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Hic erit, hic iurata manet. rumpantur iniqui! vicimus adsiduas non tulit illa preces falsa licet cupidus deponat gaudia livor: destitit ire novas Cynthia nostra vias. illi carus ego et per me carissima Roma dicitur, et sine me dulcia regna negat. illa vel angusto mecum requiescere lecto

27. Divided from the foregoing by Lipsius. No break in 0.

Rhod. 4, 535-539: ἀμφὶ πόλιν ἀγανὴν Ὑλληίδα . . . Ὕλλον, ὃν ἐπειδὴς Μελίτη τέκεν Ἡρακλῆι δήμῳ Φαιήκων. — illa futura meast: 'she is destined for me.'

1, 8 b


The sequel to the preceding poem, written as soon as Propertius learns the successful result of his petitions. 27-38: Victory! Cynthia stays, and says she prefers me to all that kings could give. 39-42 It was not by such offers that she was won, but by my potent verse. 43-46: Now she is mine so long as life shall last.'

27. Hic... hic: the emphasis in the first overjoyed exclamations of delight is upon the thought that instead of wandering in the remote and vague regions just mentioned in the preceding poem, she is to be 'here.' iurata: she has taken her oath to.' Cf. v. 17 for the unrealized fear. — rumpantur:

cf. Hor. Sat. 1, 3, 135: miserque rumperis.

28. adsiduas :


non tulit: since they were irresistible.

29. falsa: 'groundless,' be

cause based on a fear which is now not to become fact. gaudia : jealousy dotes on every opportunity to gratify its passion. — livor: Propertius gloats over the livor, as if it had a personal and separate existence.

30. destitit: has given up her purpose.' nostra: emphatic.

31. ego sc. dicor: note the triumphant repetitions of the personal pronoun in these three


32. sine me: cf. v. 4. - dulcia:

Sc. esse.

33. angusto: it is the slenderness of the circumstances of the owner that the poet means to imply. Cf. Sen. Thyestes, 452: scelera non intrant casas, tutusque mensa capitur angusta cibus.



et quocumque modo maluit esse mea,
quam sibi dotatae regnum vetus Hippodamiae,
et quas Elis opes ante pararat equis.
quamvis magna daret, quamvis maiora daturus,
non tamen illa meos fugit avara sinus.
hanc ego non auro, non Indis flectere conchis,
sed potui blandi carminis obsequio.
sunt igitur musae, neque amanti tardus Apollo;
quis ego fretus amo: Cynthia rara meast.
nunc mihi summa licet contingere sidera plantis:

34. quocumque modo: cf. the phraseology of the marriage ritual: "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer." Observe the triple rime; cf. Cholmeley, Theocritus, pp. 44 sq.

35. sibi: the force of the esse in the preceding verse is continued here. dotatae: her dos was the regnum of her father, Oenomaus.

36. et namely; the verse explains further the meaning of dotatae. Cf. for this et 3, 7, 29.

ante pararat: 'has ever won.' Cf. 3, 11, 65 for the tense. - equis : as if Pelops and the other kings of Elis had owned all the horses which during the centuries won the Olympian prizes!

37. daret: the rival. - daturus: sc. esset; 'would probably have given,' perhaps even 'promised to give.'

38. avara belongs to the predi


39. conchis: by metonymy for the pearl within. Cf. 3, 13, 6: et venit e rubro concha Erythraea

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sive dies seu nox venerit, illa meast, nec mihi rivalis certos subducit amores. ista meam norit gloria canitiem.


Dicebam tibi venturos, inrisor, amores, nec tibi perpetuo libera verba fore: ecce iaces supplexque venis ad iura puellae, et tibi nunc quaevis imperat empta modo.

9. 4. quaevis O quovis V2 quidvis Postgate.

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non me Chaoniae vincant in amore columbae
dicere quos iuvenes quaeque puella domet.
me dolor et lacrimae merito fecere peritum :

atque utinam posito dicar amore rudis!
quid tibi nunc misero prodest grave dicere carmen
aut Amphioniae moenia flere lyrae?

plus in amore valet Mimnermi versus Homero:
carmina mansuetus lenia quaerit Amor.

i quaeso et tristis istos conpone libellos,
et cane quod quaevis nosse puella velit.

12. lenia o levia 0.

5. me emphatic. - Chaoniae

= Epiroticae. At Dodona in Epirus was a very celebrated ancient oracle of Zeus, to whom doves were originally sacred; cf. Jour. Hellen. Stud., Vol. 21 (1901), p. 105. — vincant: excel'; potential. columbae: as sacred to Venus these oracular birds would be especially sure to hit the truth in matters of love.

6. dicere poetic construction with vincant: cf. Sil. Ital. 6, 141: non ullo Libycis in finibus amne victus limosas extendere latius undas.

7. merito i.e. I have nobody to blame but myself.

8. atque adversative. - rudis : cf. 2, 34, 82: sive in amore rudis sive peritus erit.

9. grave: i.e. an epic.

10. Cf. 1, 7, 1, n. Amphion, one of the twin kings of Thebes, played so skillfully on the lyre given him by Hermes that the huge stones arranged themselves

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to form the city wall. - flere: cf. 3, 9, 37; Hor. Epod. 14, 11: cava testudine flevit amorem.

11. Mimnermi : a venerable figure in the field of elegy, and the elegist who originated the erotic type. Cf. Intr. § 4. For his relation to Propertius cf. Wilamowitz in the Sitz. d. Kgl. Pr. Akad. d. Wiss. 1912, pp. 100 sqq.

versus Homero: the juxtaposition heightens the contrast between the single verse of the master of love elegies and Homer, epics and all!

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quid si non esset facilis tibi copia? nunc tu
insanus medio flumine quaeris aquam.
necdum etiam palles, vero nec tangeris igni:
haec est venturi prima favilla mali.

tum magis Armenias cupies accedere tigres
et magis infernae vincula nosse rotae,
quam pueri totiens arcum sentire medullis

et nihil iratae posse negare tuae.
nullus Amor cuiquam facilis ita praebuit alas,
ut non alterna presserit ille manu.

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