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Feb. 7th, 1774. "His majesty, taking the and all such statutes as were enacted and in! said report into consideration, was pleased, force at the time in which such settlers went with the advice of his privy-council, to ap- forth, and such colonies and plantations were prove thereof; and to order, that the said pe- established, (except as hereafter excepted) totition of the House of Representatives of the gether with all such alterations and amendprovince of Massachusett's Bay be dismissed ments as the said common law may have rethe board-as groundless, vexatious, and scan-ceived, is from time to time, and at all times, dalous; and calculated only for the seditious the law of those colonies and plantations. purpose of keeping up a spirit of clamour and Rem. So far as they adopt it, by express discontent in the said province." laws or by practice. B. F.

A former petition against governor Bernard met with a dismission couched in similar


3. Therefore all statutes, touching the right of the succession, and settlement of the crown, with the statutes of treason relating thereto;* all statutes, regulating or limiting the ge

The Constitution of the Colonies, by Go-neral powers and authority of the crown, and vernor Pownall; with Remarks, by Dr.



1. WHEREVER any Englishmen go forth without the realm, and make settlements in partibus exteris, "These settlements as English settlements, and these inhabitants as English subjects (carrying with them the laws of the land wherever they form colonies, and receiving his majesty's protection by virtue of his royal charter t" or commissions of government) "have and enjoy all liberties and immunities of free and natural subjects, to all intents, constructions, and purposes whatsoever, as if they and every of them were born within the realm;t" and are bound by the like allegiance as every other subject of

the realm.

Remarks. The settlers of colonies in America did not carry with them the laws of the land, as being bound by them wherever they should settle. They left the realm to avoid the inconveniences and hardships they were under, where some of those laws were in force, particularly ecclesiastical laws, those for payment of tythes, and others. Had it been understood, that they were to carry these laws with them, they had better had staid at home among their friends, unexposed to the risks and toils of a new settlement. They carried with them, a right to such parts of the laws of the land, as they should judge advantageous or useful to them: a right to be free from those they thought hurtful; and a right to make such others, as they should think necessary; not infringing the general rights of Englishmen: and such new laws they were to form, as agreeable as might be to the laws of England. B. F.

2. Therefore the common law of England, *This constitution of the colonies was printed at the close of 1769, with a view to prevent mischief, from the misunderstandings then existing between the govern ment of Great Britain and the people of America. It was the production of governor Pownall. Dr. Frank lin's remarks from their early date are particularly cu rious; they were communicated in MS. to governor Pownall; and from an observation in reply, signed T. P., appear to have been returned.

† Pratt and York.

General words in all charters.

the exercise of the jurisdiction thereof; all statutes declaratory of the rights and liberty of the subject, do extend to all British subjects in the colonies and plantations as of common right, and as if they and every of them were born within the realm.

Rem. It is doubted, whether any settlement of the crown by parliament, takes place in the colonies, otherwise than by consent of the assemblies there. Had the rebellion in 1745, succeeded so far as to settle the Stuart family again on the throne, by act of parlia ment, I think the colonies would not have thought themselves bound by such act. They would still have adhered to the present family as long as they could. B. F.

Observation in reply. They are bound to the king and his successors, and we know no succession but by act of parliament. T. P.

4. All statutes enacted since the establishment of colonies and plantations do extend to and operate within the said colonies and plantations, in which statutes the same are specially


Rem. It is doubted, whether any act of

parliament should of right operate in the colonies: in fact, several of them have and do operate. B. F.

5. Statutes and customs, which respect only the special and local circumstances of the realm do not extend to and operate within said colonies and plantations, where no such special and local circumstances are found.— (Thus the ecclesiastical and canon law, and

*All statutes respecting the general relations between

the crown and the subject, not such as respect any par ticular or peculiar establishment of the realm of England. As for instance: by the 13th and 14th of Car. II. c. 2 the supreme military power is declared to be in

general, without limitation, in his majesty, and to have always been of right annexed to the office of king of England, throughout all his majesty's realms and do minions; yet the enacting clause, which respects only the peculiar establishment of the militia of England, extends to the realm of England only so that the supreme military power of the crown in all other his ma jesty's realms and dominions stands, as to this statute. on the basis of its general power, unlimited. However the several legislatures of his majesty's kingdom of Ireland, of his dominions of Virginia, and of the several colonies and plantations in America, have, by laws to which the king has given his consent, operating with in the precincts of their several jurisdictions, limited the powers of it, and regultaed the exercise thereof,

laws: and the covenant having been made in the charters by the king, for himself and his successors, such laws ought to receive the royal assent, as of right. B. F.

all statutes respecting tythes, the laws re-ed by special colony laws. If any are not yet specting courts baron and copyholds, the so established, the colonies have right to such game acts, the statutes respecting the poor and settlements, and all other laws and statutes, having special reference to special and local circumstances and establishments within the realm, do not extend to and operate within these settlements, in partibus exteris, where no such circumstances or establishments exist.)

Rem. These laws have no force in America: not merely because local circumstances differ, but because they have never been adopted, or brought over by acts of assembly or by practice in the courts. B. F.

6. No statutes made since the establishment of said colonies and plantations (except as above described in articles 3 and 4) do extend to and operate within said colonies and plantations.

Query. Would any statute made since the establishment of said colonies and plantations, which statute imported, to annul and abolish the powers and jurisdictions of their respective constitutions of government, where the same was not contrary to the laws, or any otherwise forfeited or abated; or which statute imported, to take away, or did take away, the rights and privileges of the settlers, as British subjects: would such statute, as of right, extend to and operate within said colonies and plantations.

Answer. No. The parliament has no such power. The charters cannot be altered but by consent of both parties—the king and the colonies. B. F.

Corollaries from the foregoing principles.

Upon the matters of fact, right, and law, as above stated, it is, that the British subjects thus settled in partibus exteris without the realm, so long as they are excluded from an entire union with the realm, as parts of and within the same, have a right to have (as they have) and to be governed by (as they are) a distinct entire civil government, of the like powers, pre-eminences, and jurisdictions (conformable to the like rights, privileges, immunities, franchises, and civil liberties) as are to be found and are established in the British government, respecting the British subject within the realm.

[blocks in formation]

Hence it is, that the freeholders within the precincts of these jurisdictions have (as of right they ought to have) a share in the power of making those laws which they are to be governed by, by the right which they have of sending their representatives to act for them, and to consent for them in all matters of legislation, which representatives, when met in general assembly, have, together with the crown, a right to perform and do all the like acts respecting the matters, things, and rights, within the precincts of their jurisdiction, as the parliament hath respecting the realm and British dominions.

Hence also it is, that all the cxecutive offices (from the supreme civil magistrate, as locum teneus to the king, down to that of constable and head-borough) must of right be es tablished with all and the like powers, neither more nor less than as defined by the constitution and law, as in fact they are established.


Hence it is, that the judicial offices and courts of justice, established within the precincts of said jurisdictions, have, as they ought of right to have, all those jurisdictions and powers as fully and amply to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as the courts of king's bench, common pleas, and exchequer, within his majesty's kingdom of England, have, and ought to have, and are empowered to give judgment and award execution thereupon.'

Hence it is, that by the possession, enjoyment, and exercise of his majesty's great seal, delivered to his majesty's governor, there is established within the precincts of the respective jurisdictions, all the same and like powers of chancery (except where by charters specially excluded) as his majesty's chancellor within his majesty's kingdom of England hath, and of right ought to have, by delivery of the great seal of England.-And hence it is, that all the like rights, privileges, and powers, follow the use, exercise, and application of the great seal of each colony and plantation within the precincts of said jurisdiction, as doth, and ought of right to follow the use, exercise, and application of the great seal.

Hence also it is, that appeals in real actions, "whereby the lands, tenements, and hereditaments of British subjects may be drawn into question and disposed of,"† do not lie, as of right and by law they ought not to lie, to the king in council.

Hence also it is, that there is not any law now in being, whereby the subject within

* Law in New England, confirmed by the crown, October 22, 1700.

† 16th Car. I. c. 10.

said colonies and plantations can be removed* from the jurisdiction to which he is amenable in all his right, and through which his service and allegiance must be derived to the crown, and from which no appeal lies in criminal causes, so as that such subject may become amenable to a jurisdiction foreign to his natural and legal resiancy; to which he may be thereby transported, and under which he may be brought to trial and receive judgment, contrary to the rights and privileges of the subject, as declared by the spirit and intent and especially by sec. 16 of the habeas corpus act. And if the person of any subject within the said colonies and plantations should be seized or detained by any power is suing from any court, without the jurisdiction of the colony where he then had his legal resiancy, it would become the duty of the courts of justice within such colony (it is undoubtedly of their jurisdiction so to do) to issue the writ of habeas corpus.†

&c. in order to their being tried in the colonies, or sent

The case of the court erected by act of parlia. ment 11th and 12th of William III. c. 7, (since the enacting of the habeas corpus act) for the trial of pira. cies, felonies, and robberies committed in or upon the sea, or in any haven, river, creek, or place where the admiral has jurisdiction, does no way affect this posi tion: nor doth sec. 14 of the said statute, directing that the commissioners, of whom such court consists, may issue their warrant for apprehending such pirates, into England, any way militate with the doctrine here laid down: nor can it be applied as the case of a jurisdiction actually existing, which supercedes the jurisdictions of the courts in the colonies and plantations, and as what authorises the taking the accused of such piracies, &c. from those jurisdictions, and the sending such so taken to England for trial. It cannot be applied act of parliament (passed in the 35th of Henry VIII. concerning the trial of treasons) lately recommended in order to the sending persons accused of committing crimes in the plantations to England for trial: because this act of the 11th and 12th of Williamn, c. 7, respects crimes committed in places, "where the admiral has ju risdiction," and cases to which the jurisdiction of those provincial courts do not extend. In the case of treasons committed within the jurisdiction of the colonies and plan and to give judgment thereupon, where the trials of such are regulated by laws to which the king hath given his consent: from which there lies no appeal, and wherein the king hath given power and instruction to his governor as to execution or respite of judgment. The said act of Henry VIII. which provides remedy for a case which supposes the want of due legal jurisdic tion, cannot be any way, or by any rule, applied to a case where there is due legal and competent jurisdiction. B. F.

as a case similar and in point to the application of an

tations, there are courts competent to try such crimes

†The-referring to an old act made for the trial of treasons committed out of the realm, by such persons as had no legal resiancy but within the realm, and j who were of the realm, applying the purview of that statute, which was made to bring subjects of the realm who had committed treason out of the realm (where there was no criminal jurisdiction to which they could be amenable) to trial within the realm, under that criminal jurisdiction to which alone by their legal resi ancy and allegiance they were amenable; and apply. ing this to the case of subjects whose legal "resiancy" is without the realm, and who are by that "resiancy", and their allegiance amenable to a jurisdiction authorized and empowered to try and give judgment upon all capital offences whatsoever without appeal; thus applying this statute so as to take up a proceeding, for where there is no legal process either by common or statute law as now established, but in defiance of which there is a legal process established by the habeas

Hence also it is, that in like manner as "the command and disposition of the militia. and of all forces by sea and land, and of all forts and places of strength, is, and by the laws of England ever was, the undoubted right of his majesty and his royal predecessors, kings and queens of England, within all his majesty's realms and dominions,"* in like manner as the supreme military power and command (so far as the constitution knows of and will justify its establishment) is inseparably annexed to, and forms an essential part of the office of supreme civil magistrate, the office of king in like manner, in all governments under the king, where the constituents are British subjects, and of full and perfect right entitled to the British laws and constitution, the supreme military command within the precincts of such jurisdictions must be inseparably annexed to the office of supreme civil magistrate, (his majesty's regent vicegerent, lieutenant, or locum tenens, in what forms soever established) so that the king cannot, by any commission of regency, by any commission or charter of government, separate or withdraw the supreme command of the military from the office of supreme civil magistrate either by reserving this command in his own hands, to be exercised and executed independent of the civil power; or by granting a distinct commission to any military commander in chief, so to be exercised and executed; but more especially not within such jurisdictions where such supreme military power (so far as the constitution knows and will justify the same) is already annexed and granted to the office of supreme civil magistrate.-And hence it is, that the king cannot erect or establish any law martial or military command, by any commission which may supersede and not be subject to the supreme civil magistrate, within the respective precincts of the civil jurisdictions of said colonies and plantations, otherwise than in such manner as the said law martial and military commissions are annexed or subject to the supreme civil jurisdiction within his majesty's realms and dominions of Great Britain and Ireland; and hence it is, that the establish

corpus act-would be, to disfranchise the subject in America of those rights and liberties which by statute and common law he is now entitled to. B. F. *13th and 14th Car. II. c. 2.

If the king was to absent himself for a time from the realm, and did as usual leave a regency in his place, his locum tenens, as supreme civil magistrate, could he authorize and commission any military com mander in chief to command the militia, forts, and forces, independent of such regency? Could he do this in Ireland? Could he do this in the colonies and planta tions, where the governor is already, by commission, or charter, or both, under the great seal, military commander in chief, as part of (and inseparably annexed to) the office of supreme civil magistrate, his majesty's locum tenens within said jurisdiction? If he could, then. while openly, by patent according to law, he appeared to establish a free British constitution, he might by a fallacy establish a military power and government. B. F.

ment and exercise of such commands and commissions would be illegal.*

that having parliaments of our own, and not having representatives in that of Great Britain, our parliaments are the only judges of what we can and what we ought to contribute in this case; and that the English parliament has no right to take our money without our consent. In fact, the British empire is not a single state; it comprehends many; and though the parliament of Great Britain has arrogated to itself the power of taxing the colonies, it has no more right to do so, than it has to tax Hanover. We have the same king, but not the same legislatures.

Rem. The king has the command of all military force in his dominions: but in every distinct state of his dominions there should be the consent of the parliament or assembly (the representative body) to the raising and keeping up such military force. He cannot even raise troops and quarter them in another, without the consent of that other. He cannot of right bring troops raised in Ireland and quarter them in Britain, but with the consent of the parliament of Britain: nor carry to Ireland, and quar- "The dispute between the two countries ter there, soldiers raised in Britain, without has already cost England many millions sterthe consent of the Irish parliament, unless in ling, which it has lost in its commerce, and time of war and cases of extreme exigency. America has in this respect been a propor-In 1756, when the speaker went up to pre- tionable gainer. This commerce consisted sent the money-bills, he said among other principally of superfluities; objects of luxury things, that England was capable of and fashion, which we can well do without; fighting her own battles and defending her- and the resolution we have formed, of imself; and although ever attached to your porting no more till our grievances are remajesty's person, ever at ease under your dressed, has enabled many of our infant manujust government, they cannot forbear taking factures to take root; and it will not be easy notice of some circumstances in the present to make our people abandon them in future, situation of affairs, which nothing but the even should a connexion more cordial than confidence in your justice could hinder from ever succeed the present troubles. I have inalarming their most serious apprehensions. deed no doubt, that the parliament of England Subsidies to foreign princes when already will finally abandon its present pretensions, burdened with a debt scarce to be borne, can- | and leave us to the peaceable enjoyment of not but be severely felt. An army of foreign our rights and privileges. B. FRANKLIN.” troops, a thing unprecedented, unheard of, unknown, brought into England, cannot but alarm, &c. (See the Speech.)

[ocr errors]

N. B. These foreign troops were part of the king's subjects, Hanoverians, and all in his service, which was the same thing as if he were to transport troops from England into the American colonies without the consent of their legislature. B. F.

“To Mr. Dubourg, concerning the Dissensions between England and America.†

"LONDON, October 2, 1770.

"I SEE with pleasure that we think pretty much alike on the subjects of English America. We of the colonies have never insisted, that we ought to be exempt from contributing to the common expenses necessary to support the prosperity of the empire. We only assert,


Dr. Franklin's Preface to the English Edition of the Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders, and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town-Meeting assembled according to law (published by Order of the Town,) &c.*

ALL accounts of the discontent, so general dustriously smothered and concealed here, it in our colonies, have of late years been inseeming to suit the views of the American minister to have it understood, that by his great abilities, all faction was subdued, all

J. Wilkie, in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1773."--The preface only is given, as that alone properly belongs to

*"Boston printed: London re-printed, and sold by

this work.

This little piece very much irritated the English mi

nistry. It was their determination, that the Ameri

cans should receive teas only from Great Britain. And accordingly the East India company sent out large cargoes under their protection. The colonists every where refused, either entrance, or else permission of sale, except at Boston, where, the force of government preventing more moderate measures, certain

* Governor Pownall, accompanied this paper to Dr. Franklin with a sort of prophetic remark. After stating, that these theorems, and their application to existing cases, were intended to remedy the prejudice, indigestion, indecision, and errors, then prevailing either in opinions or conduct; he adds, "the very at-persons in disguise threw it into the sea. tention to the investigation may lead to the discovery of some truths respecting the whole British empire, then little thought of and scarce even suspected, and which perhaps it would not be prudent at this time to mark and point out."-The minister however judged the discussion of dubious rights over growing states, a better policy than possession, discretion, and silence: he turn. ed civilian, for which he was not qualified, and lost an empire, which he was not worthy to govern. tRe-translated from a French edition of Dr. Franklin's works.

The preamble of the stamp act produced the tea act; the tea act produced violence; violence, acts of parliament; acts of parliament, a revolt." A little neg lect" says poor Richard, "may breed great mischief: for want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; for want of a horse the rider was lost; being overtaken and slain by the enemy; all for want of a little care about a horse-shoe nail."

† Lord Hillsborough.-This nobleman, before this time first lord of trade, was introduced in 1768 into the new-erected office of secretary of state for the colonies.

opposition suppressed, and the whole country conciliation; and this disposition to a good quieted. That the true state of affairs there understanding was so prevalent, that possibly may be known, and the true causes of that they might soon have relaxed in the article discontent well understood, the following of tea also. But the system of commissioners piece (not the production of a private writer, but the unanimous act of a large American city) lately printed in New England, is republished here. This nation, and the other nations of Europe, may thereby learn, with more certainty, the grounds of a dissention, that possibly may, sooner or later, have consequences interesting to them all.

of customs, officers without end, fleets and armies for collecting and enforcing those du ties, being continued; and these acting with much indiscretion and rashness (giving great and unnecessary trouble and obstruction to business, commencing unjust and vexatious suits, and harrassing commerce in all its branches, while that minister kept the people The colonies had, from their first settle- in a constant state of irritation by instructions ment, been governed with more ease than which appeared to have no other end than the perhaps can be equalled by any instance in gratifying his private resentment*) occasioned history of dominions so distant. Their affec-a persevering adherence to their resolutions tion and respect for this country, while they in that particular; and the event should be a were treated with kindness, produced an im- lesson to ministers, not to risk, through pique, plicit obedience to the instructions of the the obstructing any one branch of trade; since prince, and even to acts of the British parlia- the course and connexion of general business ment, though the right of binding them by a may be thereby disturbed to a degree, imlegislature, in which they were unrepresent-possible to be foreseen or imagined. For it ed, was never clearly understood. That re- appears, that the colonies, finding their humspect and affection produced a partiality in ble petitions to have their duty repealed were favour of every thing that was English; rejected and treated with contempt, and that whence their preference of English modes the produce of the duty was applied to the and manufactures; their submission to re- rewarding, with undeserved salaries and penstraints on the importation of foreign goods, sions, every one of their enemies; the duty itwhich they had but little desire to use; and self became more odious, and their resolutions the monopoly we so long enjoyed of their to starve it more vigorous and obstinate. The commerce, to the great enriching of our mer-Dutch, the Danes, and French, took this opchants and artificers. The mistaken policy portunity, thus offered them by our impruof the stamp act first disturbed this happy dence, and began to smuggle their teas into situation; but the flame thereby raised was the plantations. At first this was something soon extinguished by its repeal, and the old difficult; but at length, as all business is imharmony restored, with all its concomitant proved by practice, it became easy. A coast advantage to our commerce. The subsequent fifteen hundred miles in length could not in act of another administration, which, not con- all parts be guarded, even by the whole navy tent with an established exclusion of foreign of England; especially where their restraining manufactures, began to make our own mer- authority was by all the inhabitants deemed chandize dearer to the consumers there by unconstitutional, and the smuggling of course heavy duties, revived it again; and combina- was considered as patriotism. The needy tions were entered into throughout the con-wretches too, who, with small salaries, were tinent, to stop trading with Britain till those trusted to watch the ports day and night, in duties should be repealed. All were accord- all weathers, found it easier and more profitaingly repealed but one-the duty on tea. ble, not only to wink, but to sleep in their This was reserved (professedly so) as a stand- beds; the merchants' pay being more genering claim and exercise of the right, assumed ous than the king's. Other India goods also, by parliament, of laying such duties.* The which, by themselves, would not have made a colonies, on the repeal, retracted their agree-smuggling voyage sufficiently profitable, acment, so far as related to all other goods, ex-companied tea to advantage; and it is feared cept that on which the duty was retained. the cheap French silks, formerly rejected as This was trumpeted here by the minister for not to the taste of the colonies, may have the colonies as a triumph; there it was con- found their way with the wares of India, and sidered only as a decent and equitable mea- now established themselves in the popular sure, showing a willingness to meet the mouse and opinion. ther-country, in every advance towards a re

* Mr. Burke in his speech in 1774, says "this pre:

ambulary tax had lost us at once the benefit of the west

and of the east; had thrown open the doors to contra band; and would be the means of giving the profits of the colony trade to every nation but ourselves." He adds, "It is indeed a tax of sophistry, a tax of pedan. try, a tax of disputation, a tax of war and rebellion, a tax for any thing but benefit to the imposers, or satisfaction to the subject."

It is supposed, that at least a million of the first cost here, can scarce be reckoned at Americans drink tea twice a day, which, at less than half a guinea a head per annum. This market, that, in the five years which

* Some of the secretary's circular letters had been criticised, and exposed by one or two of the American assemblies.

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