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sancte, veni dapibus festis, sed pone sagittas
et procul ardentes hinc precor abde faces.
vos celebrem cantate deum pecorique vocate
voce: palam pecori, clam sibi quisque vocet.
aut etiam sibi quisque palam: nam turba iocosa
obstrepit et Phrygio tibia curva sono.

ludite iam Nox iungit equos, currumque sequuntur
matris lascivo sidera fulva choro,

postque venit tacitus furvis circumdatus alis
Somnus et incerto Somnia nigra pede.

81. sancte: cf. Cat. 64, 95: sancte puer, curis hominum qui gaudia misces. - veni: followed by the dat., as if it were ades.

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83. celebrem: to whom many resort'; cf. 4, 4, 23; Hor. Car. 2, 12, 20: Dianae celebris die.

86. obstrepit: i.e. the noise is so great that there is no danger of being overheard. — tibia curva : the Phrygian pipe was bent only at its mouth, where it terminated in a broadening curve. Cf. Rich's Dict. s.v. tibia, 6; Howard in Harv. Stud. 10, 19. As it was associated with the worship of Cybele, the playing is here referred to as wild and noisy, such as to drown other sounds. Cf. Cat. 63, 22: tibicen ubi canit Phryx curvo grave calamo.

87. Nox: among the Greeks and Romans night was not regarded as a negative idea, but was as definitely conceived of as moving through the heavens once every twenty-four hours as was day. So, as the sun drove his chariot, and the moon rode backward on her

steed, the personified Night is spoken of as driving over the heavenly course a chariot, sometimes with two horses, as in Verg. Aen. 5, 721 et Nox atra polum bigis subvecta tenebat; at others, with four horses, as in Tib. 3, 4, 17: iam Nox aetherium nigris emensa quadrigis.

88. matris: the idea that the stars are children of night is several times expressed by the Greek poets, e.g. Orph. Hymn. 7, 3: ἀστέρες οὐράνιοι, Νυκτὸς φιλα τέκνα μελαίνης ; but of the Romans Tibullus alone seems to have imitated the figure.

89. circumdatus alis: Tibullus evidently has in mind the conception of the god of sleep most common in the art of his own time, viz. that of a bearded man with large wings on the shoulders, and others on the head, which together seem almost to envelop the rest of the figure. Cf. Baum. Denk., p. 707.

90. Dreams may be regarded as the children of Sleep. - nigra : 'gloom-wrapt' (Cranst.).



Dicamus bona verba: venit Natalis ad aras: quisquis ades, lingua, vir mulierque, fave. urantur pia tura focis, urantur odores

quos tener e terra divite mittit Arabs. ipse suos Genius adsit visurus honores,

2, 2

2. 5. Genius adsit O adsit Genius w.

To his friend Cornutus, whose first birthday since his marriage is being celebrated, Tibullus sends this dainty poem, with good wishes appropriate to the occasion. Cornutus is, perhaps, the M. Caecilius Cornutus who became a member of the Arval College about 20 B.C., and may be identical with the Cerinthus of Bk. 4, the latter name being then a poetic pseudonym. His bride in that case is Sulpicia. Cf. Intr. § 26; Bell. U., pp. 292, 297 sqq.

1-10: 'While all keep a propitious silence, let acceptable offerings be made to your Genius, and let him graciously draw nigh to enjoy your worship and listen to your petitions. Lo!

Our prayer

is granted. Make known your request. 11-22: My guess is that you will ask for the unchanging love of your beloved wife, which is better than all other earthly wealth. Your wish is fulfilled. Now let Amor seal the bond, never to be broken, and thus, in your old age,

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2. fave: cf. 2, 1, 1; Ovid, Trist. 5, 5, 5: lingua favens adsit, quae, puto, dedidicit iam bona verba loqui.

3. pia: adverbial, 'duly.' 4. tener: effeminate'; cf. Verg. Georg. 1, 57: India mittit ebur, molles sua tura Sabaei; by the Romans this character was attributed to the people of the East (not very logically) because they produced the things that women and fops admired. terra divite Arabia Felix, the country of the Sabaeans; cf. 4, 2, 18.

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cui decorent sanctas mollia serta comas.
illius puro destillent tempora nardo,

atque satur libo sit madeatque mero,
adnuat et, Cornute, tibi, quodcumque rogabis.
en age, quid cessas? adnuit ille: roga.
auguror, uxoris fidos optabis amores:

iam reor hoc ipsos edidicisse deos.

nec tibi malueris, totum quaecumque per orbem
fortis arat valido rusticus arva bove,

nec tibi, gemmarum quidquid felicibus Indis.
nascitur, eoi qua maris unda rubet.

vota cadunt: utinam strepitantibus advolet alis
flavaque coniugio vincula portet Amor,

vincula, quae maneant semper, dum tarda senectus

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inducat rugas inficiatque comas.

hic veniat Natalis avis prolemque ministret, ludat et ante tuos turba novella pedes.

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Phoebe, fave: novus ingreditur tua templa sacerdos : huc age cum cithara carminibusque veni.

21. hic A hec V haec G hac Heinsius sic Belling. Natalis O genialis Bachavis O avi Heinsius. prolemque O prolesque Baehrens. 22. et 0 ut w.


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time brought the number up to twenty-one. The honor of becoming a member of this priestly college was much sought by noble Roman youth. The Valerian gens prided itself on its prominence in the Roman religion; cf. Preller3, Vol. 2, p. 86. In the inscription commemorating the Secular Games in 17 B.C. (Eph. Epig. 1891, pp. 222, 274) the name of Messalinus occurs last in the list of members of the college. Cf. Lanciani, Pagan and Christian Rome, Appendix.

For the legend concerning the origin of the Sibylline books, cf. Gell. 1, 19; Preller3, Vol. 1, pp. 299 sqq.; Diels, Die Sibyllinische Blätter. For their subsequent history, cf. Lanciani in Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 69, p. 150 (cf. his Pagan and Christian Rome, p. 75); Preller3, Vol. 1, pp. 306–312, passim; Lact. Inst. 1, 6; and the bibliography in M. S. Terry's The Sibylline Oracles. Mommsen fixes the date of this poem as 19 B.C. (cf. Eph. Epig. 8, 2, 241).

nunc te vocales inpellere pollice chordas, nunc precor ad laudes flectere verba meas.

5. 4. meas O tuas o mea Lachmann novas Vahlen.

1-18: Apollo, accept the new priest who to-day enters thy shrine, and show thine approval by thy presence, decked in festal attire. 19-66: It was this Sibyl, who to Aeneas, on his arrival in Italy, when naught but rural simplicity reigned where now is great Rome, prophesied the city's future greatness and his own deification. 67-82: All these things are accomplished; likewise the greater prodigies prophesied by other Sibyls. But, Apollo, let dreadful portents now cease; and give us a favorable omen for the future. 83-104: If the omen is propitious, let rustic merriment abound, and all its simple and unconstrained joys, even to the petty quarrel of the "lover and his lass." 105-122: But perish Cupid's darts! And may my Nemesis spare me till the joyous day when I can sing the praises of Messalinus celebrating a proud triumph over conquered cities!' (For a more artificial analysis, cf. PAPA., Vol. 26 (1895), p. vii.)

1. Phoebe: Apollo apparently is addressed under the form in which he appeared in the famous statue by Scopas, the Apollo Citharoedus, imported by Augustus from Rhamnus expressly for the temple of Apollo which he built on the Palatine (cf. vv. 2, 5, 7, 8). Rep

resentations of this statue are found on coins of Augustus, and a very similar type on some of Nero, to which corresponds the well-known statue in the Vatican, found at Tivoli. Cf. 3, 4, 23-40; Prop. 2, 31, 15-16; Ovid, Met. II, 165; Fast. 2, 106; Am. 1, 8, 59; Baum. Denk., Vol. 1, p. 99; von Sybel, p. 236. Friedländer, Das Kgl. Münz Kabinet, No. 992; K. P. H. in AJA., Vol. 5 (1901), p. 7. — templa: although we have no record of the transfer of the Sibylline books to the Palatine temple of Apollo earlier than 12 B.C. (Suet. Oct. 31), it is probable that they were deposited there much earlier; certainly the only appropriate place accordant with the picture here presented would be that temple. Built by Augustus in honor of his special protecting deity at the battle of Actium, it was dedicated in B.C. 28, and with its surrounding porticoes and adjacent library was one of the most noted specimens of temple magnificence. Cf. Prop. 4, 6; 2, 31; Hor. Car. 1,31; Suet. Oct. 29; Preller3, Vol. 1, pp. 309310; Lanciani, Ancient Rome, pp. 109-115. The books were deposited in the basis on which stood the statue.

3. te: emphatic. Apollo is besought himself to supply the

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