Abbildungen der Seite

1783. July 2. The Emperor of Germany publishes an edict for fuppreffing Hermits 4376 18 The Bahama islands retaken by Col. Deveaux 383.

19. Chriftopher Atkinson M. P. late corn-factor to his Majesty's victualling board, convicted of perjury 442. and expelled the Houfe of Commons Dec. 4463401

21. A great many American Loyalifts retire from New York to fettle in Nova Scotia 499. 23. A verdict given against Gen. Murray, governor of Minorca, with 5000). damages, for fufpending from office Mr Sutherland, judge-advocate of the admiralty court of that inland 444

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Dreadful storms of thunder, lightning, &c. both in England and Scotland during this month 389.

Aug. 1. Shipping in the harbour of Leith to the amount of 11,000 tuns burden sor. 1. The Spaniards begin the fiege of Algiers, but give it up after a few days bombard

ment 491.

7. Princess Amelia born 447.

7. The American Congrefs refolve to erect an equeftrian statue of Gen. Washington $52. 13. Ratification of the Provifional Articles of Peace with America exchanged at Paris 441. 18. A great ball of fire is feen pafs along the air from W. N. W. to E. S. E a little after nine in the evening. It is likewife feen in Holland, at Oftend, and in Ireland 611.

18. Fifty thousand pounds granted to commiffioners for behoof of a colony of Genevans who are to fettle in Ireland $56."

29. William Wynne Ryland, the celebrated engraver, executed for forgery 441. •Sept. 2 Preliminary Articles of Peace between G. Britain and the States General of the United Provinces figned at Paris 500...

3. The Definitive Treaties of Peace with France, Spain, and America signed 500.

8. A great number of delegates from volunteer corps meet at Dungannon in Ireland 556. 19. The Ratifications of the Definitive Treaties of Peace with France and Spain exchanged at Versailles 500

29. The Ratification of the Preliminary Articles of Peace between G. Britain and Holland exchanged at Paris 554

08. 6. Peace proclaimed 555.

Nov. 2. Gen. Washington delivers his farewell orders to the American army 663

11. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales takes his feat in the House of Peers 609

20. Mr Secretary Fox brings a bill into the House of Commons for vesting the affairs of the Eaft India Company in Commiffioners 635.

29. New York evacuated by the British 665.

Dec. 8 Mr Fox's Eaft-India bill paffed by the Commons 635.

17. The Eaft-India bill rejected by the House of Peers 636.

19. The miniftry difmiffed 637. and a new one appointed 671.

23. Gen. Washington returns his commiffion to Congress, and retires from the service 711.

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To the BINDER,

NUT off the blue Covers; and place this quarter of a fheet, containing the General Title-page, the Chronological Series of Events, &c. before the Magazine for January.





E N T S.

Account of Gen. Sir GEORGE AUGUSTUS

Preliminary Articles of PEACE with France 1.
Preliminary Articles of PEACE with Spain 4.
Provisional Articles of PEACE with Ame-A
rica 5.

Experiments on the culture of SIBERIAN

Account of a MONSTROUS BIRTH 8.
Letters upon the subject of FICTITIOUS
VOTES: Letter I. 9. Letter II. 10. Let-
ter III. 12.

TRIAL of Dr Magennis for the murder of
Mr Hardy 14.

PARLIAMENT. Commons on Irish Affairs
22. The preliminary articles of peace pre-
fented 23. Ordered to be printed ib. On
the mutiny in the 77th regiment 23.-25.

Lords on the peace 26. Address moved for by Lord Pembroke ib. Earl Carlisle moves an amendment 16. Speeches of Lords Wallingham, Hawke, Townsend, the Duke of Grafton, Lord Keppel, Duke of Richmond, Lords Stormont, Sackville, and Howe, the Earl of Shelburne, &c. 27.-32.

new method of making FENCES 32. On the Inoculation of HORNED CATTLE, and the Bleeding of SHEEP 32. NEW BOOKS. Chalmers on the comparative ftrength of England 33. Cecilia; or Memoirs of an Heiress 36. Monro on the means of preferving the health of fol diers 38.

POETRY. Ode for the New Year, Jan. 1. 1783 40. Ode for the New Year by the Rev. Mr Mavor ib. Addrefs of Mrs Siddons, when the produced her three reasons for quitting the Bath theatre ib Ode to virtue 41. Ode written in winter ib. HISTORICAL AFFAIRS. Germany 42. Switzerland ib. France ib. America 43. England 44. Scotland 49.


Captures 51. Marriages, Births, and Deaths 54. Preferments 55. Prices of Grain, Meal, and Stocks, Edinburgh and Aberdeen Infirmary tables, Mortality-bill, &c. 56.

Preliminary and Provifional Articles of PEACE.

Tranflation of the Preliminary Articles of Peace between his Britannic Majefty and the Moft Chriftian King, figned, at Verfailles, the 20th day of January 1783.

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Mr Alleyne Fitzherbert, minifter-plenipotentiary of his faid Majefty the King of Great Britain; and on the part of his Most Christian Majefty, Charles Gravier Compte de Vergennes, counsellor in all his councils, commander of his orders, counsellor of state, minister and fecretary of state, and of the commands and finances of his faid Majefty for the department of foreign affairs; who, after having duly communicated to each o ther their full powers in good form, have agreed on the following preliminary articles:

Art. I. As foon as the preliminaries fhall be figned and ratified, fincere friendfhip fhall be re-established between his



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Britannic Majefty and his Moft Christian Majefty, their kingdoms, ftates, and subjects, by fea and by land, in all parts of the world. Orders fhall be fent to the armies and fquadrons, as well as to the fubjects of the two powers, to ftop all hoftilities, and to live in the most perfect union, forgetting what is past, of which their Sovereigns give them the order and example. And for the execution of this article, fea-paffes fhall be given on each fide for the fhips which fhall be dispatch ed to carry the news of it to the poffeffions of the faid powers.

Art. II. His Majefty the King of Great Britain fhall preferve in full right the ifland of Newfoundland, and the adjacent islands, in the fame manner as the whole was ceded to him by the 13th article of the treaty of Utrecht, fave the exceptions which shall be stipulated by the 5th article of the prefent treaty.

Art. III. His Moft Chriftian Majefty, in order to prevent quarrels which have hitherto arifen between the two nations of England and France, renounces the right of fishing, which belongs to him by virtue of the faid article of the treaty of Utrecht, from Cape Bonavifta to Cape St John, fituated on the eastern coaft of Newfoundland, in about 50 degrees of north latitude; whereby the French fishery fhall commence at the faid Cape St John, fhall go round by the north, and, going down the western coaft of the inland of Newfoundland, fhall have for boundary the place called Cape Raye, fituated in 47 degrees 50 minutes latitude.

Art. IV. The French fishermen fhall enjoy the fishery affigned them by the foregoing article, as they have a right to enjoy it by virtue of the treaty of Utrecht.

Art.V. His Britannic Majefty will cede, in full right to his Moft Chriftian Majefty, the islands of St Pierre and Miquelon. Art. VI. With regard to the right of fishing in the gulph of St Laurence, the French fhall continue to enjoy it, conformably to the 5th article of the treaty of Paris.

Art. VII. The King of Great Britain hall restore to France the island of St Lucia, and fhall cede and guarantee to her that of Tobago.

Art. VIII. The Moft Chriftian King thall reftore to Great Britain the islands of Grenada, and the Grenadines, St Vincent's, Dominica, St Chriftopher's, Ne

vis, and Montferrat; and the fortreffes of those islands conquered by the arms of Great Britain, and by thofe of France, shall be restored in the fame condition in which they were when the conqueft of them was made; provided that the term of eighteen months, to be computed from the time of the ratification of the definitive treaty, fhall be granted to the refpective fubjects of the crowns of Great Britain and France, who may have settled in the faid iflands, and in other places which fhall be reftored by the definitive treaty, to fell their eftates, recover their debts, and to transport their effects, and retire without being reftrained on account of their religion, or on any other whatfoever, except in cafes of debt, or of criminal profecutions.

Art IX. The King of Great Britain fhall cede and guarantee, in full right to his Moft Chriftian Majefty, the river of Senegal, and its dependencies, with the forts of St Louis, Podor, Galam, Arguin, and Portendie: his Britannic Majefty fhall reftore likewise the island of Goree, which fhall be given up in the condition in which it was when the British arms took poffeffion of it.

Art. X. The Most Christian King fhall, on his fide, guarantee to his Majefty the King of Great Britain, the poffeffion of Fort James, and of the river Gambia.

Art. XI. In order to prevent all difcuffion in that part of the world, the two courts fhall agree, either by the definitive treaty, or by a feparate act, upon the boundaries to be fixed to their refpective poffeffions. The gum-trade fhall be carried on in future, as the English and French nations carried it on before the year 1755.

Art. XII. In regard to the reft of the coafts of Africa, the subjects of both powers fhall continue to frequent them, according to the custom which has prevailed hitherto.

Art. XIII. The King of Great Britain fhall reftore to his Moft Chriftian Majesty all the establishments which belonged to him at the commencement of the prefent war, on the coaft of Orixa, and in Bengal, with liberty to furround Chandernagore with a ditch for draining the waters; and his Britannic Majefty engages to take fuch meafures as may be in his power, for fecuring to the subjects of France in that part of India, as alfo on the coafts of Orixa, Coromandel, and Malabar, a fafe, free, and independent


trade, fuch as was carried on by the late French Eaft-India Company, whether it be carried on by them as individuals, or as a company.

Art. XIV. Pondicherry, as well as Karical, fhall likewise be restored and guaranteed to France; and his Britannic Majefty fhall procure, to ferve as a dependency round Pondicherry, the two districts of Valanour and Bahour; and, as a dependency round Karical, the four contiguous Magans.

Art. XV. France shall again enter into poffeffion of Mahe, and of the Comptoir, at Surat; and the French fhall carry on commerce in this part of India, conformably to the principles laid down in the 13th article of this treaty.

Art. XVI. In cafe France has allies in India, they fhall be invited, as well as thofe of Great Britain, to accede to the prefent pacification; and, for that purpofe, a term of four months, to be computed from the day on which the propofal fhall be made to them, fhall be allow ed them to make their decifion; and, in cafe of refufal on their part, their Britannic and Moft Chriftian Majefties agree not to give them any affiftance, directly or indirectly, against the British or French poffeffions, or against the poffeffions of their refpective allies; and their faid Majefties fhall offer them their good offices towards a mutual accommodation between them.

Art. XVII. The King of Great Britain, defirous of giving his Moft Chriftian Majefty a fincere proof of reconciliation and friendship, and of contributing to the folidity of the peace which is on the point of being re-established, will confent to the abrogation and fuppreffion of all the articles relative to Dunkirk, from the treaty of peace concluded at Utrecht in 1713, inclufively to this time.

Art. XVIII. By the definitive treaty, all those which have exifted till now between the two high contracting parties, and which shall not have been derogated from, either by the faid treaty, or by the prefent preliminary treaty, fhall be renewed and confirmed; and the two courts fhall name commiffioners to inquire into the ftate of commerce between the two nations, in order to agree upon new arrangements of trade, on the footing of reciprocity and mutual convenience. The faid two courts fhall together amicably fix a competent term for the duration of that bufinefs.

Art. XIX. All the countries and territories which may have been, or which may be conquered, in any part of the world whatfoever, by the arms of his Britannic Majefty, or by thofe of his Moft Christian Majesty, and which are not included in the prefent articles, fhall be reftored without difficulty, and without requiring compenfation.

Art. XX. As it is neceffary to affign a fixed epoch for the reftitutions and the evacuations to be made by each of the high contracting parties, it is agreed, That the King of Great Britain fhall caufe to be evacuated the islands of St Pierre and Miquelon, three months after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done; St Lucia in the Weft Indies, and Goree in Africa, three months after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done. The King of Great Britain thall, in like manner, at the end of three months after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done, enter again into poffeffion of the islands of Grenada, the Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, St Chriftopher's, Nevis, and Montferrat.

France fhall be put into poffeffion of the towns and comptoirs which are reftored to her in the Eaft Indies, and of the territories which are procured for her, to ferve as dependencies round Pondicherry and round Karical, fix months after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done.

France fhall, at the end of the fame term of fix months, reftore the towns and territories which her arms may have taken from the English, or their allies, in the Eaft Indies.

In confequence whereof, the necessary orders fhall be fent by each of the high contracting parties, with reciprocal paffports for the fhips which fhall carry them, immediately after the ratification of the definitive treaty.

Art. XXI. The prisoners made refpectively by the arms of his Britannic Ma jefty, and his Moft Chriftian Majefty, by land and by fea, shall be restored reciprocally, and bona fide, immediately after the ratification of the definitive treaty, without ranfom, and on paying the debts they may have contracted during their captivity; and each crown fhall refpectively reimburse the fums which fhall have been advanced for the fubfiftence and maintenance of their prifoners, by the Sovereign of the country where they fhall A 2


have been detained, according to the receipts and attefted accounts, and other authentic titles, which fhall be produced on each fide.

Art. XXII. In order to prevent all caufes of complaint and dispute which may arife on account of prizes which may be made at fea after the figning of these preliminary articles, it is reciprocally agreed, That the vessels and effects which may be taken in the Channel and in the North Seas, after the space of twelve days, to be computed from the ratification of the prefent preliminary articles, fhall be reftored on each fide.

That the term fhall be one month, from the Channel and the North Seas, as far as the Canary Islands, inclufively, whether in the ocean or in the Mediterranean; two months, from the faid Canary Islands as far as the equinoxial line or equator; and, lastly, five months in all other parts of the world, without any exception, or any other more particular description of time and place.

Art. XXIII. The ratifications of the prefent preliminary articles fhall be expedited in good and due form, and exchanged in the space of one month, or fooner if it can be done, to be compnted from the day of the signature of the prefent articles.

In witness whereof, we the under-written minifters plenipotentiary of his Britannic Majefty, and of his Moft Chriftian Majefty, by virtue of our refpective full powers, have figned the prefent preliminary articles, and have caufed the feals of our arms to be put thereto. Done, at Verfailles, the 20th day of January 1783.

ALLEYNE FITZHERBERT. (L. S.) GRAVIER DE VERGENNES. (L. S.) Translation of the Preliminary Articles of Peace between his Britannic Majefty and the Moft Catholic King, figned, at Verfailles, the 20th day of January 1783.. In the name of the Moft Holy Trinity! THE King of Great Britain and the King of Spain, equally animated with a defire of putting an end to the calamities of a deftructive war, and of re-establishing union and good understanding between them, as neceffary for the good of mankind in general, as for that of their refpective kingdoms, ftates, and fubjects, have named for this purpofe, viz. on the part of his Majefty the King of Great Bri

tain, Mr Alleyne Fitzherbert, ministerplenipotentiary of his faid Majefty; and on the part of his Majefty the King of Spain, Don Peter Paul Abarea de Bolea Ximenes d'Urnea, &c. Count of Aranda, and Caftel Florido, Marquis of Torres, of Villanan and Rupit, Vifcount of Rueda and Yoch, Baron of the baronies of Gavin Sietano, Clamofa, Eripol, Trazmoz, La Mata de Caftil-Viego, Antillon, La Almolda, Cortis Jorva, St Genis, Rabovillet, Oreau, and St Colome de Farnes, Lord of the Tenance and Honour of Alcalaten, the valley of Rodellar, the caftles and towns of Maella, Mofones, Tiurana de Villaplana, Taradele, and Viladran, &c. Rico-Hombre in Arragon, by birth, Grandee of Spain of the first clafs, Knight of the order of the Golden Fleece, and of that of the Holy Ghoft, Gentleman of the King's_ Bed-chamber in employment, Captain-General of his armies, and his Ambassador to his Moft Chriftian Majefty; who, after having duly communicated to each other their full powers in good form, have agreed on the following preliminary articles:

Art. I. As foon as the preliminaries fhall be signed and ratified, sincere friendthip fhall be re-eftablished between his Britannic Majefty and his Catholic Majefty, their kingdoms, ftates, and fubjects, by fea and by land, in all parts of the world. Orders fhall be fent to the armies and fquadrons, as well as to the fubjects of the two powers, to ftop all hoftilities, and to live in the most perfect union, forgetting what has paffed, of which their Sovereigns give them the order and example. And for the execution of this article, fea-paffes fhall be given on each fide for the fhips which fhall be difpatched to carry the news of it to the poffeffions of the faid powers.

Art. II. His Catholic Majefty shall keep the island of Minorca.

Art. III. His Britannic Majefty fhall cede to his Catholic Majefty Eaft Florida, and his Catholic Majefty fhall keep Weft Florida, provided that the term of eighteen months, to be computed from the time of the ratification of the definitive treaty, fhall be granted to the fubjects of his Britannic Majefty, who are fettled, as well in the ifland of Minorca as in the two Floridas, to fell their eftates, recover their debts, and to tranfport their effects, as well as their perfons, without being reftrained on account of their religion, or under any o


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