Royalton.... 90

plied to every subscriber, at the prices annexed, viz:
Authur's Ladies Home Magazine,..
$2.50 Stark Bank, Bennington....
Godey's Lady's Book,.....
.......... .$3.09
.$3,00 Cochichuate Bank, Boston.
Grocer's Bank, Boston....

The Home Monthly,.

[ocr errors]

.worthless ..redeemed



Albany Cultivator..................................................... $1.25 Western Bank, Springfield..

Rural New Yorker,....................................................$2.50
Homestead,... ......................................................$2.50 Bank of South County, Wakefield...


Atlantic Monthly,.

American Agriculturist,..



Life Illustrated,.



Gleason's Pictoral,.

...... ............

Gleason's Literary Companion..........

$2.25 Bank of the Republic, Providence...


Water Cure Journal,.


Phrenological Journal,...


Farmer's Bank, Wickford.....
Hopkinton Bank, Westerly..



U.S. Journal including Rosa Bonheur's celebra



Mount Vernon Bank, Providence..
R. I. Central Bank, East Greenwich.
Tiverton Bank, Tiverton.
Warwick Bank, Warwick.




ted picture of the "Horse Fair,". Mount Vernon, a beautiful print, 17 by 20 inches in size, in 15 oil colors,.... Edward Everett, a splendid portrait of this distinguished man, in oil colors,....... $1,50 From the above it will be seen that a subscription to the Repository in connection with many of the above publications, will absolutely cost nothing, and with the others only from twenty-five to fifty cents, while every volume of our paper actually costs th publisher more than a dollar. It is only through the libera arrangements of cotemporaries, therefore that we can afford to be liberal. Specimens of the Magazines and Engravings may be seen at the Book Store of Messrs. Starr & Co., No. 4. Main Street, who will receive subscriptions for the same in connecon with the Repository.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Junuary 1, 1860.)
Closes at 8 P. M. Arrives at 2 o'clock A. M.
Closes at 11 A. M., and 53 P. M.

Arrives at P. M.

Closes at 11 A. M. and 5 P. M.
Arrives at 11 and 8 P. M.

The mail closing at 53 P. M. is the way mail by which the offices are supplied between New London and New Haven; matter for offices beyond New Haven, however, is also sent by the mail which loses at 12 P. M. An additional New Haven mail is also received at 8 P. M.. bringing nothing from offices between New Haven and New London.

Closes for the "Shore Line" R. R. Route at 12 M.
Arrives at 11 P. M.

Closes for Steamboat and N & W. R. R. at 8 P. M.
Arrives at 101 P. M.

Closes at 5 A. M.

[blocks in formation]

Closes and arrives via New York mail.

Close sat 7 A. M., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Arrives at 3 P. M., Monday, Wednesday and

On alternate days via Norwich, closing at 5 A. M., arriving at 6 P.M.


Closes for Sea Route on the 4th and 19th of each month,

For Overland Route at St. Louis, every Monday and Thursday.

The Post Office opens at 6 A. M. and closes at 8 P. M. On Sunday opens at 7 A. M. for one hour, and hese hours will be strictly observed.

Letters or papers put into the outside box before 58 P M. for the New York Steamboat mail, or before 5 A. M. for the morning Railroad Mail, are always n time STANLEY G. TROTT. P. M. NEW

[ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Bank of North America, Seymour..
Colchester Bank, Colchester.....worthless
Eastern Bank, West Killingly....worthless
Granite Bank, Voluntown..
Hatter's Bank, Bethel.
Litchfield Bank....
Merchant's Exchange Bank, Bridgeport.... 90
Pahquioque Bank, Danbury..
Pequonnock Bank, Bridgeport.
Woodbury Bank, Woodbury.
Agricultural Bank, Herkimer..
Bank of Central New York, Utica..
Bank of Orleans, Albion......
Chemung County Bank, Horseheads.
Dairyman's Bank, Newport.......
Goshen Bank-refuse all notes printed on

.24 cts.
24 6

2 "


2 44

.33 4

4 "

45 "

4 .6

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

33 "


*45 "

8 "

8 "


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

N. S. Wales, via Marseilles,.*45"

N. S. Wales, via England....33"

New Zealand, via England. *33"
New Zealand, via Marseilles,*45"

white paper, as the bank repudiates
them some having been stolen.





[blocks in formation]

Talcahuano, Chili,.

Valparaiso, Chili,.

Callao, Peru,....

Palta, Peru,....

[blocks in formation]


4 66
8 "

Australia, via Englahd.. #33 "
Australia, via Marseilles,..
Newspapers to England, Ireland, Scotland and
France, should be sent with very narrow envelopes,
herwise they will be subject to letter postage.

*Payment to be made in advance. All other letters optional.

+Weekly, per annum. Papers in all cases to be paid in advance.

Ontario Bank, Utica, secured notes..
Ontario County Bank, Phelps..
Pratt Bank, Buffalo....
Reciprocity Bank, Buffalo..
Sackett's Harbor Bank, Buffalo..
Western Bank, Lockport....
Yates County Bank, Penn. Yann..
Nll the rest of the State.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]




No 12, Main-Street.

Sept. 27,

30 A


N ORNAMENT IN EVERY FAMILY. The new and beautiful Art of transferring colored or 30 plain ENGRAVINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, &c. on to GLASS. MARBLE, OR WOOD. Sent free to any address, on receipt of 25 cents,coin or stamps.


Address G.W. PLACE.

444 Houston st., New York.



Vol. III.


Hope on, though dark and wild the night,
And not a star appear,
Thine eye shall grow more large and bright,
Thy sight become more clear.

So e'en the dark shall yield a light,
To guide thee on thy way;
For as man's day, so is his night-
Then hope on, hope and pray.

And though the night be dark and wild,
Patience that waits may see

The stars shine forth once more, with mild
And calm effulgency.

And though the strife be stern and long,
The hounds may miss their prey,
For naught than patience is more strong-
Then hope on, hope and pray.



[blocks in formation]

urgent solicitation, to address this assem-
bly to-night, yet I have felt so strong a
reluctance to doing so, that it has been
with the utmost difficulty I could drag
myself forward. But I had passed my
word, I could not violate it. As to relat-
ing my experience, that I do not think I
can venture upon. The past I dare not
recall. Would to Heaven that the mem-
ory of just ten years of my life were blot
ted out."

The speaker paused a moment, already
much affected. He, resuming in a firmer

voice, said:



No. 41.

into the beastial. But for this, and I were an honorable and useful representa. tive in Congress, pursuing after my country's good, and blessed in the home circle with my wife and children. But I have not told you all. After my wife separated from me, I sank rapidly. A state of sobriety brought too many terrible thoughts. I therefore drank more freely, and was rarely, if ever, from under the bewildering effects of partial intoxication. I remained in the same village for seven years, but never once saw her during the time; nor a glimpse of my children. At last Í became so abandoned in life, that my wife, urged on by ber friends, no doubt, filed an application for a divorce, and as cause could be readily shown why it should be granted, a separation was legally declared.

Something must be said of my own
case, or I shall fail to make that impression
on your minds that I wish to produce.-
Pictures of real life touch the heart with
great power, while abstract represescnta-
tions of truth glitter coldly in the intel-To
lectual regions of the mind, and then fade
from the perception like dissolving figures
in the diorama.

Congressional periods.

In the evening of the day on which Alice arrived at S-, a great experience meeting was to be held in one of the church- "Your speaker once stood among the es. Her friend, who had become enthu- first members of the bar, in a neighboring siastic in the cause, urged her to go to this State. Nay, more than that he repremeeting, which Alice did, although with sented his county in the assembly of the a feeling of reluctance. The house was Commonwealth. And more than that crowded above and below. The prelimi-still-occupied a seat in Congress for two naries usually appertaining to such meetings having been arranged, a brief open"And yet more than all that," he coning address was made by one of the minis- tinued, his voice sinking into a low, thrilters; a reformed man then related his exling tone-" he once had a tenderly loved perience with great effect. After he had wife, and two sweet children. But all finished there was a pause of nearly a min- these hor.ors, all these blessings have deute; at length a man who had been seated parted from him," he continued, his voice far back, with his face partly turned from growing louder and deeper in his effort to the audience, arose slowly and moved to control himself. "He was unworthy to the front of the stage. retain them! His constituents threw him off because he had debased himself, and disgraced them. And worse than all,— she who had loved him devoutly-she who had borne him two babes, was forced to abandon him, and seek an asylum in her father's house. And why? Could I become so changed in a few short years? What power was there so to abase me that my fellow beings spurned, and even the wife of my bosom turned away, heart stricken from me? Alas! my friends it was a mad indulgence in mockery! A very demon-a Circe, changing the human

A half suppressed exclamation escaped Alice, as her eyes caught the well known features of him who had been her husband while a quick thrill ran through her. Then her whole frame trembled in accord with her heart. The face of Mr. Delancy was greatly changed since she last looked upon it. Its calm, dignified elevation had been restored, but with what differencewhat before was cheerful, was sad, very


"Mr. President," he began in a subdued voice, “although I had consented at your

complete my disgrace, at the next congressional canvass, I was left off the ticket, as unfit to represent the district. I then left the county and State where I had lived from my boyhood up.

"Three years has passed since then.For two years of that period I abandoned myself to the fearful impulse of the appetite I had acquired. Then I heard of this new movement; the great temperance cause. At first I sneered, then wondered, listened at last, and finally threw myself upon the great wave that was sweeping on ward, in hope of being carried by it far out of the reach of danger. I did not do it with a vain hope. It did all for me and more than I could have desired. It set me once more upon my feet; once more made a man of me. A year of sobriety, earnest devotion to my profession, a fervent prayer to Him who alone gives strength in every good resolution, has restored me to much that I haye lost; but not all, not the richest treasure that I have proved myself unworthy to retain; not my wife and children. Ah! between myself and these the law has laid its stern impassable interdiction. I have no longer a wife, no longer children; though my heart goes out towards these dearly beloved ones with the tenderest yearnings. Pictures of our early days of wedded love are ever lingering in my imagination. I dream of the

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