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more upon the virtue and disposition of his chil dren, than their advancement or wealth. Good habits are what will certainly improve a man's fortune and reputation; but, on the other side, af fluence of fortune will not as probably produce good affections of the mind.

After having wished my correspondent good one of them a bishop, the other a judge, and the luck, and thanked him for his intended kindness, third a court physician. The humour is, that any I shall for this time dismiss the subject of the lot-thing which can happen to any man's child, is extery, and only observe, that the greatest part of pected by every man for his own. But my friend, mankind are in some degree guilty of my friend whom I was going to speak of, does not flatter himGosling's extravagance. We are apt to rely upon self with such vain expectations, but has his eye future prospects, and become really expensive while we are only rich in possibility. We live up to our expectations, not to our possessions, and make a figure proportionable to what we may be, not what we are. We outrun our present income, as not doubting to disburse ourselves out of the profits of some future place, project, or reversion It is very natural for a man of a kind disposition, that we have in view. It is through this temper of to amuse himself with the promises his imagination mind, which is so common among us, that we see makes to him of the future condition of his chil tradesmen break, who have met with no misfor-dren, and to represent to himself the figure they tunes in their business; and men of estates reduced shall bear in the world after he has left it. When to poverty, who have never suffered from losses or his prospects of this kind are agreeable, his fondrepairs, tenants, taxes, or law-suits. In short, it is ness gives as it were a longer date to his own life; this foolish sanguine temper, this depending upon and the survivorship of a worthy man in his son, is contingent futurities, that occasions romantic ge-a pleasure scarce inferior to the hopes of the connerosity, chimerical grandeur, senseless ostenta- tinuance of his own life. That man is happy who tion, and generally ends in beggary and ruin. The can believe of his son, that he will escape the folman, who will live above his present circumstances, lies and indiscretions of which he himself was is in great danger of living in a little time much guilty, and pursue and improve every thing that beneath them; or, as the Italian proverb, runs, was valuable in him. The continuance of his virtue The man who lives by hope, will die by hunger.' is much more to be regarded than that of his life; It should be an indispensable rule in life, to con- but it is the most lamentable of all reflections, to tract our desires to our present condition; and, think that the heir of a man's fortune is such a one whatever may be our expectations, to live within as will be a stranger to his friends, alienated from the compass of what we actually possess. It will the same interests, and a promoter of every thing be time enough to enjoy an estate when it comes which he himself disapproved. An estate in posinto our hands; but if we anticipate our good for-session of such a successor to a good man, is worse tune we shall lose the pleasure of it when it ar than laid waste; and the family, of which he is rives, and may possibly never possess what we have the head, is in a more deplorable condition than so foolishly counted upon. that of being extinct.



When I visit the agreeable seat of my honoured friend Ruricola, and walk from room to room revolving many pleasing occurrences, and the ex pressions of many just sentiments I have heard him

No 192. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1711. utter, and seeing the booby his heir in pain while

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he is doing the honours of his house to the friend of his father, the heaviness it gives one is not to be expressed. Want of genius is not to be imputed to any man, but want of humanity is a man's own fault. The son of Ruricola (whose life was one

All men agreed in complimenting me, and applauded my good continued series of worthy actions, and gentleman. fortune in being the father of so towardly a son.

like inclinations) is the companion of drunken clowns, and knows no sense of praise but in the I STOOD the other day, and beheld a father sitting flattery he receives from his own servants; his in the middle of a room with a large family of pleasures are mean and inordinate, his language children about him; and methought I could ob- base and filthy, his behaviour rough and absurd. serve in his countenance different motions of de- Is this creature to be accounted the successor of a light, as he turned his eye towards the one and the man of virtue, wit, and breeding? At the same other of them. The man is a person moderate in time that I have this melancholy prospect at the his designs for their preferment and welfare; and house where I miss my old friend, I can go to a as he has an easy fortune, he is not solicitous to gentleman's not far off it, where he has a daughter make a great one. His eldest son is a child of a who is a picture both of his body and mind, but very towardly disposition, and as much as the fa- both improved with the beauty and modesty pecuther loves him, I dare say he will never be a liar to her sex. It is she who supplies the loss of knave to improve his fortune. I do not know any her father to the world; she, without his name or man who has a juster relish of life than the person fortune, is a truer memorial of him, than her bro I am speaking of, or keeps a better guard against ther who succeeds him in both. Such an offspring the terrors of want, or the hopes of gain. It is as the eldest son of my friend perpetuates his fa usual in a crowd of children, for the parent to ther in the same manner as the appearance of his name out of his own flock all the great officers of ghost would: it is indeed Ruricola, but it is Rurithe kingdom. There is something so very sur-cola grown frightful.

prising in the parts of a child of a man's own, that I know not to what to attribute the brutal turn there is nothing too great to be expected from his which this young man has taken, except it may be endowments. I know a good woman who has but to a certain severity aud distance which his father three sons, and there is, she says, nothing she ex-used towards him, and might, perhaps, have occa pects with more certainty, than that she shall see sioned a dislike to those modes of life, which were not made amiable to him by freedom and affability.

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We may promise ourselves that no such excrescence will appear in the family of the Cornelii, where the father lives with his sons like their eldest brother, and the sons converse with him as if they did it for no other reason but that he is the wisest man of their acquaintance. As the Cornelii are eminent traders, their good correspondence with or wealth. Geach other is useful to all that know them, as well prove a mai as to themselves: and their friendship, good-will, and kind offices, are disposed of jointly as well as their fortune, so that no one ever obliged one of them, who had not the obligation multiplied in returns from them all.

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N° 193. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1711.

Ingentem foribus domus alta superbis
Mane salutantum totis vomit ædibus undam.
VIRG. Georg. ii. ver. 461.

His lordship's palace, from its stately doors, A flood of levee-hunting mortals pours. WHEN we look round us, and behold the strange variety of faces and persons which fill the streets with business and hurry, it is no unpleasant amuseIt is the most beautiful object the eyes of man ment to make guesses at their different pursuits, can behold, to see a man of worth and his son live and judge by their countenances, what it is that so in an entire unreserved correspondence. The mu- anxiously engages their present attention. Of all tual kindness and affection between them, give this busy crowd, there are none who would give a an inexpressible satisfaction to all who know man inclined to such inquiries better diversion for them. It is a sublime pleasure which increases by his thoughts, than those whom we call good courthe participation. It is as sacred as friendship, as tiers, and such as are assiduous at the levees of pleasurable as love, and as joyful as religion. This great men. These worthies are got into a habit state of mind does not only dissipate sorrow, which of being servile with an air, and enjoy a certain would be extreme without it, but enlarges plea- vanity in being known for understanding how the sures which would otherwise be contemptible. The world passes. In the pleasure of this they can rise most indifferent thing has its force and beauty when early, go abroad sleek and well-dressed, with no it is spoke by a kind father, and an insignificant other hope or purpose, but to make a bow to a trifle has its weight when offered by a dutiful man in court favour, and be thought, by some inreffer child. I know not how to express it, but I think I significant smile of his, not a little engaged in his may call it "a transplanted self-love.' All the en- interests and fortunes. It is wondrous, that a man ahentejoyments and sufferings which a man meets with can get over the natural existence and possession of ever are regarded only as they concern him in the rela- of his own mind so far, as to take delight either in tion he has to another. A man's very honour re-paying or receiving such cold and repeated civiliceives a new value to him, when he thinks that, ties. But what maintains the humour is, that outof which when he is in his grave, it will be had in remem-ward show is what most men pursue, rather than condition brance that such an action was done by such a one's real happiness. Thus both the idol, and idolater, father. Such considerations sweeten the old man's equally impose upon themselves in pleasing their of my evening, and his soliloquy delights him when he imaginations this way. But as there are very can say to himself, No man can tell my child his many of her majesty's good subjects, who are exfather was either unmerciful or unjust. My son tremely uneasy at their own seats in the country, shall meet many a man who shall say to him, I where all from the skies to the centre of the earth was obliged to thy father; and be my child a is their own, and have a mighty longing to shine friend to his child for ever.' in courts, or to be partners in the power of the It is not in the power of all men to leave illus-world; I say, for the benefit of these, and others trious names or great fortunes to their posterity, who hanker after being in the whisper with great but they can very much conduce to their having men, and vexing their neighbours with the changes industry, probity, valour, and justice. It is in they would be capable of making in the appearevery man's power to leave his son the honour of ance at a country sessions, it would not methinks descending from a virtuous man, and add the bless be amiss to give an account of that market for preings of heaven to whatever he leaves him. I shall ferment, a great man's levee. end this rhapsody with a letter to an excellent his be young man of my acquaintance, who has lately lost a worthy father.

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For aught I know, this commerce between the mighty and their slaves, very justly represented, might do so much good, as to incline the great to regard business rather than ostentation; and make the little know the use of their time too well, to IxNow no part of life more impertinent than the spend it in vain applications and addresses. The office of administering consolation: I will not enter famous doctor in Moorfields, who gained so much into it, for I cannot but applaud your grief. The reputation for his horary predictions, is said to have virtuous principles you had from that excellent had in his parlour different ropes to little bells man, whom you have lost, have wrought in you as which hung in the room above stairs, where the they ought, to make a youth of three and twenty doctor thought fit to be oraculous. If a girl had incapable of comfort upon coming into possession been deceived by her lover, one bell was pulled; of a great fortune. I doubt not but you will ho- and if a peasant had lost a cow, the servant rung our his memory by a modest enjoyment of his another. This method was kept in respect to all estate; and scorn to triumph over his grave, by other passions and concerns, and the skilful waiter employing in riot, excess, and debauchery, what below sifted the inquirer, and gave the doctor nobe purchased with so much industry, prudence, tice accordingly. The levee of a great man is laid and wisdom. This is the true way to show the after the same manner, and twenty whispers, false sense you have of your loss, and to take away the alarms, and private intimations, pass backward distress of others upon the occasion. You cannot and forward from the porter, the valet, and the recall your father by your grief, but you may re-patron himself, before the gaping crew, who are five him to his friends by your conduct.' to pay their court, are gathered together. When the scene is ready, the doors fly open, and discover his lordship.



There are several ways of making this first ap


N° 194. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1711.


pearance. You may be either half-dressed, and have additional senses, and their capacities enlarg washing yourself, which is indeed the most stately; ed not only above other men, but above human but this way of opening is peculiar to military comprehension itself. Thus it is ordinary to see a men, in whom there is something graceful in ex-great man attend one listening, bow to one at a dis posing themselves naked; but the politicians, or tance, and call to a third at the same instant. A civil officers, have usually affected to be more re-girl in new ribands is not more taken with herself, served, and preserve a certain chastity of deport-nor does she betray more apparent coquetries, ment. Whether it be hieroglyphical or not, this than even a wise man in such a circumstance of difference in the military and civil list, I will not courtship. I do not know any thing that I ever say; but have ever understood the fact to be, that thought so very distasteful as the affectation which the close minister is buttoned up, and the brave is recorded of Cæsar, to wit, that he would dictate officer open-breasted on these occasions. to three several writers at the same time. This was However that is, I humbly conceive the business an ambition below the greatness and candour of of a levee is to receive the acknowledgments of a his mind. He indeed, if any man had pretensions multitude, that a man is wise, bounteous, valiant, to greater faculties than any other mortal, was the and powerful. When the first shot of eyes is person; but such a way of acting is childish, and made, it is wonderful to observe how much sub. inconsistent with the manner of our being. And it mission the patron's modesty can bear, and how appears from the very nature of things, that there much servitude the client's spirit can descend to. cannot be any thing effectually despatched in the In the vast multiplicity of business, and the crowd distraction of a public levee; but the whole about him, my lord's parts are usually so great, seems to be a conspiracy of a set of servile slaves, that, to the astonishment of the whole assembly, to give up their own liberty to take away their he has something to say to every man there, and patron's understanding. that so suitable to his capacity as any man may judge that it is not without talents that men can arrive at great employments. I have known a great man ask a flag officer, which way was the wind, a commander of horse the present price of oats, and a stock-jobber at what discount such a fund was, with as much ease as if he had been bred to each of those several ways of life. Now this is extremely obliging; for at the same time that the patron informs himself of matters, he gives the person of whom he inquires an opportunity to exert himself. What adds to the pomp of those Tus present paper shall consist of two letters, interviews is, that it is performed with the greatest which observe upon faults that are easily cured silence and order imaginable. The patron is usu- both in love and friendship. In the latter, as far ally in the midst of the room, and some humble as it merely regards conversation, the person who person gives him a whisper, which his lordship an- neglects visiting an agreeable friend is punished swers aloud, 'It is well. Yes, I am of your opi- in the very transgression; for a good companion is nion. Pray inform yourself further, you may be not found in every room we go into. But the case sure of my part in it.' This happy man is dis. of love is of a more delicate nature, and the missed, and my lord can turn himself to a business anxiety is inexpressible, if every little instance of of a quite different nature, and off-hand give as kindness is not reciprocal. There are things in good an answer as any great man is obliged to. this sort of commerce which there are not words For the chief point is to keep in generals, and if to express; and a man may not possibly know there be any thing offered that is particular, to be how to represent, what yet may tear his heart into ten thousand tortures. To be grave to a man's But we are now in the height of the affair, and mirth, unattentive to his discourse, or to inter my lord's creatures have all had their whispers rupt either with something that argues a disincli round to keep up the farce of the thing, and the nation to be entertained by him, has in it some dumb show is become more general. He casts his thing so disagreeable, that the utmost steps which eye to that corner, and there to Mr. Such-a-one; may be made in further enmity cannot give greater to the other, And when did you come to town? torment. The gay Corinna, who sets up for a And perhaps just before he nods to another; and indifference and becoming heedlessness, gives her enters with him, But, sir, I am glad to see you, husband all the torment imaginable out of mere now I think of it. Each of those are happy for indolence, with this peculiar vanity, that she is the next four and twenty yours; and those who to look as gay as a maid in the character of bow in ranks undistinguished, and by dozens at a wife. It is no matter what is the reason of time, think they have very good prospects if they man's grief, if it be heavy as it is. Her unhappy may hope to arrive at such notices half a year man is convinced that she means him no disho nour, but pines to death because she will not have

in haste.


HOR. 1 Od. xiii. 4.

Difficili bile tumet jecur.
Anger boils up in my hot lab'ring breast.


The satirist says, there is seldom common sense so much deference to him as to avoid the appear in high fortune; and one would think, to behold ances of it. The author of the following letter a levee, that the great were not only infatuated is perplexed with an injury that is in a degree yet with their station, but also that they believed all less criminal, and yet the source of the utmost un below were seized too; else how is it possible they happiness.

could think of imposing upon themselves and others

in such a degree, as to set up a levee for any thing


but a direct farce? But such is the weakness of 'I HAVE read your papers which relate to jealousy, our nature, that when men are a little exalted in and desire your advice in my case, which you their conditions, they immediately conceive they

* Juvenal, book viii.

⚫ Some one asked that great statesman John de Witt, how he could go through so much business? By doing one thing at a time,' replied he. Seward's Biographiana.

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will say is not common. I have a wife, of whose dog-days he was much upon the indolent; in Sepvirtue I am not in the least doubtful; yet I cannot tember, very agreeable but very busy; and since be satisfied she loves me, which gives me as great the glass fell last to changeable, he has made three uneasiness as being faulty the other way would do. appointments with me, and broke them every one. I know not whether I am not yet more miserable However I have good hopes of him this winter, than in that case, for she keeps possession of my especially if you will lend me your assistance to heart without the return of hers. I would desire reform him, which will be a great ease and pleayour observations upon that temper in some wosure to,

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October 9,



'Your most humble servant.'

husbands of their innocence or their love, but are he affectat wholly negligent of what reflections the poor men at he wo make upon their conduct (so they cannot call it ame time. The criminal), when at the same time a little tenderess and criness of behaviour, or regard to show an inclian had nation to please them, would make them entirely her me at ease. Do not such women deserve all the mis- N101, 80' 15αtiv öow whey quico wavlos. ing is china interpretation which they neglect to avoid? Or


N° 195. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1711.

four bed i are they not in the actual practice of guilt, who Ουδ' οσον εν μαλαχῃ τε δε ασφοδέλω μεγ' όνειας.

f things care not whether they are thought guilty or not? despatele If my wife does the most ordinary things, as visitbutting her sister, or taking the air with her mother, et of service it is always carried with the air of a secret.

ER 13

HOR. 10


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HES. Oper. et Dier. I. i. ver. 40.

Fools, not to know that half exceeds the whole,
Nor the great blessings of a frugal board!

o take a she will sometimes tell a thing of no consequence, THERE is a story in the Arabian Nights Tales of as if it was only want of memory made her con- a king who had long languished under an ill habit ceal it before; and this only to dally with my of body, and had taken abundance of remedies anxiety. I have complained to her of this beha-10 no purpose. At length, says the fable, a phyviour in the gentlest terms imaginable, and be-sician cured him by the following method: He seeched her not to use him, who desired only to took a hollow ball of wood, and filled it with live with her like an indulgent friend, as the most several drugs; after which he closed it up so artimorose and unsociable husband in the world. It ficially that nothing appeared. He likewise took is no easy matter to describe our circumstance; a mall, and after having hollowed the handle, and but it is miserable, with this aggravation, that it that part which strikes the ball, he inclosed in might be easily mended, and yet no remedy en-them several drugs after the same manner as in the deavoured. She reads you, and there is a phrase ball itself. He then ordered the sultan, who was or two in this letter which she will know came his patient, to exercise himself early in the mornoftro from me. If we enter into an explanation which ing with these rightly-prepared instruments till are ca may tend to our future quiet by your means, you such a time as he should sweat: when, as the story the late shall have our joint thanks: in the mean time goes, the virtue of the medicaments perspiring the pestam (as much as I can in this ambiguous condition through the wood had so good an influence on the end any thing), sultan's constitution, that they cured him of an indisposition which all the compositions he had taken inwardly had not been able to remove. This eastern allegory is finely contrived to show us how beneficial bodily labour is to health, and that exGIVE me leave to make you a present of a chaercise is the most effectual physic. I have deracter not yet described in your papers, which is scribed in my hundred and fifteenth paper, from that of a man who treats his friend with the same the general structure and mechanism of an human odd variety which a fantastical female tyrant prac-body, how absolutely necessary exercise, is for its Teises towards her lover. I have for some time had preservation. I shall in this place recommend friendship with one of these mercurial persons. another great preservative of health, which in The rogue I know loves me, yet takes advantage many cases produces the same effects as exercise, of my fondness for him to use me as he pleases. and may, in some measure, supply its place, where We are by turns the best friends and the greatest opportunities of exercise are wanting. The preStrangers imaginable. Sometimes you would think servative I am speaking of is temperance, which inseparable; at other times he avoids me for a has those particular advantages above all other long time, yet neither he nor I know why. When means of heath, that it may be practised by all We meet next by chance, he is amazed he has not ranks and conditions, at any season, or in any place. seen me, is impatient for an appointment the same It is a kind of regimen into which every man may evening; and when I expect he should have kept put himself, without interruption to business, exfit, I have known him slip away to another place; pense of money, or loss of time. If exercise where he has sat reading the news, when there is throws off all superfluities, temperance prevents no post; smoking his pipe, which he seldom cares them; if exercise clears the vessels, temperance for; and staring about him in company with whom neither satiates nor overstrains them; if exercise he had nothing to do, as if he wondered how he raises proper ferments in the humours, and promotes the circulation of the blood, temperance That I may state my case to you the more fully, gives nature her full play, and enables her to exIshall transcribe some short minutes I have taken ert herself in all her force and vigour; if exerof him in my almanack since last spring; for you cise dissipates a growing distemper, temperance must know there are certain seasons of the year, starves it.

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according to which, I will not say our friendship, Physic, for the most part, is nothing else but but the enjoyment of it rises or falls. In March the substitute of exercise or temperance. Mediand April he was as various as the weather; in cines are indeed absolutely necessary in acute May and part of June I found him the spright- distempers, that cannot wait the slow operations liest best-humoured fellow in the world; in the of these two great instruments of health; but did

men live in an habitual course of exercise and difficulties; and at the same time give her an optemperance, there would be but little occasion for portunity of extricating herself from her oppres them. Accordingly we find that those parts of the sions, and recovering the several tones and springs world are the most healthy, where they subsist by of her distended vessels. Besides that, abstinence the chase; and that men lived longest when their well-timed, often kills a sickness in embryo, and lives were employed in hunting, and when they destroys the first seeds of an indisposition. It is had little food besides what they caught. Blister-observed by two or three ancient authors, that Soing, cupping, bleeding, are seldom of use but to crates, notwithstanding he lived in Athens during the idle and intemperate; as all those inward ap- that great plague which has made so much noise plications which are so much in practice among us, through all ages, and has been celebrated at dif are for the most part nothing else but expedients ferent times by such eminent hands; I say, notto make luxury consistent with health. The apothe-withstanding that he lived in the time of this decary is perpetually employed in countermining vouring pestilence, he never caught the least infec the cook and the vintner. It is said of Diogenes, tion, which those writers unanimously ascribe to that meeting a young man who was going to a that uninterrupted temperance which he always feast he took him up in the street and carried him observed. home to his friends, as one who was running into And here I cannot but mention an observation imminent danger, had not he prevented him. What which I have often made, upon reading the lives of would that philosopher have said, had he been pre- the philosophers, and comparing them with any sent at the gluttony of a modern meal? Would not series of kings or great men of the same number. he have thought the master of a family mad, and If we consider these ancient sages, a great part of have begged his servants to tie down his hands, whose philosophy consisted in a temperate and had he seen him devour fowl, fish, and flesh; swal-abstemious course of life, one would think the life low oil and vinegar, wines and spices; throw down of a philosopher and the life of a man were of two salads of twenty different herbs, sauces of an hun- different dates. For we find that the generality of dred ingredients, confections and fruits of number- these wise men were nearer an hundred than sixty less sweets and flavours? What unnatural motions years of age, at the time of their respective deaths. and counter-ferments must such a medley of intem-But the most remarkable instance of the efficacy perance produce in the body? For my part, when of temperance towards the procuring of long life, I behold a fashionable table set out in all its mag-is what we meet with in a little book published by nificence, I fancy that I see gouts and dropsies, Lewis Cornaro the Venetian; which I the rather fevers and lethargies, with other innumerable dis- mention, because it is of undoubted credit, as the tempers, lying in ambuscade among the dishes. late Venetian ambassador, who was of the same faNature delights in the most plain and simple mily, attested more than once in conversation, when diet. Every animal, but man, keeps to one dish. he resided in England. Cornaro, who was the Herbs are the food of this species, fish of that, and author of the little treatise I am mentioning, was flesh of a third. Man falls upon every thing that of an infirm constitution, till about forty, when by comes in his way; not the smallest fruit or excres- obstinately persisting in an exact course of tempe cence of the earth, scarce a berry or a mushroom can escape him.

rance, he recovered a perfect state of health; in somuch that at fourscore he published his book, It is impossible to lay down any determinate rule which has been translated into English under the for temperance, because what is luxury in one may title of Sure and certain Methods of attaining a be temperance in another; but there are few that long and healthy Life. He lived to give a third or have lived any time in the world, who are not fourth edition of it; and after having passed his judges of their own constitutions, so far as to know hundredth year, died without pain or agony, and what kinds and what proportions of food do best like one who falls asleep. The treatise I mention agree with them. Were I to consider my readers has been taken notice of by several eminent as my patients, and to prescribe such a kind of authors, and is written with such a spirit of cheer temperance as is accommodated to all persons, and fulness, religion, and good sense, as are the natural such as is particularly suitable to our climate and concomitants of temperance and sobriety. The way of living, I would copy the following rules mixture of the old man in it is rather a recommen of a very eminent physician. Make your whole dation than a discredit to it. repast out of one dish. If you indulge in a second, Having designed this paper as the sequel to that avoid drinking any thing strong, till you have fi- upon exercise, I have not here considered tempe nished your meal; at the same time abstain from rance as it is a moral virtue, which I shall make all sauces, or at least such as are not the most plain the subject of a future speculation but only as it is and simple. A man could not be well guilty of the means of health. gluttony, if he stuck to these few obvious and easy rules. In the first case, there would be no va riety of tastes to solicit his palate, and occasion excess; nor in the second, any artificial provocatives to relieve satiety, and create a false appetite. Were I to prescribe a rule for drinking, it should be formed upon a saying quoted by Sir William Temple: The first glass for myself, the second for my friends, the third for good-humour, and the fourth for mine enemies.' But because it is impossible for one who lives in the world to diet himself always in so philosophical a manner, I 'MR. SPECTATOR,

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No 196. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1711.

Est Ulubris, animus si te non deficit æquus.
HOR. Ep. xi. l. i, ver. 30.
True happiness is to no place confin'd,
But still is found in a contented mind.


think every man should have his days of abstinence, THERE is a particular fault which I have ob according as his constitution will permit. These served in most of the moralists in all ages, and that are great reliefs to nature, as they qualify her for is, that they are always professing themselves, and struggling with hunger and thirst, whenever any teaching others to be happy. This state is not to distemper or duty of life may put her upon such be arrived at in this life, therefore I would recom

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